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11 Fledgling

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    Calcenon City

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  1. DevR


    So hyped! The teaser was amazing, great job everyone!!
  2. If you're using Windows, then go to the following folder: C:\Users\ Your PC Username \Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn There you should be able to see this:
  3. Clefable is my secondary win-condition and only form of terrain control. It's carried me against most of the difficult boss battles through a combination of Misty Terrain + Cosmic Power (Clef + Empoleon actually beat Aya on the first try). On the other hand, Rotom-Wash is part of my bulky trio that's meant to tank hits and spread status conditions. It's physically defensive and spreads burns, while Empoleon handles the special side and spreads toxic poison. Arcanine supports them through Intimidate + Snarl, which makes is perfect for doubles. I absolutely recommend trying them out whenever you can!
  4. I tend to do themed runs (monotype, monogen) on occasion, but I settle on a team after 2-3 playthroughs. The non-themed teams (like the one I'm using atm) are based on a Fire-Water-Grass and/or a Dragon-Fairy-Steel core for stability. I try and avoid using NPCs' ace 'mons as much as possible, but if I like the Pokemon enough then I'll use it regardless. A Reborn / Rejuvenation-specific rule I have for non-themed runs is to only use event Pokemon. As of the end of E18, my team is: Salamence Clefable Empoleon (completes the Dragon-Fairy-Steel core) Arcanine Rotom-Wash Naganadel* (it'll be my ace since no other NPC uses it, and I can't let it waste after all that effort) *The last slot was previously filled by the mystery egg reward (Volcarona) and my first mega (Heracross).
  5. I'd like to suggest Salamence. It's a 'mon with such an inspirational story that it needs it own anime arc totally not biased.
  6. Oops, I forgot about Trick Room's -7 priority. Definitely a bad idea. That said, I also recommend Dugtrio for this battle. It fulfils the same purpose as Lycanroc, except it does so via fast Earthquakes and works well with Flygon, who can simultaneously spam Rock Slide.
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