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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. 17 hours ago, Veras Lexritz said:






    Sry Fam I get overly excited when it comes to Magnamon





    Awesome! I've never thought of Magnamon as a dragon but you're right! He's also a personal favorite of mine. Dig his design!

  2. 2 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

    My boyfriend likes playing beast alot himself, my friend Gingy likes Fane or any undead character though our other 2 friends don't seem to have a preference so far

    I see! Yeah we split our group up 2 and 2 for each of us. I ran with Red Prince and Fane, and my wife used Beast and Loshe. Seems to have worked out really well! 

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  3. Great games. My wife and I loved co-oping both of them on the PS4! I found DOS2 to be far superior and fixed a lot of the issues I had with DOS1. I played the Red Prince whilst my wife played Beast. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, Motomiya said:

    i think u should take the opportunity. that kind of hard manual labor will definitely help u get back into shape as well if that's a concern of yours. in my opinion, you wont get any further in life by just doing the same things over and over again. there's something to be said about patient dedication, but even when people work out they gradually minutely change their routines to their body's growth so they continue to develop. point being: try something new. even if you dont like it in the end you can always find new work. 

    for me the biggest issue is your relationship with your wife becoming strained (plus since this is about making money to raise a kid, it seems like you'll be missing out on part of their life). if that doesnt seem like an issue to you id definitely take the new opportunity. you'll never know what doors open if you take that risk, u know? good luck in life my guy

    I appreciate the response @Motomiya. Luckily my wife and I have talked a lot about this and we think it would do us some good. Currently we actually both work in the same office building, so we are together 100% of the time nowadays. We both agree that the time apart would probably make us both appreciate our time together more and actually strengthen our relationship. I do worry about missing out on time with my future kid, but I keep telling myself that while I'd be gone for 28 days, I'd then be around 100% of the time for the following 28. It's not the ideal situation of course, but I'd like to believe it could work. And my wife seems comfortable with it all. Plus with the amount of money I'd be making, she would be able to be a stay-at-home mom to help compensate for my absence. 


    But this definitely is both an odd and good opportunity. It's one of those things that I can't help but think this would open all sorts of doors, like you say, if I'd only take the leap. 

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  5. So I'm having to try and make quite a big decision in my life. I've always been told it's good to get outside opinions, so I thought I would post here just to see what other people might think.


    So next month I'll be 30 years old. I'm married, no kids yet, but we do own a house and land. Things are set up for a family when, well, a family happens. For the last 6 years, I've been fortunate enough to work a very stable and comfortable office job. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, weekends off, holidays off and paid, good insurance and retirement, and moderately good pay. There is room for advancement. It's a simple job and rarely challenging. I work during the day, come home to my wife and our home, play video games as my hobby, and lead a simple and comfortable life. My wife also works, and between our two checks, we get by. Not a lot of extra money, but just enough to live within our means. Unfortunately, I don't think  that would be the case if a child were to come along. Despite how much we want one, I'm not sure how we'd make the money work. 


    So, recently I've been talking to a few friends. The area I live is along one of the major rivers in the US. A job and career that's available is to work as a deckhand on boats that ferry barges up and down the river. It's hard work, dirty work, labor intensive, and working on the boat has you gone for 28 days at a time, if not longer, but you then get 28 days off. The big draw to me the pay is upwards to triple, if not quadruple, what I make currently at my comfy job. My friends tell me the training is a grueling 9 day ordeal, but if you're selected for employment, the actual work on the boat isn't nearly as bad, and can be quite fun at times. The schedule is 6-hour shifts, so you work 6 hours, then have 6 off to rest/sleep/eat/whatever, then it's back to work for another 6. 


    I'm really considering trying to work on the boat. The potential money is just a humongous draw, amongst other things. It feels like it could almost be an adventure. I've lived near my folks all my life and still do. I never joined the military, and even when I moved out at 18, I still never went farther than a town over. I've traveled for work before, but even that was with my father. I've never had the true "out on your own in the world" experience before. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, but it was always with the knowledge too that should I need them, my parents were only a phone call away. 


    As long as I can remember, I've always struggled with depression and anxiety. I'm also overweight for my height. So doing hard, manual labor on a boat away from home for 28 days straight would be just about as far out of my comfort zone as I can get....but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. I don't hate manual labor at all. I almost think this sort of experience would be very beneficial to me personally I've discussed it with my wife as well. She's told me she'd support whatever decision I were to make. I'd miss her of course, but again, I may be gone for 28 days, but I'd be home for 28 straight day afterward...and with lots of money to show for it. 


    So that's it. As I said I feel very close to Bilbo Baggins currently. I'm living my quite, Shire-like, life with little danger or worries...but ultimately not going very far. Now I have the opportunity for adventure and potential...well, maybe not wealth per-say, but more money for sure. And so I have to make a decision. 



    But that's about it. I'd welcome any advice or comments you all could offer. It's a major life decision for me of course and I don't expect you internet friends to make it for me, but as I said, outside opinions can always help!



    Thanks so much for those of you that took the time to read this. Just typing it out helped too!  



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  6. So I started up SMT: Devil Survivor - Overclocked last night for the first time. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm playing the game with headphones (something I don't normally do with the 3DS) and am blown away so far. The OST seems really good at this point, and the voice acting is surprisingly good for an SMT dub. 


    All in all, I'm really impressed and glad I pulled the trigger on picking it up. 

  7. On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 8:10 AM, KmK said:

    I liked it. You wrote an event that happens in reborn without copying every sentence straight from the game. That way, while knowing roughly what will happen, it's still different enough to have some suspense. I also think the pace of the story was good, by skipping from finding the police officer to the station and from the station to the battle, you don't slow the story down so that it doesn't become boring. 

    I was a little confused at the first paragraph, not knowing what the story was about. However, things became clearer as I read on. It does kinda feel like the protaganist should have a bigger reaction to finding the dead police officer. After all, he found a dead person. That should have some kind of reaction besides "Damn". Unless this has to do with the character's personality, which this story was to short for to get a feel for. 

    I do have a question though: are you going to write an entire story? Or is this going to be a one-shot? It does say chapter one... If you're going to write the entire game as a story, I wouldn't start with this as chapter one. Also, if you're going to write the entire story, I would put a summary at the beginnning. Just so people know what to expect. 

    I also think growlithe's reaction/behavior was a good idea. It makes sense for the pokemon to react to her trainers dead.

    Hope this response makes sense, English is not my native language. Overall, I did like the story and I'd be interested in reading more. 

    So I'm 5 months late on this reply! Just wanted to say I really appreciate the response and critique and that I'll put them to good use. Hoping to get the creative juices flowing again soon in order to write some more entries. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, Rum.Iel, The DancingBlade. said:

    Well, i am a HUGE Kingdom Hearts fan (it may sound out of place, the games are on PS)

    So i would recommend you TWEWY: Final Remix (The world ends with you)

    It´s a remake of the original DS game from Square Enix ( with a little extra goodness)

    So yeah...... hope it helped. (BTW it´s a JRPG)

    I'd really like to give it a try but I've heard it suffers from some really bad controls on the Switch. Makes me a little hesitant. 

  9. Good morning Reborn friends!


    So I find myself with an extra $60 that I'd like to spend on a good Switch title. My wife is about to start hogging my PS4 for Red Dead Redemption 2, so I'm having turn to the trusty ol' Switch for my gaming fun for the next few weeks at least. 


    I'm not much of a Mario or Zelda fan, so Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild really aren't my cup of tea. I know these are considered great games, but they're just not for me. It should also be noted that I'll only be able to play the games in handheld mode. 


    Switch games I already own are:

    • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (loved it)
    • Hollow Knight (loved it)
    • Octopath Traveler (loved it)
    • The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth
    • Overcooked
    • Perception

    Switch games that I own on other consoles:

    • Stardew Valley
    • Disgaea 5
    • Dragon Ball Fighterz
    • Bayonetta 1 and 2
    • Darkest Dugneon (loved it!)


    As I said before, RPGS and JRPGs are my usual game of choice, but genre isn't that important and I'm trying to keep my options open. I had my eye on The World Ends With You but I've heard it suffers from control issues on the Switch. Also was considering Ys VIII but have never played a previous Ys title and worried I may be lost.

    Thanks so much for any and all help folks. I plan on hitting the game store after work so any suggestions are much appreciated!

  10. I'm really thinking that after I finish my Dragon Age franchise playthrough I'm going back to *finally* beat SMT Nocturne. I'm really excited to restart the game and *try* to complete it. I'd really like to then move on to Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 for the first time! 

  11. It's a little too early to tell so far. Yesterday was quite stressful with having to drop money on a new tire for my vehicle, groceries, and more Halloween Party decorations. At least I got to have some time with Dragon Age Origins when I finally got home last night. Hoping today is less stressful. Already got a bit of good news though! My wife's gaming computer was fixed yesterday by our work's IT guy! Also for only $40, which is a steal compared to what I was expecting to pay! Here's hoping things keep looking up! 

  12. @Godot So funny enough that Vergil theme sort of gives me the shivers. I actually used to be on a sponsored FGC team about 6 years ago and played in quite a few tournaments with UMvC3 being my best game. Long story short, I was always fairly free to good Vergil players. Lost plenty of good matches because of me panicking at Vergil swap-ins haha. So hearing his theme or seeing the smug bastard slick his hair back for his phantom swords gives me terrible flashbacks! haha

  13. 17 hours ago, ShadeStrider said:

    This time it's OG dante, right? Not "Donte"?

    You know it! This one takes place after DMC2 evidently and Dante, Nero, Trish, and Lady are all back at it. 


    14 hours ago, Godot said:

    All these thoughts running through my head,

    I’m on fire, my veins burning red,

    Frustration, is getting bigger,

    bang bang bang,

    pull my devil trigger!~

    My devil trigger has been pulled many times since that first trailer! haha. So hyped. Love the song too. It and "Devils Never Cry" have been playing in my car a lot lately. 

  14. Can we talk about Devil May Cry V please? I'm dying to talk about Devil May Cry V. 


    This newest Dante trailer has me hyped beyond imagining. On top of my already falling in love with Nico, now my *first* love, Lady, is back and looking better than ever! Not to mention Dante and Co. are all sporting new designs and are looking great! The newest Devil Trigger looks great as well. I couldn't be more excited. The only thing I'm not overly impressed with is Dante's new theme "Subhuman". Otherwise, I can't wait. This will be the first game in years I'm going to drop the cash for on whatever super-mega-collector's edition comes out!


    What are you all feeling about the new game!?!


  15. The best standalone book I've read in years has been The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. Just an all around great book. Very funny, well written, and some really memorable characters and a good core message. If I had to compare it to something at face value, it's very Forrest Gump-ish in a way, but also quite different. 


    Also I highly recommend Stephen Kings The Dark Tower series. This one almost goes without saying nowadays. An epic adventure with some of my favorite characters ever put to paper. I adore this series. 


    Finally my personal favorite series has to be the Agent Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It's a series about a very unique FBI Special Agent who solves mysteries involving serial killers. The series takes lots of nods and pays homage to the Sherlock Holmes series numerous times. Really, it's sort of a modern-day Holmes series in a way. 


    Hope these help! Happy reading folks!

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