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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. Quick, possibly silly, question:


    So I restarted my game and downloaded EP 17 about 3 days ago. The in-game clock has me having played for about 9 hours at this point. Story-wise, I'm wrapping up finding the Police Officers in Beryl Ward and about to take on Pulse #3. 


    My question is: is it normal for it to have thunderstormed for my entire playthrough thus far? I don't remember weather sticking around *this* long when I played through EP 15 back in 2016. But so far it's thunderstormed constantly from the point I arrived in Reborn; no matter what ward I travel to or where I go. If I'm not indoors, it's thunderstorming. 


    This of course was great at first as I was able to grab Blitzle, Numel, Surskit, and Pansear fairly early on, but now it's becoming a tad...well maybe not annoying, but it's certainly an "oh look, it's still raining" feeling.


    If anyone could help clue me in at all I'd greatly appreciate it! 



    TLDR: I've played for nearly 9+ hours and the weather from Peridot, Lapis, Obsidia, Jasper, Coral, and Beryl wards has been a constant thunderstorm. Is this normal?

  2. I've thought about this before honestly. I'd see me mostly choosing Pokémon that I'd find in my area of the world, with a few exceptions for when I've traveled.


    Class would probably be just a regular Jo-shmo trainer. Maybe a backpacker.


    I could see me using:


    - Arbok : A long time favorite and there are snakes a-plenty in my rural wooded area!

    - Persian : Another favorite and Meowth would be easy to find.

    - Magnezone : Probably my favorite Pokémon, and I could nab a Magnemite in a city somewhere, traveling to evolve it. 

    - Unfezant (M) : We have quite a few game-birds in my area, and I could see me getting a Pidove and raising it to Unfezant happily! 

    - Heracross : As many times as my wife and I have traveled to go hiking in various wooded areas, I can see tracking down another favorite of mine! 

    - Seismatoad : Lastly with as many lakes, rivers, and ponds as we have, I'm sure I'd be able to nab a frog-boi very easily! 


    But that's about it! Nothing just too outrageous. 

  3. So I really have no excuse for not getting into the God of War franchise when I was younger. I'm almost 30 and I was definitely the target demographic at the time. Just never pulled the trigger to try and give the games a go. Now fast forward and I ended up marrying a huge GoW fan! Haha. So leading up to the new games release a few weeks ago, my wife insisted that I playthrough the original trilogy at least. Wow! I was instantly hooked! 


    So I've since jumped into the new God of War (when I can sneak time in when my wife's not playing it that is). It's such an amazing game! Very different from the previous installments of course, but I'm finding it really enjoyable! I'm still fairly early in it (just got to Alfhiem) but I can see I'll be sticking with it for the long haul until I see that glorious Platinum Trophy pop. I'm not sure I'd tote it as "one of the greatest games ever" like I've seen thrown around, but I am still early and I could change my mind. 


    Have any of you Reborn residents been giving the new God of War any time? I'd be curious to know how you've been enjoying it, or if you preferred the original style of the franchise? 

  4. So I just wrapped up taking down Julia last night and took my first steps into the Obsedia Slums. I was curious if I could get some opinions on my current team and if anyone could offer any suggestions on how to make them a little better or what to be on the look-out for in the future?


    Quilladin (M) "Chester" Lvl 19

    Ability: Overgrow

    - Needle Arm

    - Leech Seed

    - Rollout

    - Bite


    Blitzle (M) "ThunderHorse" Lvl 18

    Ability: Moter Drive

    - Shock Wave

    - Thunder Wave

    - Charge

    - Quick Attack


    Kricketune (F) "Deeda" Lvl 19

    Ability: Swarm

    - Fury Cutter

    - Struggle Bug

    - Sing

    - Bide


    Meowth (M) "Neko" Lvl 19

    Ability: Technician 

    - Fury Swipes

    - Bite 

    - Fake Out

    - Screech


    Mightyena (M) "Malo" Lvl 18

    Ability: Moxie

    - Snarl

    - Bite

    - Roar

    - Oder Sleuth


    Pidove (M) "Fasan" Lvl 17

    Ability: Super Luck

    - Air Cutter

    - Quick Attack

    - Growl 

    - Leer


    Still a work in progress for sure. Some of the boxed mons I have are:


    Pansear, Numel, Trubbish, and Igglybuff. 


    Thinking about swapping out either Mightyena or Kricketune for Pansear or Numel, but can't decide! 


    Any and all help or suggestions is very much appreciated! Having a great time with this newest Episode! 

  5. I mix it up quite a bit. I do love me some Steam and GOG games, but being able to hold the actual game in my hand will be something that I'll always enjoy. There's few experiences I enjoy more than being excited to go pick up a pre-ordered game and then being able to hold it and head home to play it! I usually make an event out of it and take my wife out to dinner before or after getting the games and it makes for a really enjoyable experience. Also I just like being able to see my collection of games with their art books and cool cases and whatnot.

    Of course, that being said, I love my digital games too. It just depends on what's available and what's easier at the time.

  6. I'm just glad to see the franchise is coming back strong. With tri being great, Cyber Sleuth releasing earlier this year, and the new PS4 game announced yesterday coming out next year, I'd say Digimon is making is presence known again. And it's great!

  7. Just saying, I really don't hate Alolan Raticate at all. It's just different, and is basically filling it's role as the ugly boss of the Alolan Rattata very well imo. Also Jangmo-o and Type: Null look sick! Really hoping the Jangmo-o line is an Ankylosaurus! Plus we basically get a Pokémon Snap minigame. All in all I'm pleased with this trailer.

  8. So many that I could name!

    A "short" list for me would be:

    -Kingdom Hearts series

    -Blood Will Tell

    -Persona 3

    -Tales of Zestiria

    -Street Fighter X Tekken

    -Monster Hunter 4

    -FFX (Hyped Feeling) / FFX-2 ("Well that was something" Feeling)

    -Disgaeas 3, 4, 5

    There are so many more I could name, but these were the first I could think of! I remember I used to love openings to video games back when I was a teenager. I remember the old show on G4 called Cinematec and I'd watch it quite a bit. Even went as far as to record my own "Cinematec" by starting up a game and recording the openings on a VHS tape one after the other haha. Needless to say I was an easily entertained kid. Good times though. I still will 9 times out of 10 watch a good opening every time I start up a game.

  9. The only time the darkness has been a problem for me is when I was trying to lower the Nuzleafs' gate in the Jungle. When it's dark I could NOT find the cave entrances. I had to look up Lostelle's video to even see where they were supposed to be and then I could find them. Otherwise, it's never been too big an issue.

  10. So I know quite a few of us in this community are hard-working adults. Plenty of us are still in school, but I know quite a few are out their working our butts off as well. I was just curious, as a way to get to know everyone a bit better: what is it that you do for a living? Don't have to be overly specific since some companies discourage their employee's from naming them directly on things like this, but just in general terms.

    For example:

    During the day, I work in the office/warehouse of the head factory of a very popular ice cream manufacturer as a purchasing/receiving agent. And during the evenings, I work at my local grocery store in the meat department as a clean-up and closer.

    That's about it! Curious to see what myriad of jobs you fine folks have!

  11. I love Crabrawler! With that eye half-closed he looks like a cross between a gentleman boxer and Rocky Balboa...and a crab. Haha.

    EDIT: Just realized a fight between Crabrawler and Hitmonchan would essentially be Balrog vs Dudley!

    Going to have to change my LP outros to "Hit that LIKE button like a Crabrawler..." now. I know that the sand castles get a lot of hate, but I think their actually really cool as well. So far, really looking forward to Sun and Moon! Plan on riding to victory on the back of Mudsdale whilst Crabrawler pawnches anything in the way at this point.

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