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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. After sitting Kiwami down for a month to finally do my Metal Gear Solid franchise playthrough, I picked it up again last night. Immediately remember why I love these games so much. I can't recommend them enough. 

  2. At this point in my life I'm just working towards a bright future along with my wife. I'll be 30 next year, and I'm just working hard and climbing the ladder little by little at my office job, trying to keep my house and land in order and just trying to enjoy life. Spending time with my wife, gaming, fishing, and just trying to have a good time and get by, all the while still striving and hoping for our first child! 

  3. 1 hour ago, sdddf4 said:

    This bothers me as well but I guess it's unavoidable at times like in group conversations. Still feels bad when it happens though

    Well admittedly it only gets me if I'm addressing family or something, and then someone speaks up in the middle of the conversation to show someone a picture of a cat or something...I was just always taught it was very rude. 

  4. This is a really tough one, and a very touchy issue. I would say the best thing you can do is be open and truthful about your feelings, or lack there of, for her. If she's suffering as you say, it may be wise to give her some space for a while as she comes to terms with the fact that her feelings for you aren't returned. You'll have to accept that a continued friendship may be awkward at first after this. The best thing is to be kind and patient I'd say. Also, I'd avoid the term "friendzoning" with her as that has some negative connotations. (I say that, but that may be what the kids say to each other nowadays and it's fine....and geez do I sound like an old man now...). 


    Long story short, if you want to continue being her friend you'll need to give it time, be kind, and let her heal in her own way. 

  5. Based on your description @Autumn Zephyr, it sounds like I've got a long game ahead of me. I honestly haven't researched game length, but I adore long JRPGS. I can see myself dropping all sorts of hours into it! I'm only about 4 hours in currently; I started with Primrose (my wife's suggestion), and have recruited Olberic, Alfyn, and Therion so far. I'm trying to make my way up to H'aanit as she has the job I'm most interested to play! 


    Honestly I haven't really found much to complain about in the game yet. My only real gripe might be that the dungeons I've gone through so far have been quite short, and very straight-forward with little to know exploration encouraged. Now, of course, I'm still in Chapter 1 for everyone, so that will most likely be remedied later on. 


    I'm glad you agree on the music. I don't think I can overstate my appreciation for this game's great OST.


    I'm actually going to try and take a night of from Octopath tonight and work on Metal Gear Solid 3. As much as I adore Octopath, the last thing I want to do is get burned out on it. I want to be with it for the long-haul. This is also the first game I've had on the Switch that really makes me want to invest in a carrying case so that I can take it to the office and play on lunch! Haha. 

  6. 220px-Octopath_Traveler.jpg


    So I just started Octopath Traveler recently on the Nintendo Switch. 


    Boy is this game scratching an itch I wasn't even aware that I had! Haha! I've recently found myself wanting to go back and play some older, PS1 or earlier era sprite-based JRPGS. Now, lo and behold, here comes Octopath Traveler strutting it's way onto the scene. With it's $60 price tag, I was hesitant at first, but after playing the demos, I knew I was going to be in for a treat! So I picked it up and started it over the weekend!


    I'm so hooked it's not even funny! I'm legitimately finding myself interested and involved in each character's story. One of the negatives I've seen folks complain about was having to collect all the characters and go through each of their chapters. I'm finding it to be great fun actually! It helps me understand each character's motivations and helps give them each a personality all their own.


    The music is amazing and I can't say that enough. It's one of the best parts of the game. The sprites looks clean, crisp, and great. The environments blend both classic, retro looking graphics along with particle effects and environmental effects that are worthy of some AAA games. The voice acting and just overall sound design are really something special though! 


    So I'm curious, are any of you Reborn friends plaything through Octopath Traveler currently? (I know I certainly am and couldn't ask for a better time.)  If so, are you enjoying your time with Ophilia, Cyrus, Therion, Olberic, Primrose, Alfyn, Tressa, and H'aanit so far? I'm dying to talk about the game with some of you! I'm really curious to know what you guys and gals think! 


  7. 9 hours ago, Xanthous said:

    I don't build/paint any models myself, but I've always been interested in seeing other people's work! Grats on doing your painting by hand. I think your colors turned out great.


    I know a bit more about Digimon than Gundam, so I'm really excited to see Omegamon here! VERY nice choice of color for the Metal Garurumon arm and the silver on War Greymon's horns. The "sword at camera" angle is also really cool.

    Thanks so very much! I really appreciate the support! Omegamon was my first real try at painting. I painted some of the gold details on the Shining Gundam pictured, but Omegamon's arms were considerably more in depth. Thrilled you like it! 

  8. Reporting in from the Western Kentucky/Southern Illinois border: Hot and sunny. We've been getting bouts of cooler weather over the last week though with temps down to 82-ish during the day, which feels amazing considering it's been a heat index of 105 nearly all summer. It's been bearable for the last week though at least. 

  9. On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 1:47 PM, Damashi The Kaotic said:

    Kinda cheating since FF 6 is snes era, but its easily my favorite jrpg. You can give Brave New World if you are looking for a more challenging, and balanced experience.

    I'm ashamed to say I've never played FFVI. I have it on a GBA emulator and I have no excuse for not having played it. I just recently finished my first ever playthrough of FFV. So maybe soon will be a good time to jump into VI as well. 

  10. Here's actually one that was taken this weekend, so it's as recent as there is. No, I do not typically wear floral print fancy shirts, but it was a date night with the wife and I was trying to look snazzy-er. Haha! 





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  11. On ‎7‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 6:49 PM, Maelstrom said:

    I missed out on everything ps1, and most of ps2... but what keeps me from looking over the old stuff is how poorly many seem to have aged. As well as not having a ps1 or having access to my old ps2.


    what do you have as far as contemporary consoles? can make plenty of recommendations there...

    I'm pretty well set on the newer side of things. I hit my JRPG stride in the PS2, then PS3 and PS4 and haven't looked back! All Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Xenosaga, Digimon, Shadow Hearts, and everything in between. I think I've tried to pick up every real JRPG that's come out in the past 10 years and have really enjoyed them. I've just been on an older-games kick at the moment. I just know there are a ton on the PS1 that I missed out on! 

  12. 12 hours ago, Arys said:

    Dungeon crawling: Azure Dreams, Chocobo Dungeon.

    Strategy: FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre.

    Turn based battle: FF VII, FF VIII, FF IX is a must. Suikoden, Suikoden II, Grandia

    Raising: Monster Rancher 2 is better than the first one IMO.

    Not sure which genre: Metal Slug 2, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Destiny II (Tales of Eternia)


    I think all of them are JRPG.

    I've heard Azure Dreams is good, and it's on my "Look For" list, haha.


    I've got the PSP version of FF Tactics. As for the VII, VIII, and IX, I own them all already actually! ….I actually own FFVII on PS1, PS4, and PC... I've never tried Suikoden though, so I'll add them to the list. 


    Never played MR 2, but MR4 is one of my all time favorite PS2 games! 


    Thanks for all the tips! 

  13. Outside of my wife, I don't really have many folks I bare my soul to. I thought maybe making a post here might help a bit. I view a lot of  you as friends nowadays and I spend just as much time here it feels like than I do other sites.


    Let me preface this with something as well. I just started a strong steroid medication to help get over a poison ivy outbreak, and there's a fairly good chance that this is what's causing my emotional upheaval today. Still, I've always thought talking through things helps versus keeping it bottled up.


    Today has just felt like a horrid day. I've been anxious, shaky, depressed, jumpy, and just over all down. I've tried my best to put on a happy face while at work, but it's exhausting me today. I haven't felt like this since I was a teen. I don't get like this any more as an adult. All seemed fine until about 9am this morning. I was hit by this sudden, crushing feeling of dread. It was enough that I texted my wife and asked if there was something I should be upset about that I didn't remember. The best way I can describe it is: think about the time you've been in the worst trouble, or received just terrible news. That crushing feeling, that pit in your stomach opening feeling. The cold sweat and dizzy feeling. That's what I felt. 


    Of course she assured me she was fine, we were fine, and everything in general was fine. Was going to be hotter than hell outside today, but it's been that way all week, so that's no big shocker. Otherwise, everything's good. After work she's suggested us going to grab an ice cream and maybe hit the park and play a little Pokémon Go, maybe take some gyms back and show these kids around here how to play Pokémon, haha. 


    My issue is, every since then, I've been struggling to keep it together. I feel like I'm having to claw my way out of some dark pit today. I feel just completely mentally exhausted. I have no idea what's caused this. I know it all has to be in my head. I know it must be the meds or something. But that doesn't change how I'm feeling. Alone, depressed, worried, worthless. 


    I'm hoping this passes soon. I'm not normally like this.



    I didn't mean to come into the Reborn world and rant about a bad day. I just...needed to spell it out. You all have helped me a lot over the past couple months that I've been back. Not just from your direct interactions with me personally, but just by being such a supportive community. I enjoy reading the posts and lurking around the site off and on all day. Just checking in to see what you all are up to, or what new memes or music you all are posting. For a site about game about a dark and depressing Pokémon world, you all do wonders to lift my spirits daily. 



    So thanks for letting me...spill my guts, I guess? Haha. I hope everyone here can have a good day. You all are great folks in your own ways. Thanks again for everything. 



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