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About Bewilderer

  • Birthday July 29

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  • Location
    Somewhere over the Rainbow
  • Interests
    Everything you can think of and more...

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  1. Being genderless doesn't cause a pokemon to have 3 max IVs. It must be in the undiscovered egg group to get that benefit, so anything that can breed does not count.
  2. A python because I don't need to feed it for months after its first meal. What's your favorite gaming platform?
  3. Yes. What's your favorite place to have lunch?
  4. MY ACTUAL COMPETITIVE MANECTRIC SET Zappa (Mega Manectric) @ Manectite Ability: Static EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Quiet Nature - Rest - Sleep Talk - Thunderbolt - Flamethrower And the best eeveelution Ravioli (Flareon) @ Toxic Orb Ability: Guts EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD Careful Nature - Rest - Sleep Talk - Flame Charge - Facade
  5. Tourist because I've always wanted to travel all over the world.
  6. I defeated him by using a focus sash + toxic combo and simply spamming it until El ran out of full heals and then just switched to bulky 'mons and spammed healing items.
  7. It will all be over soon...
  8. Electivire is neither red, white, nor blue... A Ditto named The Thing.
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