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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Gotta get home, train this Growlithe and Pineco, and get ready for a rematch with Shelly!

    1. Hect


      Finish her!

  2. Shelly is DESTROYING my team! I'm surprised Feraligatr, Zebstrika, Dodrio, and Growlithe are struggling this badly. I've got Arbok as a somewhat tanky wall to be able to heal up the other members, but I'm struggling to come up with a 6th member to take her down!

    1. CodeCass


      Good idea. I forgot Flame Burst could burn her field. I'm thinking of doing that, and possibly grabbing a Pineco to have a Forretress as my bug and steel type

    2. Anstane


      I turn one used Flame Burst to srt the field on fire and I got lucky and KO'd her Volbeat, denying Rain Dance. For me, Shelly was probably the second or third easiest Gym Leader, to be honest (After Terra and Ciel)

  3. So I just got back from helping Victoria escape the hole in the Grand Stairway. About how far am I away form being able to grab the Data Chip in the Lapis Ward?

  4. Sitting here looking at this Cottonee and wondering if I want to put the effort in to make it a viable option for my playthrough team...Or if I want to say forget it and use Cacnea

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      *takes a deep breath*



    3. Amanojaku


      Prankster Cottonee is very useful

  5. For those of you keeping up with my Final Fantasy V playthrough, here's the latest episode:

  6. Is there a way to make Cottonee/Whimsicott actually viable in Reborn, or is that just silly?

    1. Bearadactyl


      Prankster with Moonblast, Encore, & Giga Drain makes it pretty useful offensively.

      But, it's strength is in its support I think.

      Prankster; Encore, Stun Spore/Tailwind, Moon Blast, Leech Seed.

      If U-Turn was available I'd swap it with Leech Seed.

  7. Uuuuggghhhh. Got Cottonee form the mystery egg from the police quest...what a rip off haha.

    1. Alextron


      Rip off? Whimsicott is op as heck.

    2. Chase


      Don't let anyone fool you. Whimsicott is awful.

      (I love you guys)

  8. Got the new Reborn episode up! This time it's Corey's gym...So it's some heavy stuff. Even felt the need to throw a warning screen up.

  9. Been getting helpful tips for my FFV playthrough. Can't wait to head home and record some more tonight. Such a fun game!

  10. I've thought about this before! In a real-life setting, I'd have to go with: Raichu Dodrio Rampardos Cofagrigus Motham Shiftry
  11. What would be some good PSP games to do a LP series on? I'm currently doing Digimon World Re:Digitze. I'm thinking of doing Crisis Core next. But after that I'm not sure. I don't want to do KHBBS since I have the HD version I can use. Any thoughts? I'm drawing a blank on what other fun PSP titles there were!

  12. I'm never staying at the Innsmouth Hotel ever again! Here's the latest Call of Cthulhu video for those who care!

  13. JoJo's, Death Parade, and trying out xxxHolic.
  14. Would the Porygon line be a fairly solid addition to a Reborn Team? I'd love to work it in somehow if it's viable at all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CodeCass


      I've never really used one. Always seemed interesting though. Might take steps to see if I can get it!

    3. Bearadactyl


      If you can manage to evolve it to Porygon2, once Eviolite drops you'll have a ridiculous tank.

      But, that's the only member of the Porygon line I've ever consistently used.

      Porygon-Z hits like a truck if built right from what I've seen.

    4. Hect


      I find the evolutionary line a tad disappointing. Porygon 2 can be a nice tank with the Eviolite, but for that it also needs decent IV's.. I'd suggest you search for something else. The solo normal typing isn't very beneficial in Reborn/Rejuvenation. I feel like raw power is important in those games, and not having the STAB boost greatly reduces the power of attacks.

  15. Monday's hitting me in full force today. Feeling sick and exhausted, but am staring down a 65 hour work week. Hoping I can find time to record some videos at some point.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Just think of the money and you'll be fine

    2. CodeCass


      That is very true. :)

  16. I know it may be blasphemous around these parts, but I gave the English Patch of Digimon World Re:Digitize a try! Let me know what you think!

  17. So I'm stealing Jericho's idea: Which playthrough series should I end? http://www.strawpoll.me/10980549

    1. Maelstrom


      None of the above. Find some better games. ;P

  18. Having so much fun with Final Fantasy V. Why haven't I played this sooner?


    1. Hect


      Whaaaaaaaat? No, seriously. What's up, Cass?

    2. Anstane


      Accidentally watched Troll 2?

      In seriousness, what happened?

    3. Guzam



  20. Gotta go grab a haircut, and make myself look spiffy so I can do this week's worth of recordings over the next two days with confidence !

    1. Hect


      Guess I'm needing a haircut, too. While it may be possible that other people like me more with my current one, I've got to say that I really don't give a flying fluff.

      Don't feel like looking like a snob. And brushing is bothersome.

  21. Got one more Reborn episode for you guys and gals this morning. Hope you like it!

  22. Morning everyone! For those following along, here's my latest Reborn episode! Part 8!

  23. I've spent too much of my day looking up random Cthulhu Mythos facts....

    1. Bearadactyl


      Cthulhu for President.

    2. Skullkin


      I had a wallpaper of cthulhu fucking slenderman once.

      Zalgo watched.

  24. One more question: I'm about to take on Corey's gym. About how much longer do I have before I have access to the mining kit? Also, since I'm going to keep soft resetting until I can find a Skull Fossil, is there any particularly good area to keep resetting the rocks in? Thanks!

    1. drevance


      After you defeat Corey and the next Gym leader you will have access to the mining kit. I'd recommend soft resetting in the area under the Grand Stair as there are a lot of rocks. If you mine all of them, Citrine Mountain outside of the Power Plant across Beryl Bridge has a few rocks as well.

  25. As stated, Kricketune and it's Fury Cutter can be your best friend here. Swoobat can also be a good help up until Cradilly.
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