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CodeCass last won the day on January 15 2019

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About CodeCass

  • Birthday 01/14/1989

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    Southern Illinois, USA
  • Interests
    Gunpla/Zoids, Tabletop RPGS, Monster Taming, Anime, Fishing, Video Games, Trading Card Games, Baseball, and generally having fun!

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  1. Sitting here looking at this Cottonee and wondering if I want to put the effort in to make it a viable option for my playthrough team...Or if I want to say forget it and use Cacnea

    1. Anstane


      Basically you've got two choices:

      1) Use the Pokemon you WANT instead of the ones that are statistically superior. If you want to use Cottonee, then use it, if you don't, then don't and get a Pokemon you want.

      2) Look up which Pokemon would be the best statistically for you at the moment you are and train that up.

      All in all, I've noticed that grass-types in Reborn are just...not all that great, to be honest.

    2. CodeCass


      I hear that. I'll have to think about it. I don't really have a fairy type yet, so Cottonee may be able to fill that niche for the time being I suppose. I'm jumping around quite a bit at the moment with my team. (I just beat Corey and explored the cave under the Grand Stairway). I'm not really not big on Growlithe, so I'm trying to hold out for Houndour or Darmanitan as my fire type. I'm also thinking I'll replace either Cottonee or Arbok with Porygon once I can ge...

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