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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Did anyone else check out episode 2 on Saturday night? The series seems to be going in an interesting direction. I just hope it doesn't try to get too deep. We don't need a whole series of...whatever Episode 4 of the original season was supposed to be....
  2. Nomura...Where the hell are all my Final Fantasy characters in KH3? We've seen so many trailers now, and I haven't seen so much as a Moogle's ass. Square's conference is tonight, so maybe I'll be proven wrong then. 

  3. I didn't notice any sort of recent Kingdom Hearts thread, so I thought I'd start one given all the new KH3 hype! What were you all's feelings on the newest trailer? I for one am thrilled Larxene is back. I love villains that are so evil and easy to hate! I will admit, I let out an "Aqua, nooooo!" at the end, however! While I'm not a huge fan of Frozen, I don't really mind it being in the game. I honestly am surprised we hadn't seen it sooner than this. I'm just stoked for all of those fancy ice powers Sora was showing off! What about you all? Stoked for KH3? I've only been waiting on it since KH2's ending all those years ago! I've played through this entire franchise too many times now getting myself ready for this game! Haha. I'm ready for Ventus to wake the hell up, some sort of acknowledgement of Xion (I guy can hope), more of my boy Lea, and some just good old KH gameplay! Oh...and Final Fantasy characters...where TF are my Final Fantasy characters at Nomura!?! Bring it on Square! 1/29/2019 can't come quick enough!
  4. It took ma a while to finally try Reborn. I've always been skeptical of fan games generally. It took me watching Shofu play the game some years ago to finally get me interested. So glad I took the plunge and tried Reborn as my first ever fan game back in 2016. There is just so much to love about Reborn. The music, the environments, the difficulty, the story, and the characters! One thing that hooked me early on was the scarcity of Pokémon and having to utilize Pokémon I wouldn't normally use in order to progress. I love this aspect of the game and is one of the reasons I enjoy Nuzlockes. I also really enjoy the inclusion of all the Event Pokémon. As I've stated in a previous thread, I love Event Pokémon because it helps me feel like that Pokémon might have a bit of a backstory or personality. The story and characters are simply fantastic. It's a long game with so much to love and secrets to find. It's funny also how certain characters have clicked with me. I've never usually enjoyed the type of character archetype that Cain is (take that however you will I suppose). But through this game, I have found that Cain is easily my favorite character. Not only that, he's now made it so that I find myself enjoying his character archetype in other genres now. The villains and rivals are well-written and are both easy and fun to hate. Also, I've always found the game visually appealing. The overworld and dungeons are so unique and engaging. I love finding the secret areas! Finally, I have fallen in love with this community. All of you are such friendly, courteous, and helpful folks and I am proud to be among you all. From the content you all create, to the conversations about other games and Reborn alike, it's always entertaining to come to the forums and read around! All in all, I can say that I love Reborn. I can't wait to see it through until it's conclusion! This game is something special!
  5. I swear listening to people at work talk about politics and religion is so stressful. 



    1. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      I know that feeling family… (tho they don't talk religion, mostly politics)

    2. CodeCass


      I try very hard to stay out of both topics, but that sure doesn't stop folks around me from going on and on about them! My biggest problem is, the area I live in is not known for being the most accepting of minorities or the LGBQT crowd. So when they get to discussing religion or politics, these things start getting brought up in the negative and it makes me terribly frustrated and uncomfortable. I can feel my blood pressure raise when certain folks just start speaking around here, haha! 

  6. Call for CodeCass, get Noobly. Call for Noobly, get CodeCass! Come forth, SilverHelio!
  7. Bethesda, how are you gonna have Andrew W.K., possibly the greatest hype-man alive, and then have a crowd who was just that unenthused and bored? To be fair, it was a "meh" conference. My wife's already stoked for Fallout 76 and I'll hold my expectations for ES6 until I see more. 


    All I know is Square Enix's conference is tonight and that's what I'm looking forward to!

  8. I loved the Disgaea games. Started with the original and have worked my way up. I've only ever missed out on 3. Story-wise, I'd say 4 and 5 have been my favorites, but Laharl is easily my favorite character throughout the series. Love that evil little bastard!
  9. Ready for episode 2 of FLCL: Progressive shortly!

    1. seki108
    2. seki108


      The car can turn into funnels.......that's awesome.  Still a bit early to tell fully where they are going with this, though I could have easily missed tons of stuff, given I've only seen each episode once.


      Well, next week seems to be FLCL's take on a beach episode, according to that short preview, so that will be interesting.

  10. Hot damn! It’s the Soggy Bottom Boys! 

  11. It's just dawned on me that Erismon (Digimon) looks like it should 100% be Togedemaru's evolution. 

  12. I truly dislike the Pikachu clones: Plusle, Minun, Emolga, Pachirisu, Dedenne, and Togedemaru... Why? Because none of them evolve or have prior evos. I know it's a silly thing to get hung up on, but I can't help it. Evolution is one of my favorite aspects of Pokémon. Even single stage evos like Minnccino I enjoy just because the can transform into something! With the Pikachu clones I just see wasted evo potential! I can only imagine how neat an Emolga or Togedemaru evolution would be! Always have my fingers crossed!
  13. I am thou...thou art......wait a minute. Jumped the gun... Regardless! I too call forth Q-Jei!
  14. "It takes an idiot to do cool things...that's why it's cool." - Haruhara Haruko "You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later." - Mitch Headberg
  15. Are the "Tech Glasses" as difficult to get to as the video guides make it look? 

  16. I've loved it so far as well! As for where I am in the story: But yes, I've loved nearly every second of the game so far! Really excited to get this Plat! Looks like I need to hurry though! Detroit is already out with Jurassic World: Evolution coming out soon too. Not to mention Code Vein, KH3, Pokémon Let's Go, and whatever else E3 reveals this year.
  17. Oh I dig the new Halloween trailer! This means Busta Ryhmes "killing" Michael, Jamie Lloyd, and a whole slough of other things never happened! I'm interested! 

  18. So FLCL has been my favorite anime for a long time now. Really ever since I saw the original series on Adult Swim back when I was a teen, this show just struck a chord with me and I've never given it up! Now we've got two new seasons and I'm loving it so far! FLCL: Progressive aired it's first episode last Saturday (June 2nd) and I was blown away. Hearing all the great music both old and new from the Pillows hit the nostalgia key hard for me! I really enjoyed the new characters as well! That ending monologue and ending credits were the cincher for me though! I know I'll be tuning into Toonami again every Saturday night while this is running. What about you guys and gals? I noticed a lot of folks here on the forums seemed to tune in as well when I brought it up! Are you guys enjoying the new series? What have been you guys' thoughts? Always fun discussing my favorite anime with fellow fans! Remember; "It takes an idiot to do cool things...that's why it's cool!" Queue "Ride on Shooting Star" baby!
  19. Awesome! Just the kind of stuff we're looking for! Thanks so much!
  20. Rodan is easily my favorite Kaiju and I'm waiting with bated breath to see what his Monster-verse design will look like.

  21. So the more I play the new God of War, the more I'm enjoying it. Without spoiling anything, I basically just got to a point in the game where it's like "Ok, now we're playing God of War 4!" I'd assume I'm about 3/4 done with the game, but who knows. I'm trying to Platinum it so I'd assume I've still got my work cut out for me!
  22. So my wife and I have started quite the collection of Asian horror films over the years. I honestly find myself enjoying them much more over American horror flicks due to the fact that Asian horror films generally seems to use more environment, atmosphere, and storytelling to make the scares instead of relying on jump-scares (which I despise!). Anyway, I'm curious if you folks know of any good Asian horror flicks? I'm looking to expand our collection so that my wife and I can have a good marathon soon! We've seen: - Ju-on 1 and 2 (loved these!) - One Missed Call 1 and 2 (Loved these too!) - The Eye - Shutter - Pulse (didn't care for this one) - Dark Water - 2LDK (Not really horror per-say, but still loved it!) - The Audition (bleh...) - Ringu - House - Cello - A Tale of Two Sisters (my first Asian horror movie. Still adore it) - Dumplings I think that's about it. I now the biggest one on my "want to see" list is: - Sadako vs Kayako (Just haven't had the money to import a copy!) So if you guys know any more good Asian horror movies, I'd love to know! Thanks so much for any and all suggestions!
  23. Reborn has been my first fan-game experience ever. I'd be interested in looking into others now! I wonder if there are any Digimon Fan games as well...

  24. I appreciate the info! Hate that I wasted time trying to breed it, but ah well, live and learn. Thanks for the help regardless!
  25. Quick question guys and gals; So I'm trying to breed a Dewpider with Sticky Web. I've got a male Shuckle that knows Sticky Web, and a female Dewpider. But none of the resulting Dewpiders have Sticky Web! I'm I missing something? Thanks for any and all help!
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