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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. So far it's been my Kricketune, Dethharmonic, in this run. I would have NEVER thought it would be this useful. I've used it for every gym battle so far (I'm about to face Corey) and it's served me well each time. Not to mention Deedle Deedle Whooooping Fern's ass, and being instramental in taking down each of the Pulse Tangrowths. I keep taking it out to let someone else have a turn, but he keeps working himself back into the rotation somehow!

  2. I asked the same question not long ago, and someone suggested Lightworks. I highly recommend it, but fair warning, there's a steep learning curve. But it is free, and has quite a lot of features. So if you take the time to learn it, I'd say it's worth it. At least it has been for me.

  3. Hey there Reborn community; CodeCass here!

    So recently I started up a Nuzlocke Run of Pokemon Volt White 2. I started quite a few years ago making YouTube videos but haven't given it a go in about 4 years. I really enjoy working on these types of videos, and it's been a blast to come back to a hobby I've neglected for so long. After some research I even went so far as to download some free video and photo editing software in order to make the videos a bit better by adding an overlay that I can update freely.

    I'm still very early into the series and would absolutely love some feedback on how I'm progressing with the series. My equipment's not the best, and it was a little hard to get back into the act of commentating the videos in early episodes, but I'm getting much more comfortable with it and it's feeling more natural. So I thought I'd post the links to the episodes of the series here and see if I could get some opinion on things I'm doing right or wrong, and what I can do to improve the quality of my videos. Of course, I'm also very interested just to see what you folks think of my series in general! I'm just starved for feedback in any form and would love to know what people think!

    My plan is to post the episodes here in the original post, and just update this post as new episodes are published. (Unless you all think I should make a separate post in this thread for each new episode)

    So I look forward to hear what you all think of my ongoing Volt White 2 Nuzlocke series!

    Episode 1: https://youtu.be/n7kIXPqvMnA (Going to go ahead and apologize for the bad audio in parts of this video. It gets fixed in the next episode)

    Episode 2: https://youtu.be/1t0p53jVJ5Q

    Episode 3: https://youtu.be/pmH-x6bdSyg

    Episode 4: https://youtu.be/VtOu2Qrm91o

    Episode 5: https://youtu.be/71dtEj1C8Ro

    Episode 6: https://youtu.be/HQP9ncy3MvQ

    Episode 7: https://youtu.be/J_Slzd5d4zM

    Thanks so much for helping me out here everyone! I truly appreciate any and all help I can get in bettering this hobby of mine!

  4. Favorite Let's Player would have to be a tie between JackSepticEye and Cryaotic. For Pokémon though, I really enjoyed Shofu's Reborn run. For a special mention, I'd have to also include SuperButterBuns, but she's not (technically) a Let's Player I'd say, though I love her streams.

  5. So let me run this by you guys and gals and see what you all think, since I can tell you all know what you're talking about! :)

    Basically what I'm wanting to do is record a Nuzlocke run of Volt White 2. I'm running the game through DeSmuMe and recording with OBS. Basically I'd make my overlay in Paint.net or GIMP, Then I'd put that image into OBS to get my screens sized correctly and in the right positions. I'd then record the gameplay, overlay and all, in OBS and then save it. Then I would edit in Lightworks, placing copies of the same overlay with an updated Pokémon roster over the footage as necessary.

    I'm really new to all this and basically this little plan has come entirely from watching different how-to YouTube videos lol. I'm SURE I'm doing this a more complicated way than is needed, so that's why I wanted to ask you nice people. Thanks so much in advance for any more help you all can give, and thanks again for everyone helping me out so far!

  6. What could you possibly hope to accomplish when you come into the community forums based around a game, just to insult that game? What you're doing isn't helpful, nor is it really even criticism. You're simply being rude and insulting. This is like me going to the trouble of going into a Doctor Who convention, just to tell everyone I don't like it. You stated you don't like the story, but didn't bother offering any way it could be improved or anything.

    All in all, this game is fan made, with a fan written story, it's free, and it has a plenty big following of fans. If you don't like it, don't play it?

  7. I may have to give this Lightworks a try. I've also been watching some YouTube videos on how to make an overly to use with OBS to add a little something extra to the video other than just my commentary haha. Of course that takes some sort of Photoshop-esque software that I'll also have to try and track down! The good things is, I'm fairly motivated to give this a go, so I'm going to try and get all the necessary software I can to make something halfway decent!

    EDIT: With Lightworks, are you able to use an overlay? Just curious. Thanks again for the help everyone!

  8. Good morning all!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I had a quick question for those in the community who post to YouTube. I've been interested lately in trying to make some Pokémon Reborn and other gaming videos for my YouTube for Let's Plays. I've looked into OBS as a good free options for actual video capture and I have FRAPS, but I was curious what free program folks are using nowadays to actually edit. Back in good ol' 2007 when I was actually making videos on the regular, I always used the old version of Windows Movie Maker, but these days I'm wanting something a little better and less prone to bugs when it comes to audio.

    So what do you guys who edit use? Is there anything simple and free out there, or am I going to have to drop some of the cash that so scarce these days? Haha.

    I appreciate any and all help folks, and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

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