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Everything posted by Freak-Pokemon

  1. Well, Volcarona would be a problem for Whismicott and Espeon since it seems Bug Buss was not counted since Hurricane is the only thing I mentioned. Volcarona has physical bulk, like Breloom special bulk, so they work so well together, as their corrosponding attacks boost their defensive stats. Volcarona could cause problems to your team, as once Whisimi and Espeon are down from Volcaron, SkarmBliss can handle everything else.
  2. OMG, someone else is using Bulk Up Breloom besides me <3 That things beast dude, I know the pleasure in obtaiing 3 Bulk Ups with ease. Dragonite seems fairly solid, but wanted to let you know Volcarona + Breloom have nice vulk synergy with Quiver Dance + Bulk UP upping defenses. VOlcarona has access to Hurricane, making it a potential rain abuser. Just thought I would mention XD
  3. I do read it, Anyways, I said to get rid of screen because of Ferro acting as a special wall. I understand you like meinshao, but, weather is all around common and especially in SS + Drizzle enviorment priority is really nice. HI Jump Kick can get sponged by protect, and I understand it helps scout the opponent, but overall, its not worth being weaker to weather, as overall, it can only counter sand efficently. Although, tbh, most leads are kind of obvious, the one thing though is that Poli runs different sets and Fake Out on a offensive set would work. Hazards are needed on every team because of this reason: Dragonite/Volcarona are deadly. Most teams that run them run rapid spin support, and no SR. So, if you have no rocks, then they can send them in freely. On top of that, stall teams hate taking SR damage every time they switch, and really helps with rain stall. Rotom-W and Scizor can all around do more for your team, however, I see that you like mienshao so, at least do me a favor and try them both out and see which one yu perfer. I notice you love P2 as a mixed wall, and I didn't realize it can wall Tornadus, but its still a bit, how do I put this, a deadweight to your team. I respect your choices, and wish you luck ~ Freak
  4. Your stupid because the Pony is a girl?!
  5. Anyone need a tutor or a team rate? PM me ;P

    1. Twins Amelia & Kyuu

      Twins Amelia & Kyuu

      I'd like one but it's not like i'll need it since my league GYM times are so impossible for me, i'll just have fun with making Fail Pikahcu Teams :D

    2. Yuki


      We have a tutoring program, guys~ I'm assuming t's the same people from last "Season", but sign up!

  6. [b]Threats:[/b] [i]Overview: I like to look at a team "At A Glance" and name threats that I see your team has, and then, I try to change sets, change Pokemon around to best work around threats you have. So, lets see what threats you have![/i] [b]Non-Weather:[/b] 1.) [b]Scrotom [Combo: Scizor/Rotom-W]: [/b]This combonation can destroy just about everything, considering Scizor runs the superpower. The best thing you have for it is Rotom-W itself, but Rotom-W commonly run [b]HP [Grass]. [/b]So, there isn't much you can do, so its a big problem. [b][Note: This is also run in rain][/b] 2.) [b]Latios: [/b]Well, it can out speed and proceed to sweep everything here. What do you have for it, Porygon2? The problem I see is that you run a P2/Gliscor wall core. P2 can't resist ice/water or anything, its a deadweight. Anyways, Latios can sweep just about everything, and can trick your P2. [b]Weather Threats:[/b] [b][i]Rain:[/i][/b] 1.) [b]Tornadus: [/b]Its Hurricane, Focus Blast, and Grass Knot with specs set can sweep your entire team [OHKO everything]. You helpless against it. 2.) [b]Raikou: [/b]Thunder/HP [Ice]/Aura Sphere/Extreme Speed. Yeah, this set can take you on as well, unless you depend on Haxorus gaining a +1-2 everytime, as its the only offensive threat for any of these threats. I can name more, but I think I have an idea of what I need to do, [b]Your Weakest Links:[/b] [b]1.) Porygon2:[/b] Its supposed to be a wall that can work alongside with Gliscor, yet, it can't do its job properly. [b]2.) Mienshao: [/b]This thing really isn't doing anything for your team, as there ar beter leads out there. [size=5][b]The Rate:[/b][/size] [size=5][size=3][b][size=4]Mienshao: [/size][/b][/size][/size] [b][size=5][size=3][size=4]Overview: [/size][/size][/size][/b][size=5][size=3][size=4]What is it doing for your team? Fake Out? Protect is so common on Pokemon like Politoed and Ninetails, and even Heatran, when ran defensive. All of a sudden, your fake out does shit. Now how is it useful? It gives you [b]NO HAZARDS [/b]and on top of that, a move that hits you for 50% if it should miss. This lead has problems with just about everything except for Tyranitar. On top of that, it has no type synergy with Rotom-W, go with Scizor if you want U-Turn momentum *sigh*. Espeon is needed, but remember not every lead has hazards. Take Politoed for example, so will you switch into Espeon, or U-turn to Rotom-W? Politoed used toxic! The following turn it protects and can scout whether your lokced into V-Switch, or H-Pump. The switch into Gastrodon [or any common ground type like Swampert, or Quagsire] on V-Switch, and it can release more toxic while you switch. I really don't see how it helps you, Ninetails can protect, and can proceed to use Fire Blast, in sun, while Rotom-W barely lives with a little under half left. It can tank the Hydro in sun, and KO Rotom. So, all in all, its a T-Tar counter -.- [/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Suggestion: [/b] [b]Lead with Rotom-W[/b] instead? Just swap places with Mienshao, and Rotom-W leads better. It hits sun/sand/rain all hard. Also, [b]switch Meinshao for Scizor[/b]! Better synergy, and all in all, can deal with everything better. It benefits from opponents rain, and, priority is much appreciated for scarfers like Terrakion and sweepers like Tornadus.[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Sets: [/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]Scizor @ Iron Plate[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]Nature: [+SDef, - SpA][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]EV'S: 212 Hp/44 Atk/252 SDef[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Roost[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Swords Dance[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Bullet Punch ~ Bug Bite[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Rotom-W[/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Overview: [/b][i]Remember to switch it to your lead slot. [/i]Rotom-W needs [b]HP [Grass] over HP [Ice] [/b]for Gastrodons that switch in on it when it leads. Its a good set, but, you might want to also test out a [b]Defensive Rotom-W [/b]for lead, although the set you run is generally better with Scizor. [/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Suggestion: [/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]HP [Grass] over HP [Ice][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Porygon2[/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Overview: [/b]PANIC! OMFG, IT HAS SUCH BAD WALL SYNERGY WITH GLISCOR! WHERE IS YOUR SEPCIAL WALL?! You can't take any special hits for shit. So, what will work well with Gliscor you ask? I know:[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Suggestion: [/b]Why are you not using Ferrothorn? The only weakness is fire, in which, Haxorus and Rotom-W resist. Ferrothorn can set up SR [EVERY FUCKING TEAM NEEDS STEALTH ROCKS!] It can troll way better than P2, even to the extent of providing Thunder Wave.[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Set: [/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]Ferrothorn @ Leftovers/Rocky Helmet[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]Nature: Sassy[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]EV'S: 252 Hp/168 SDef/88 Def[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Stealth Rock[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Leech Seed[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Thunder wave[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4]~ Power Whip[/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Espeon[/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b]Overview: [i]Calm Mind over Light Screen[/i][/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=3][size=4][b][i]Final Rate: Overall, its a solid team. Try to retain on making a team solely for coutnering Sand teams, as it can't do shit to other teams XD[/i][/b][/size][/size][/size]
  7. Happy New Years Bud! [To late to count XD] Welcome to Reborn Server, I just signed up myself so... XD
  8. Hi, came from TBT. Hope my expierences here can match it.
  9. Threats: 1.) Terrakion: How do you deal with it? Slowbro? Its only a check bro, don't forget that it can only take one X-Scissor and so many banded CC to the face. Celebi is probably offensive [i name threats before I rate] and won't take an X-Scissor to the face either. Mew seems good with that WoW, oh wait, it missed.... Lucario/T-Tar out sped by Terrakion and CC stops them cold. 2.) Tornadus: Like, Hurricane/Focus Blast/Grass Knot set will demolish everything, assuming FB hits. Nothing can out speed it... 3.) Scrotom: Too many Pokemon psychic. Scizor can threaten everyone, and what it can't, Rotom-W can finish. Celebi/Slowbro core both weak to Scizor 4.) Dragonite: Bro, every team needs rocks. Without it, Volcarona/Dragonite automatically become huge threats. Rocks is why they are currently in OU, so use them. Since you don't have them, T-Tar is the closest counter. Slowbro with ice beam, but other than that, once it gets +2, good game. 5.) Toxicroak: Yeah, this thing can rape you dude. Sucker Punch/Drain Punch/Ice Punch.... good game. Lucario: I see you copied my idea for the Gen4 monster XD. Its fine on this team. Slowbro: Its fine, its Mew thats the problem. T-Tar: Run Defensive Choble T-Tar, with SR. Celebi: Keep it I guess, not that bad. Mew: Switch for Amoongus, specially defensive, better synergy with Slowbro. Magnezone: Magnent Rise>Explosion
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