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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Can't wait to give my two weeks at my second job today. I'll feel like a real boy again soon! haha

  2. So excited. Found out today that we got approved to purchase a family home of mine with 11 acres of land. Also I get to put in my two weeks at my 2nd job tomorrow since I'll be moving! So very happy!

  3. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here!
  4. Training for Shade's Gym. Hows this team sound: Feraligtr, Zebstrika, Mightyena, Porygon (with Charge Beam), Raticate, and Growlithe.

    1. laggless01


      Maybe make a thread in 'Team Showcase' if you want any help. Looks decent, though.

  5. So I know quite a few of us in this community are hard-working adults. Plenty of us are still in school, but I know quite a few are out their working our butts off as well. I was just curious, as a way to get to know everyone a bit better: what is it that you do for a living? Don't have to be overly specific since some companies discourage their employee's from naming them directly on things like this, but just in general terms. For example: During the day, I work in the office/warehouse of the head factory of a very popular ice cream manufacturer as a purchasing/receiving agent. And during the evenings, I work at my local grocery store in the meat department as a clean-up and closer. That's about it! Curious to see what myriad of jobs you fine folks have!
  6. It must be something that's carried over from my high school days, but even as an adult when someone calls me Mr. Castleman, I feel like I'm in trouble and go on the defensive haha.

  7. Woke up yesterday with the intent to get quite a bit of recording done...ended up getting a single episode of Crisis Core recorded, and then spent the rest of the day napping. Guess that's what happens when you work 2 jobs and have a day off haha

    1. Cepheus


      Napping is the best thing in the world! :D

    2. Hect


      As long as you don't fall asleep sitting and get a stiff neck..

  8. Disgaea series. I've played every single one...never beat a single one though.
  9. Hunting Blue Magic in FFV seems to be a mix of satisfaction and aggrivation...

    1. Combat


      You could say that for all Final Fantasy games, to be honest.

    2. YinYang9705


      but especially in V

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Any Blue Mage or Monster mage characters it tends to be rather annoying lol. ((honestly I find Gau in FF6 to be the most annoying thing since not only do you have to fight the monster you then have to backtrack to a specific area and... find that enemy... leave Gau there... keep getting in fights until he shows up as one of the enemies and then get him back. Tedious as hell.))

  10. My guess is it will have a pre-evolution. But you never know! It could evolve even further. More than likely, I hate to say, is that it's probably a single-stage Pokemon like Heatmor and Tauros...which is one of my huge annoyances in the games. I just really hate it when they don't give Pokemon at LEAST two stages...
  11. At the moment just listening to the radio at work. Currently playing Disturbed's cover of "Sound of Silence". I've really enjoyed this song ever since I saw it used for a Bloodborne GMV. Pretty cool stuff.
  12. Just finished catching up on the Final Fantasy XV: Brotherhood anime. Now I'm really peeved about XV getting pushed back to November. I'm most certainly ready for it now. Ah well, I've waited all these years, I guess a couple more months will be ok.

  13. CodeCass is a combination and corruption of my first and last names, Cody Castleman. Plus my father had the nickname "Cass" when he was my age. So I stole that and threw my own twist on it when I got into gaming and needed a handle.
  14. Having never played Crisis Core, but being an avid Final Fantasy fan, I'm really finding it very enjoyable!

    1. Personthing


      Ngl, Zack is one of my favorite game protags in genral.

    2. CodeCass


      I like him because he's got a good attitude haha. I haven't gotten very far but I'm really enjoying it. It's cool hearing all the old FFVII music again, and just seeing and hearing familiar names of people and places is fun!

  15. Finally made it to Shade's gym in my video playthrough. Got decimated haha. Time to train up that Mightyena I suppose.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hect


      Solid team, but I see why you struggle with the Rotom. :D

      My current team is Blaziken, Magneton, Gardevoir, Crobat, Krookodile and I'm planning to add a Roserade, once I'm done with breeding for IV's.. which can take years.

      But let's take a moment and bless the creator of the game for at least putting the breeding items in the game.

    3. CodeCass


      Very much agreed! I'm not sure why I said Dodrio was on my team at the moment, I forgot I swapped it for Zebstrika. Zebstrika seems to have a fairly easy time with taking down some of the members, but Rotom is just a complete wall against my team at the moment.

    4. Hect


      Ah, Dodrio did well in your playthrough. I saw that.

  16. YES! Got the Skull Fossil baby! Also nabbed Helix, Dome, and Armor Fossils. Not bad for an hour of soft-resetting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hect



    3. Anstane



      Will you later try for an Odd Keystone?

    4. CodeCass


      I'll try! It's for a side quest down the road, correct? I was also lucky enough to grab a Fire Stone for my Growlithe!

  17. Would anyone know of a good place to go mine and soft reset rocks to farm fossils? Thanks! (Also, it's F8 or F12 to soft reset?)

    1. Anstane


      F12 soft reset.

      There's a decent amount of rocks under the Grand Stairwell. After that...I think there are a few in Citrine (?) Mountain (The one next to Shade's Gym)

    2. CodeCass


      Much appreciated!

  18. Did some grinding and got Growlithe her Flame Burst, and am on the way to evolve Pineco soon. Then it's time for a rematch with that sad 12 year old little girl, Shelly...

    1. Sutoratosu


      But, but... the rain field friend... unless, you have...no, could it be *Gasps* The legendary sunny day!

    2. Cobalt996


      Unless this is normal Reborn, where Illumise will not ever use Rain Dance, opting to do literally anything other than Rain Dance, including swapping.

  19. I love Crabrawler! With that eye half-closed he looks like a cross between a gentleman boxer and Rocky Balboa...and a crab. Haha. EDIT: Just realized a fight between Crabrawler and Hitmonchan would essentially be Balrog vs Dudley! Going to have to change my LP outros to "Hit that LIKE button like a Crabrawler..." now. I know that the sand castles get a lot of hate, but I think their actually really cool as well. So far, really looking forward to Sun and Moon! Plan on riding to victory on the back of Mudsdale whilst Crabrawler pawnches anything in the way at this point.
  20. Could anyone explain to me, or link me a thread that explains how to load a specific save file? I basically want to return to a previous point to make some better decisions. Can anyone help me? Thanks

  21. Been reading alot lately on my lunch hours. Dr. Sleep has been really good so far. Maybe not as good as the Shining, but still a fun read.

  22. Fun Fact: I almost just died. I work in a warehouse and check these forums throughout the day. Well I just had a piece of equipment fall with me holding it and it almost crushed me. No joke. Funny thing is, now I'm in an elated state of mind (I guess from being alive lol)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 5hift
    3. Hect


      And yes, I also know those "I really shouldn't have survived/dodged/... whatever" moments. Happens way too frequent in my life.

  23. Should this team be able to take on Shelly, provided I play it halfway smart? Feraligatr, Zebstrika, Growlithe, Dodrio, Forretress, and Arbok

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hect


      Certainly. I found her pretty easy.. but if you have doubts, you can just try. I haven't followed your playthrough all that much just yet, but you should be just fine.

    3. CodeCass


      Thanks Lag! I appreciate the vote of confidence! haha. I've got to grind a bit beforehand, but I feel excited for the rematch now!

    4. CodeCass


      It's truly amazing how much someone saying basically, "you can do it" or "I believe in you" can change my attitude. I feel pumped and like I can definitely take on this...sad 12 year old girl...

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