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CodeCass last won the day on January 15 2019

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About CodeCass

  • Birthday 01/14/1989

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  • Location
    Southern Illinois, USA
  • Interests
    Gunpla/Zoids, Tabletop RPGS, Monster Taming, Anime, Fishing, Video Games, Trading Card Games, Baseball, and generally having fun!

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  1. Shining Gundam is complete! Just need to top-coat and pose on action base and then I can be done done done! ….then it's on to Omegamon...and Hamma-Hamma...and Justice Gundam...

    1. seki108


      Congrats on almost being done.  Right at the time when the SRW A portable translation got done, where Domon was pretty good (if I am remembering right)......I mean, he's almost always awesome in SRW, but I think he was a bit better in this game.




      Also, the Hamma-Hama?  That's a mobile suit that you don't hear about often

    2. CodeCass


      Yeah, Hamma-Hamma is a weird one for sure. I found the RE/100 kit of it for like $39.00 which seemed fair for how big of a kit it is and as many gimmicks as it has. Plus I was looking for something to mix up our collection's color scheme a bit. There's a lot of white and blue at the moment. So I'm hoping between my Hamma-Hamma's Green/Red, and my wife's China-Guy and Tallgeese we might be able to mix it up a bit! 

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