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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. If I went with Gardevoir, would it be wise to swap out Starmie for a different Water type since Gardevoir will cover my Psychic Type? Perhaps Barbaracle or Araquanid?
  2. Awesome! If I can ever get myself to finish up God of War's platinum and Final Fantasy X's, I'm planning on restarting Nocturne and hopefully actually finishing it this time! I love that game, have played it more hours than I'd care to admit, but I'll be damned if I've never seen credits roll after all these years.
  3. It's a gorgeous day out, and you know what that means: ...time to build more Gunpla! 

  4. I despise Fern. He reminds me of Kuze from Yakuza 0. It's 100% the "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson?" meme. But just like Kuze, you can beat him to a pulp time after time, and he will still act like he's better than you. Maybe it's something about him that's hitting too close to home because I've known folks like him and they are the worst IRL. The good thing about Fern is that he does his job as a Rival; in that I want to take him down a peg each time he speaks. He's written well enough to be infuriating, but at the same time you look forward to the next encounter just so you can beat him again.
  5. Great points. Never thought about Honchkrow or the Poison types struggling. It's kind of hard for me to glance at my group and figure out weaknesses as a whole, if that makes sense. I do love me some Cofagrigus as it's my favorite Ghost. She's a great wall for sure which could be incredibly useful. She's no slouch when it comes to SpAtk either really.
  6. That's actually really interesting. I wasn't really looking forward to having to figure out the Surf situation anyway, haha. The whole thought of using Silvally is completely new, so I'll definitely do some research on it!
  7. See, I've never used Type: Null or Silvally. Are they really that good? I hadn't even considered trying to get one.
  8. I thought about using Nidoqueen, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to double-up on the Ground typing since Krookodile's got a permanent spot.
  9. So this is kind of an update, and kind of me trying to figure out what a good semi-permenant 6th team-member would be. As of taking down Cain at the Vanhanen Castle, here are my 5 main team members that I think I'll stick with: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chesnaught: Lvl 54: (Bulletproof) - Hammer Arm - Needle Arm - Spikey Shield - Bite Arcanine: Lvl 55: (Intimidate) - Flamethrower - Crunch - ExtremeSpeed - Close Combat Krookodile: Lvl 55: (Anger Point) - Earthquake - Foul Play - Rock Smash - ThunderFang Starmie: Lvl 54: (Analytic) - Hydro Pump - Psychic - Recover - Power Gem Magneton: Lvl 54: (Analytic) - Discharge - Flash Cannon - Thunder Wave - Flash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So those are the five I think I'm going to stick with right now. For a 6th, I've been using: Flygon: Lvl 54: (Levitate) - Dragon Rush - Rock Slide - Strength - Crunch My issue here is...I don't like Flygon. I've never liked Flygon. I don't want to use Flygon. However, at this point, Flygon has been my best option. So now I'm trying to figure out what some good other options might be for my 6th member? I've thought about working in a good Flyer like: - Aerodactyl (this is my first choice) - Archeops (a favorite of mine but I'm not sure which is better between him and Aerodactyl) - Staraptor (Everyone likes a nice and powerful Staraptor, yes?) - Honchkrow (I've heard they're useful, and I've got both a decent Murkrow and a dusk stone...) But I've also thought about maybe a good Ghost or Psychic type? - Cofagrigus (Probably my favorite Ghost type, but I'm not sure how I'd make her super useful here) - Gardevoir (A fellow forum member, @Elvenlore, was nice enough to trade me a Ralts that I'm sure would be useful) Lastly I wasn't sure if maybe I could use a good Bug, Ice, or Poison type or something else? - Heracross (in the area next to me, could catch and use) - Levanny (I've got a Sewaddle with great stats just hanging out in the box, not doing a thing) - Nidoqueen (She's been my Toxic Spike setter and has been quite useful in the past) - Toxicroak (She's been useful, but hasn't really gotten a chance to shine yet) - Vanillulxe (I've never used one...not sure if it's worth a damn or not, but I've got a Vanillite) - Alolan Sandslash (Like Sewaddle, I've got an Alolan Sandshrew with fantastic stats just chilling in my box) So I'm hitting you all up yet again. If any of you have any tips (outside of "keep using Flygon") I'd greatly appreciate them! Also if anyone has any tips for a Pokémon that's not listed, that would be fine too! As I said, I just arrived at the Vanhanen Castle, beat Cain, and am now off to hunt for their missing Gardevoir. Hopefully that can be of some reference. As always, thanks a ton folks! Any help is very much appreciated!
  10. The hardest part about watching the Pirates of the Caribbean flicks is that afterward I have to fight a compulsory urge to swagger around like ol' Captain Jack. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CodeCass


      That's the truth! I catch myself humming "Up is Down" from World's End for days after I watch it. Hell, that was actually the song my wife and I walked out to after we were married! 

    3. Magus


      I quote him when I watch too much Pirates. His character was made for Johnny Depp

    4. CodeCass


      Same. Pirates came out and was big at a very impressionable time in my life, haha. I watched the whole series probably way too much. Now if I watch one of them, I catch myself emulating Jack in movements, hand-gestures and walk for a day or two afterwards. I have to constantly remind myself that "you're almost 30 man...people thought you were weird when you did that at 17, they're gonna think you're weird now...". Haha! 

  11. Nice. I went ahead and dropped you a follow. I'd be interested to watch some Hollow Knight. I'm trying oh-so patiently to wait for the Switch release!
  12. After catching SprockiGroki's Reborn stream late last night, it got me thinking: Are there any other streamers on the Reborn forums? I love watching Twitch in my spare time. I don't really care what you guys play. I love watching streams of Reborn and Pokemon of course, but really any game is entertaining. So I guess you guys can use this thread to sort of self-promote. I'll more than likely toss everyone a follow so I've got more content to watch! Thought this might be a fun one to see who all are broadcasters out there!
  13. It's going to have to be Zero1Six again! Just wait...you'll see. Give it an hour, maybe two... but keep a weather eye on the horizon and you'll see.
  14. Or @Celeby if you're available, just shoot me the request. Username in game is "CodeCass". I'll be waiting for a few. Thanks again.
  15. Great! Sorry for the wait, I'll hop on now. What's you're username?
  16. Sounds good @Celeby. Would you be able to trade soon? Also did you want the Eevee or Tyrogue?
  17. Hi again folks. Looking to see if anyone has a spare Aerodactyl or Old Amber? Nature, IVs, and EVs aren't really a concern. I'm offering either an Eevee or Tyrogue in exchange. Thanks for any consideration!
  18. New FLCL in about 2 hours! All the hype over here!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. seki108


      And it's almost showtime

    3. seki108


      Plate braking restaurant worker?  If that's not a Diebuster reference, I don't know what is.

    4. CodeCass


      I adored the episode. It was most excellent hearing the Pillows' music again. Plus Haruko at the end made it for me. Easily my favorite anime gal! All in all, I though the whole experience was great. An awesome first episode. Can't wait until next Saturday! 

  19. Mine's just a combination of my real-life name. Cody Castleman became "CodeCass". My father and grandfather were both known as "Cass" in their day, so this is sort of my take on it. Been using this one for about...geez...maybe 15 years now? Pretty boring really! haha.
  20. Anyone know a good grinding spot to prep for Noel's battle after the whole Giant Steelix fiasco? Need to get the team a few levels! Wasn't sure if the caves were my best bet or not. Thanks!

    1. PESH1


      You can battle trainers at Grand Hall

    2. CodeCass


      Is there an actual way back to Reborn City from the Spinal Town area?

    3. CodeCass


      Ah hell, I just figured it out! lol. Thanks. 

  21. Finally my weekend starts! Couldn't come quick enough! 

    1. Elvenlore


      I forgot it was Friday. Any plans?

    2. CodeCass


      Tons of anime, Reborn, and God of War, haha. My wife is out of town for the weekend so I'm just relaxing with various games and anime, haha. 

  22. I have appeared once more! It's about time for some SgtNoobly, yeah?
  23. Currently on yet another Mindless Self Indulgence kick. Digging the songs "Casio", "F**k Machine", and "Ala Mode" in particular.
  24. Thought this one might be fun. I know quite a few of us here on the Reborn forums are out there working for a living. Whether we're adults and at the daily grind, students, or still living at home and working part-time, most of us are doing something I'd assume. Just curious what the Reborn community does for a living! Thought it might be something fun to share if your comfortable doing so. Feel free to be as specific or general as you like! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I work full time as a purchasing and receiving agent for a novelty ice cream company! When I hired in I thought there would be more Willy Wonka and less stainless steel. Boy was I wrong! What about the rest of you? What do you guys and gals do to make a living?
  25. I guess some pics of completed Gunpla would go under...the Wasteland? or Creative Works?

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