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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. I'm in the middle of an Omega Ruby Nuzlocke at the moment and I just let my Breloom get killed! I'm needing a new teammate to take up the mantle. My options are Armalldo or Shiftry….well, Anorith or Nuzleaf but same difference at this point. I can't figure out who the better fit would be! Here's the rest of the team at the moment! Marshtomp "Kipper" Ability: Torrent - Water Gun - Mud Bomb - Rock Smash - Rock Slide Pelipper "Pellina" Ability: Keen Eye - Brine - Air Cutter - Protect - Steel Wing Manectric "Veetu" @Manectite Ability: Lightning Rod - Spark - Overheat - Volt Switch - Thunder Wave Zangoose "Jinyu" Ability: Immunity - Crush Claw - Revenge - Strength - Fury Cutter - Koffing "Choke" Ability: Levitate - Sludge - Smokescreen - Assurance - Smog
  2. Shining Gundam is complete! Just need to top-coat and pose on action base and then I can be done done done! ….then it's on to Omegamon...and Hamma-Hamma...and Justice Gundam...

    1. seki108


      Congrats on almost being done.  Right at the time when the SRW A portable translation got done, where Domon was pretty good (if I am remembering right)......I mean, he's almost always awesome in SRW, but I think he was a bit better in this game.




      Also, the Hamma-Hama?  That's a mobile suit that you don't hear about often

    2. CodeCass


      Yeah, Hamma-Hamma is a weird one for sure. I found the RE/100 kit of it for like $39.00 which seemed fair for how big of a kit it is and as many gimmicks as it has. Plus I was looking for something to mix up our collection's color scheme a bit. There's a lot of white and blue at the moment. So I'm hoping between my Hamma-Hamma's Green/Red, and my wife's China-Guy and Tallgeese we might be able to mix it up a bit! 

  3. I adore it on the Switch. I'm told it's excellent on PC as well though. I just love being able to play it on the tv and being able to take it to the office with me. Giving me a great excuse to play my Switch again!
  4. Gotta work on finishing the Shining Gundam tonight! Then I really need to finish God of War so I can move on to something else!

  5. I haven't been back on the forums for just overly long now, but since I've been back you all have done great at making me feel like one of the gang again! @Q-Jei: A great person who always seems happy, helpful, and respectful! Always fun to mess around in the Prediction topic! @seki108: A great source of helpful info about various topics and has helped me learn more about the game! Never hesitates to help their fellow player and it's much appreciated! @Celeby: Has helped me acquire some Pokémon via trades, and by pointing me in the right direction in-game. Always happy and ready to help at the drop of a hat it seems and it's much appreciated! @Amethyst: This one's obviously a big one. Not simply because she's made a game I love, but because of how helpful she is! When I first game to the forums, I was interested in doing a Let's Play of Reborn. I contacted Amethyst to get her approval before attempting that project and she was kind enough to not only give her blessing, but to send me some Reborn art and files to use for my video overlay! It's no wonder to me she's garnered such a following! @Elvenlore: Somone who's constantly helping others. Every time I've ever had an issue or question they've been more than willing to help, whether it's about the game, or acquiring Pokémon. They even went out of their way to message me a few times just to see how I was getting along and it's so very much appreciated! @Drakka: A newer member but one who's stories have been quite interesting to read! Always get excited when I see a new update! There are too many folks on these forums for me to name one by one, but you all are each incredible and have made my time here memorable as always!
  6. Had my first attempt at hand-painting Gunpla last night. Love it! Going to make my Shining Gundam even shinier! 

  7. This probably needs to go in the Reborn City or Trading sections of the forums. Just FYI.
  8. So this will be the first time I've kept a save going through a new episode. When it says "Magnemite axed", will that effect the Magneton I already have in my party?
  9. It took me far too long to realize this in game. I'm surprised it never tells you! Yeah it does seem like some of the bosses have an easy way of beating them, and then others are much harder!
  10. Now I just have to figure out how to use Discord so I can partake in this awesome Summer Social! 

    1. dead account

      dead account

      Not to worry. Nothing hard to figure out about it really. Aside from client/user options being down next to the mute mic and deafen options for some reason.

  11. Super interested! I've never been apart of anything like this before, but color me intrigued!
  12. How useful is Koffing in an Omega Ruby Nuzlocke?

  13. It's gonna be a Gunpla and drinks night I think...

  14. Has anyone tried Jurassic World: Evolution yet? Thinking about picking it up on PS4. Seems fun! 

  15. Gottcha! I'll keep that in mind when I take him on again this evening!
  16. Everything is alright now, because I am here! Q-Jei, your people need you!
  17. Hoo boy am I digging this game. It's getting those old Soulsborne feeling ramped up again though. I keep getting shut down by "The Soul Master". Trying to git gud and take this thing down!
  18. I really want to play Jurassic World: Evolution, but damn if $60 seems high for it.  

  19. [Rules used are just the standard/basic 3] So last night I decided to buckle down and try yet again to finish a Nuzlocke. This time around I've chosen Omega Ruby, a game I've played, but honestly could play again! So far the team is Hoenn all the way. Can't remember if any extra Pokémon were included this time around or if it's strictly Gen 3, but regardless, I'm having fun with it so far as Gen 3 were the games I played the least. I've also never used Mudkip, Beutifly, or Wingull before! After setting off we went through the various areas with May, met our Dad, and eventually wound up at the gym in Rustboro City, where we took down Roxanne easily. No deaths to report yet! Just been trying to grind up the group. So here's what we have so far for the current team: Mudkip "Kipper" [Starter] Ability: Torrent Water Gun Mudslap Tackle Rock Tomb My starter and all around Ace at the moment. I've never used the Mudkip line before but he's holding his own so far! Beutifuly "Flitter" [Rt. 101] Ability: Swarm Absorb Gust Poison Sting Harden My first Pokémon was a little Wurmple on Rt. 101. She's stuck with me so far and has honestly been my second best Pokémon! Wingull "Pellina" [Rt 104] Ability: Keen Eye Wing Attack Water Gun Supersonic Echoed Voice Another member of the team who's species I've never used, but she's proving to be a great team mate so far. Kind of hate that I'm doubling up on my typing a bit, but so far she's been useful. Seedot "Saito" [Rt 102] Ability: Chlorophyll Harden Beat Up Growth I hope this guy can be made into something good. I think Shiftry is awesome but he's such a weak-link right now! Hoping Nature Power and an evo might help him out! Shroomish "Penny" [Petelburg Woods] Ability: Poison Heal Mega Drain Stun Spore Leech Seed Tackle I honestly haven't used Penny that much. She seems like a good grass type so far. I know Breloom is a beast, but I'm hoping Shiftry will be the main grasser. Of course if something happens to him, Penny is up! Whismur "Dess" [Rusturf Tunnel] Ability: Soundproof Echoed Voice Pound Astonish Howl The newest member of the group. He hasn't seen any action yet, but I'm hoping he'll be able to hold his own with the team! A couple other Pokémon I caught but that are on the backburner at the moment are: Zigzagoon "Zags" [Rt 103] Nincada "Zeet" [Rt 116] Wish me luck folks! No deaths to report yet but I'm a fool if I think that wont change! If anyone has any tips to help me out on the journey, I'll be more than willing to take them! I want to win this one!
  20. Hope you enjoy it @Carnage. I'm having a blast with it so far...even if it is super frustrating! Bringing back all those old Soulsborne feelings again!
  21. Putting up a new swimming pool when I get home today...but it's 96 degrees out...which makes putting up the pool seem horrid, but the thought of the pool itself quite welcome! 

  22. Thanks. I'm looking at the Reddit now. I very well may give it a download and see what the fuss is about!
  23. I'm not that much of a masochist! Haha! I've never actually played Uranium. That could be interesting. I thought I heard once it was complete it had to be taken down or something. Is it still available?
  24. I could really use some help figuring out which game to Nuzlocke next. I made it to the E4 in my Platinum run before failing there. That was 6 months ago. I'm ready to attempt a new run! Help me decide if you can folks! I just want to see my Nuzlocke team up in those Hall of Fame lights for once!
  25. Can't decide if I want to Nuzlocke a game or play Hollow Knight...both sound equal in their rage-inducing potential...

    1. Hycrox


      hollow knight nuzlocke


      aka steel soul

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