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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Have a good rest of the evening folks! I'm off to bury myself in Hollow Knight for the evening! 

  2. Pretty obsessed with this one at the moment! Beyond excited for the game and love this song in the trailer.
  3. The biggest tip I can give is: - Talk to everyone, check everything. There are usefully items littered everywhere. And talking to everyone helps unlock side-quests that will net you Pokémon and items. I'm actually going to go against what some folks are saying here and say: stay away from Wondertrade, at least in the early game. Half the fun of Reborn is the challenge, and most of that challenge comes from the fact that you have a very small pool of Pokémon available to you early on. Utilizing these less-than-helpful-seeming Pokémon to their fullest is some of the most fun I had early on. If you Wondertrade these early Pokémon off in Wondertrade, you stand to get someone's breedject of a much stronger Pokémon that could potentially make the early game too easy! Hope this helps a bit!
  4. I really enjoyed the new Viridian Forest video that showcased battles. My main worry at this point for the game was that battles would be like they are in Pokémon Go. That worry is gone now! I don't mind the Go-like catching mechanic so much. It's just a gimmick, but it'll be fun. I am curious about a couple things though: 1. How will EXP work? Hopefully it's not with "candies" like Go. If EXP is awarded through battles and evolution occurs normally, that would be fantastic! 2. How are these kids walking around Viridian Forest with Squirtles and Charmaders when they already have their starter Pikachu or Eevee?
  5. Glad you've enjoyed it too @Just2Reborn! I'm adoring it so far. I wasn't aware there was still more to come. Admittedly I haven't researched the game much. I thought it looked interesting upon release, then watched CohhCarnage's playthough of it and fell in love. Just so glad it finally came to the Switch. I love how tight it handles and the thought of being able to play it on both the TV or on-the-go really appeals to me! It almost sounds like what CD Projekt Red did with the Witcher 3, where they made a quality game with tons of content already, only to add more for free!
  6. Really hoping Devil May Cry 5 comes out with a Collector's Edition...and one that's cool. I haven't bought a collector's edition of a game since...I honestly can't remember. Meanwhile, my wife is playing with her Skyhook and Pipboy and waiting for her Power Armor Helmet to show up with Fallout 76. 

  7. I heard the call and was trying to get here, but ran out of gas! Q-Jei I'm sorry! Q-Jei come back!
  8. So I've been waiting with bated breath for Hollow Knight to ever release on the Switch. I'm not much of a PC gamer, so I was trying to bide my time. Then lo and behold! Yesterday during Nintendo's E3 Direct, amongst all the Smash and Pokémon hype, they announced that Hollow Knight was releasing THAT DAY! So you can bet your sweet buns that I downloaded that sucker as soon as I got off work on the old Switch! Hoo boy! I'm already hooked! Hollow Knight, I'm somewhat ashamed to say, is my first real step into the Metroidvania genre. (I didn't even know that "Metroidvania" was a term until looking up info for Hollow Knight early on.) That's a little embarrassing to say seeing as I've played just about every known genre of games there is at this point...I think...Hell I even played Hatoful Boyfriend, but that's beside the point! Hollow Knight might just be the best $15.00 I've spent in a long time! Controls are super tight and fluid! Combat is great. Art style and music are wonderful! Story is dark and mysterious, but also sort of cute and quirky...think Binding of Isaac. As much as I love me some Souls-likes, I hate to constantly compare everything to Dark Souls. Mostly because nowadays saying something is "like Dark Souls" is just basically saying "It's difficult". But Hollow Knight does sort of have a Soulsy feel to it with it's dark world, vague story, and "souls" mechanic. I've played the game for only about 3 hours so far, but I'm already hooked! What about you guys and gals? Have any of you tried out Hollow Knight on the Switch or PC yet? What did you think of it?
  9. Welcome! There are some good times to be had around here and lots of helpful folks! Hope you enjoy yourself and your time with Reborn!
  10. Both Hollow Knight on the Switch and Jurassic World: Evolution are out today and I need them in my life!

  11. Pretty stoked for the new Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC!

  12. Snake's back! "Kept you waiting, huh?"

  13. @BrazenCrown254 I've only been using Araquanid as my main water type for a little while, but he's been quite solid at this point.
  14. Probably because the "Water Bubble" ability is godlike. Decreases fire damage, makes it immune to burn, and boosts water moves. Plus Leech Life got a boost to 80 power. So that, Liquidation, and Lunge all have pretty good offensive power when taking the Water Bubble boost and STAB into consideration.
  15. So I'm trying to prep for Luna and beyond. I could really use any tips on what could make my team any more solid, or what Pokémon I should have on rotation at this point to help in the future? Here's what I'm currently working with: Arcanine "D.D." Lvl 60 Ability: Intimidate - Flamethrower - Crunch - ExtreamSpeed - Close Combat Breloom "Penny" Lvl 60 @ Fist Plate Ability: Technician - Bullet Seed - Spore - Mach Punch - Wake Up Slap Araquanid "Rom" Lvl 60 Ability: Water Bubble - Lunge - Liquidation - Leech Life - Crunch Magneton "O-Zone" Lvl 60 Ability: Magnet Pull (Changing to Sturdy as soon as I can) - Discharge - Flash Cannon - Flash - Thunder Wave Krookodile "Mick" Lvl 59 Ability: Intimidate - Earthquake - Foul Play - Rock Smash - Crunch Gardevoir "Alustrial" Lvl 60 @ Twisted Spoon Ability: Trace - Moonblast - Psychic - Calm Mind - Magical Leaf I'm sure some things could be better. I wasn't sure what some good hold-items might be for the current iteration of the team. Any and all opinions or help would be much appreciated folks! Thanks so very much!
  16. So what's the word on Jurassic World: Evolution? I've been really hoping it turned out to be something worth playing. Seems critic reviews aren't too favorable, but player's reviews are pretty good?

  17. Sony's conference was what I wished Square-Enix's was. Some good reveals, and some great new footage of previously announced games. Even and few surprises. Did NOT see Nioh 2 coming! 

  18. I feel like Sony's conference has easily been the best for me so far. Overall the games I'm most excited for throughout are: - Kingdom Hearts 3 - Devil May Cry V - Nioh 2 - Dragon Quest XI - Cyberpunk 2077 - Ghost of Tsushima I know my wife (who's obsessed with Fallout) was stoked for Fallout 76. She actually was finally able to secure herself a pre-order for the Power Armor edition last night! Fingers crossed Nintendo hits us hard today!
  19. 20 mins until the Square-Enix conference! 

  20. I was misinformed! Apparently the Square-Enix conference is in about 90 minutes! 

  21. I definitely agree. I really enjoyed the challenge of my Platinum playthrough. I've never tried nuzlocking a fan game personally, and I dislike randomizers entirely. There are certain hacks like Volt White that I really enjoyed however, simply because it added some more variety to the catchable Pokémon.
  22. As many times as I've tried, I've yet to complete a Nuzlocke. I'm always looking to try again though! Thinking about trying Omega Ruby next! I was curious what you guys' and gals' favorite Pokémon game to Nuzlocke is? Do you all typically play standard versions of the games on they're consoles? Do you like to Nuzlocke hacks like Volt White? Curious what you guys enjoy!
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