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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Reorganizing/remodeling this game room is turning into a much bigger chore than I'd intended. 

  2. Tried my hand at homemade apple fritters yesterday. Turned out great! Those plus a Godzilla movie marathon made the day great! 

  3. Finally bit the bullet and purchased two of my "white whales" of gaming. My "holy grails" as it were. I'm now the proud owner of both Shadow Hearts: Covenant and Monster Rancher 2. I'm stoked! 

    1. Wolfox


      Hopefully they were easier to get than mine will be... Telius is expensive... 

    2. CodeCass


      They actually weren't bad at all. Found a guy selling both on Reddit for $30 each. 

  4. Just swapped a game for Chrono Trigger DS! I've never gotten to play this classic so I'm pretty excited to finally try it out! 

  5. The Pride event was awesome. Really had a great time. Got entirely too intoxicated, but still had a great time. 

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Nice to see you enjoyed Pride, got that to enjoy Saturday. 

  6. I swear I have to stop watching Violet Evergarden at work. I'm gonna burst out into tears in the office one of these days. That's twice now it's made me almost squall like a child haha. 

  7. Going to my first ever Pride Festival tomorrow to support my LGBTQ+ friends. Sounds like it's going to be a wild time. 

  8. So I work in an office connected to a warehouse. I recently started making coffee in the mornings for those of us in the office (only 3 of us drink it). I make the coffee and I wash the pots in the afternoon. I'm the only one who does this. It should be noted no one drank coffee before I started making it. So lately all the guys in the warehouse have started drinking the coffee I make too, even though they have their own maker in their own area. However they don't help make it or help clean up. 


    It's really started getting on my nerves. So I was talking about it to my co-worker, and he hit me with a "Don't worry, I got this". Fast forward after lunch and he comes back from Walmart. The crazy bastard bought us an electric kettle, a French Press, and some really good coffee (the coffee the office provides is admittedly horrid); all for us to keep back in our immediate area that only he, I, and the girl that works with us can use. 


    So basically....I now have my very own coffee station made completely out of spite....and it makes the coffee taste so much better haha. 

  9. I would have never thought trying to trade for a copy of Shadow Hearts: Covenant would be this difficult. 

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      As far as I'm aware the game was actually not run for a lot of copies outside of Japan and the fact we even got it in English was pretty wild. So sadly gettin' a hold of it these days can be quite the challenge as l'm sure you know.

      Shame as it really is a cult classic in it's own ways from that era of RPGs. There's a lot of super good systems and so many well executed crazy ideas in there. l'd love for more folks to see such a game.

    2. CodeCass


      Agreed! I owned it as a teen and foolishly traded it away years ago. Now that I'm an adult and rebuilding my collection, it seems to be super difficult to find. It's certainly my "white whale" of game collecting. 

  10. Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus was so great. Everything a Zim movie should have been. Even had a song by Jimmy Urine. Wife and I loved it. 

  11. Gonna be a long weekend. A funeral, a birthday, and hopefully a whole lot of Fire Emblem Three Houses in between. 

  12. Fact: Yakko's Nations of the World song is still one of the best things to ever be put on TV. 

  13. My Greymon on my V-Pet died today. And here I am without a whistle. 

  14. I need to join Chicken Tenders Anonymous... "Hi, My name's Cody...and I have no self control around tendies"...

  15. Has anyone watched "Violet Evergarden"? I just watched the first episode. It was gorgeous to be sure. I'm just wanting to make sure its worth watching the whole series. 

    1. Amethyst


      i'm still watching through it but if you like the tone of the first episode you'll probably like the rest. i've only heard good things about the part i haven't seen. little slow, but that's also part of its charm. 

    2. doombotmecha


      Yeah from what I've heard the story takes a hot minute to pick up, but as Violet develops later episodes include emotional beats that have to be seen to be believed. 



    3. CodeCass


      Thanks for the info @Amethyst and @doombotmecha. Sounds like it'll be a good one to stick with. Appreciate you both! 

  16. This may be heresy here; but is anyone else playing with the 20th anniversary Digimon V-Pet? I've been loving mine all weekend. Never had one or a tomagotchi as a kid so this is a new kind of fun for me haha. 

  17. The Golden Deer are a bunch of idiots...but they're my idiots. 

    1. andracass


      and then there is lysithea, who is just the stronkest little teeny

    2. CodeCass


      Yes! And not's let forget Mr. Wholesome himself: Ignatz. Who, while unassuming, can and will murder all his foes all whilst apologizing. 

  18. Ready for a busy weekend. Gonna be 50/50 building my master bathroom and playing FE3H. 

    1. doombotmecha


      Oh nice, I hope your construction goes well. What house will you pick, do you think?

    2. CodeCass


      Thanks @doombotmecha. Got most of the framing done on the master bathroom so it looks like a structure now at least. As for FE, I picked Golden Deer. 

    3. doombotmecha


      Ah. I actually can't play 3h myself (don't own a switch), but while I prefer Black Eagles I have a lot of love for the GD cast as well.

  19. About 5 hours into FE3H and I'm hooked. I'm vastly overwhelmed, but I'm hooked. 

    1. andracass


      that sounds about right.

    2. CodeCass


      @andracass I just seem to live in a constant state of "What do now?" "Who you?" "Me teacher 'round these parts"...but I have to admit I'm loving it. 

    3. andracass


      once you get a feel for the mechanics it's so smooth

  20. Getting early concept sketch art done for my Rodan/Godzilla tattoo. Pretty exciting stuff!

  21. Galarian Weezing and the new Zigzagoon line look amazing. This game is gonna be great. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maqqy


      It’s really nice to see your optimism cass 👍🏻

    3. CodeCass


      Thanks @Maqqy! It's most certainly going to be a day-one purchase for me. Despite all the criticisms I've heard, I haven't seen anything about the game yet that deters my hype yet! 

    4. Wolfox


      Yeah, same. Granted I also find some of the criticisms extremely funny. I mean, the wild area now being BotW levels. It's almost like GF has mostly made top-down JRPG's and this is their first delf into a game with such an area. I mean it's not like the first Zelda to use a large open area in 3d had just a plain with a single hill, a wall and a house, right? Right? Oh, wait...


      Edit: I dare people to call me wrong on that one, too

  22. I love how in Yu-Gi-Oh, once the Battle City Finals start on top of the blimp just how much of darker tone and overall vibe the show gets. Bakura vs Yugi and Marik vs Mai are not only good and interesting duels to watch, but the animation and dark consequences are really somethings, especially considering how fairly lighthearted the show was up until then. I adore animation in the scene where Dark Bakura re-takes control in order to take the hit from Slifer. And lets not forget that Dark Marik just casually places Mai in her own personal Hell after she loses. I also dig just how intimidating and insane Dark Marik is. 

    1. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      Have ya seen the abridged version? Yami Marik is rather funny yet still evil in that one.

    2. Wolfox


      Battle City and the finals are the best part of Duel Monsters. 

  23. Should be getting FE3H in the mail today from my GameSwap trade. Just what I need: another obsession haha. 

    1. andracass


      my current play time is ~75 hours and i'm only partway through the second playthrough


    2. CodeCass


      Nice! Of course my mail's running late so HOPEFULLY I'll be seeing it today along with a couple other games (Drakengard 3 and Shovel Knight). We'll see though. I'm ready to become obsessed  

  24. Such an odd feeling buying a brand new sealed PS2 game in 2019. I miss that era so very much. Have really been enjoying re-collecting these games from my teen years. 

    1. Wolfox


      I get that feeling, trust me

  25. Hope everyone has a great weekend! See you lovely people on Monday!

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