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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Oops! Sorry friend. It would be approximately 6pm CST before I’ll be online. Currently at work.
  2. Thanks for response! I’d say I’d prefer Staryu if it’s an option.
  3. Thanks so much! I'll be sure to be on at that time! Greatly appreciated!
  4. Just wrote my very first story in over ten years...hoo boy. 

    1. CodeCass


      And then immediately changed the title! I forgot how indecisive I can be! 

    2. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      It's still better than writing stories about Witch of Creation from time to time…

  5. Chapter One - "IN MEDIAS RES" Thank you so much for anyone who's taken the time to read this. This is the first story I've written in probably 10 years. I'd be very much interested to know any thoughts and get any feedback, criticisms, or opinions anyone could offer. I hope those who read it could find some enjoyment! Thanks!
  6. Another good chapter! These are really entertaining to read! Hope you continue.
  7. I'm really excited for it as well! I've gotten to talk with the devs a few times now via Twitter and Reddit and I have a lot of faith in the project. The demo/beta is amazingly fun as well. The fact that it has unique crossbreds for all combos is mind-boggling. Plus transformations? That's just too cool in my opinion.
  8. It could mean either "clumsy" or could referring to the candy bar "Butterfinger", not sure which context you mean! I assume the first!
  9. Hi all; Figured I might try here as well! I'm looking for either a Staryu or a Tympole. IVs and EVs don't matter all that much so long as they don't have horrible natures! I'm offering my Mystery Egg Starly or an Adament Shiny Sewaddle. Sorry, I'm at work and don't have their specific stats currently available. I'd be available to trade any time this evening after 6pm CST. Thanks for any and all help! Trade username is CodeCass. UPDATE: Trade's been completed. Thanks!
  10. Late to the party I know, but I'm really enjoying Devilman Crybaby so far! 

    1. LemonJones


      You're telling me that you've missed GoW and DMC? Tell me you watched Breaking Bad.. I'm already jealous enough.

  11. Dumb question: How does one go about getting a Mod's approval for a new Club?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CodeCass


      Ah! Much obliged. I wasn't sure how it worked since it just said "pending Mod approval". Thanks for the info! 

    3. Alistair


      "Mods don't have the ability to approve clubs or see clubs pending approval (not counting the glitch where Alistair was able to for a short while)."


      That wasn't a glitch, I'm Reborn's secret admin 🕵️‍♂️

    4. seki108


      Alistair, watching out for us "From (the) Shadows".

  12. Basically the title. I got a Starly out of the Mystery Egg and I'll never use it. I also have a Shiny Adamant Sewaddle I don't plan to use. I'm looking to trade for a Staryu or Tympole with an ok Nature! IVs and EVs don't really matter to me so long as it doesn't have a terrible nature. I'll accept breedjects, natural captures, etc. so long as the Nature isn't horrid. I'm available to trade really anytime after 6:00 pm CST this evening. If anyone could help me out, I'd be most appreciative! Thanks and have a great day!
  13. Oh wow, a glance at the "On the Hunt" section shows I've missed a few at this point. I'll definitely grab a few up for sure. I appreciate the advice!
  14. If they're still available, I'd like to request the Psyduck from Box 3, and the Tyrogue from Box 4. However it'll be about 4:00 pm CST before I'm able to trade. If that's too late, I understand!
  15. I'll keep that in mind if I can find one!
  16. I can see this for sure. I've honestly really enjoyed my Reborn MC every time. So far I've always chosen Vero simply because I like his looks haha, but also he sort of embodies a look and attitude I always projected myself as when I was a teenager. Those days may be long gone, but I still can't help but chose him. I can't really say I like him because I'm projecting myself onto him ( I don't really like myself, haha) but I like the idea of his character. Here's this well-intentioned, but cocky young adult who's thrown into this mess following a disastrous arrival in Reborn. Whether or not his goal is to be the Champion, he's able to dust himself off and go along with things as they happen, and seems to generally be trying to help folks and his friends and I find that admirable. I also play him as someone who likes to use less-used Pokémon. He's a bit over-confident, so I seem him as someone who wants to show that he can win with any Pokémon, no matter how "weak" they seem, which works well with Reborn's limited Poke-population! Maybe there's some projecting there, but who knows. I just know I dig Vero's character. Plus, as you've said, OP, the man never seems to need sleep!
  17. So I've always liked Mothim. Just such a weird little fella, but I dig him. So a friend traded me a male Burmy in-game last night, and after grinding to prep for Corey's gym, he finally evolved! So now I'm trying to think of a proper way to build him up for this game . He's pretty standard fare at the moment as he's just evolved: Mothim "Indrid" Lvl 20 Ability: Swarm - Quiver Dance - Protect - Bug Bite - Hidden Power (not sure type or how to check in Reborn) I'm thinking maybe his eventual Confusion and Gust might be helpful in Corey's gym. Of course I've also got my female Meowsitc to help sweep, but I figured he could help a bit. I was curious how you guys and gals would build Mothim in Reborn to make him halfway a viable option in game, at least until I can track down a "better" bug?
  18. Finally got my Mothim! Now back to the grind to get ready for Corey!

  19. The Kickstarter for Monster Crown was a huge success! I backed it and have been following for closely since. I can't believe that they ended up with $45K our of their original $5K goal. The more I look into the game and play the demo, the more I find myself getting excited for an official release. I think I'm going to go for a Switch copy myself, but I can see it being most popular on PC, so I really need to make a decision! What about the rest of you? Anyone else following all the Monster Crown news? For those interested, here is the Kickstarter link: Just looks like it's going to be a hell of a game! As someone who grew up with Pokémon, Digimon, and Monster Rancher, this thing speaks to me! Can't wait for February!
  20. Welcome to the club! Hope you enjoy it! Some really great folks here! Glad to have you.
  21. Nice story! I enjoyed the read! Really excited for more! Good job.
  22. Finished MHA season 2 finally. Now thinking about checking out Devilman Crybaby.

  23. Dumb question: where and at what point can you join the Aqua or Magma Gangs? I'm about to take on Corey and I feel like I joined them earlier last playthrough. Could be wrong though! 

    1. seki108


      You can join them as soon as you reach the area for the first time, after beating Corey.

    2. CodeCass


      Ah! Understood. I guess I was just remembering joining them around this time. Much obliged. 

    3. seki108


      No prob

  24. So pictured below is my current team. Right now I'm grinding in the Beryl Ward, prepping for Corey's gym and any help would be appreciated: Quilladin: Lvl 24 Ability: Overgrow - Needle Arm - Leech Seed - Bite - Rollout Meowth: Lvl 25 Ability Technician - Fake Out - Fury Swipes - Feint Attack - Pursuit Zebstrika: Lvl 27 Ability: Motor Drive - Spark - Charge - Flame Charge - Thunder Wave Growlithe: Lvl 25 Ability: Justified - Fire Fang - Reversal - Close Combat - Take Down Tranquil: Lvl 27 Ability: Super Luck - Air Cutter - Roost - Quick Attack - Growl Kricketune: Lvl 28 Ability: Technician - Fury Cutter - Sing - Struggle Big - Cut Notable PC Pokémon: - Spoik: Own Tempo - Helioptile: Dry Skin - Starly: Reckless - Stunky: Keen Eye - Espur: ??? - Snubble: Intimidate - Numel: Simple - Trapinch: Arena Trap - Trubbish: Sticky Hold - Mightyenea: Moxie - Mareep: Static I'm open to making any swaps that could help make a good, viable story team!
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