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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. WooHoo! World of Final Fantasy releases tomorrow! So stoked!

  2. Has it ever been revealed if horde battles will return in Sun and Moon or not?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie
    2. Maelstrom


      I don't expect them to be gone.

    3. Commander


      Horde hasn't been announced but given totem mons, it's highly likely.

  3. So this is may be a silly question, but: will the demo be available up until launch time? Going to try and get it downloaded soon but it may take me a few days.

    1. AuthorReborn


      I think ORAS's demo is still available, so you should be fine.

  4. Can't wait to see Shin Godzilla tomorrow! Looks so good!

  5. So glad to be done with the move. Finally feeling settled. Even getting around to gaming some in the new place. Finished the new Deus Ex, and started MGS3. Just biding time until the 25th when World of Final Fantasy drops!

    1. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Mgs3 is such an awesome game

  6. Really looking forward to World of Final Fantasy!

  7. I'm back! Finally after a week of moving homes, I'm finally able to take a breath and say I'm done!

    1. KingRyan


      Yooooo wb fam.

  8. Moving houses is taking over my life 0_0

  9. I mix it up quite a bit. I do love me some Steam and GOG games, but being able to hold the actual game in my hand will be something that I'll always enjoy. There's few experiences I enjoy more than being excited to go pick up a pre-ordered game and then being able to hold it and head home to play it! I usually make an event out of it and take my wife out to dinner before or after getting the games and it makes for a really enjoyable experience. Also I just like being able to see my collection of games with their art books and cool cases and whatnot. Of course, that being said, I love my digital games too. It just depends on what's available and what's easier at the time.
  10. I'm just glad to see the franchise is coming back strong. With tri being great, Cyber Sleuth releasing earlier this year, and the new PS4 game announced yesterday coming out next year, I'd say Digimon is making is presence known again. And it's great!
  11. Found my copies of Jade Cocoon 2 and Legend of Legaia last night while packing. Got hit by the nostalgia hammer!

  12. Packing to move may be one of my least favorite things. Will be so glad when it's over at the end of the month!

  13. Been doing alot of reading again. Re-reading "The Island of Dr. Moreau". Always a pleasure reading Wells.

  14. Tried out the anime WataMote last night. I can't decide whether it's funny to me or not simply because in high school I had really similar social anxieties. But it seems like an alright show, though I'm only 3 episodes in and that feeling may change later I suppose.

  15. New episode is out where I take on Cal! I'd love any tips to get ready for Kiki!

    1. Combat


      Psychic types. Just, psychic types.

    2. Shamitako



      There are Psychic types?

      That would have saved time... I just used Emolga for everything TBH

  16. Thinking of putting some more time into the new Deus Ex tonight. That game has been soooo good!

  17. I'm actually really motivated to record today. Hoping I can keep that motivation for at least another 2 hours to get through work and this heat!

  18. Fighting killer squirrels in Final Fantasy V...that's a lot of nuts!

  19. For those who've been following along, I'd love any tips! Thanks everyone!

  20. Start of another week! Here's hoping it's a good one. Ready to head home and work on my next FFV video.

  21. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

  22. Ugh, I have to record an intro video for my next Reborn episode telling people they can skip it. Had a major audio issue that more or less ruined it. The bad thing is, I'd jsut move on to the next episode without worrying with it, but sooo much happened story-wise that I think that might be worse. I just don't know what to do...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CodeCass


      After talking about it with some other YT friends, I think what I'm going to do is just move on to the next episode, but at the beginning, basically do a recap of everything that was lost, which would be my Shade win and me and Amaria taking on the factory and defeating Pulse Muk. I hate to lose that much story, but it seems that's gonna be the most efficient way to do it. Not going to be a perfect way to do it, but it'll get the ball moving on to the rest of the story...

    3. AuthorReborn


      Moral of the story: always keep the backup saves until the episode is up and rendered.

    4. CodeCass


      ^ True words. Lesson learned.

  23. I'm curious if this "new" Oak is perhaps just the original Oak who's been on vacation in Alola and just has a major sun tan?
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