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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Quick question: I know that the eggs containing Cacnea, Ducklet, Drowzee, etc all have the colorations of their pokemon. What about the egg from the Police Officer quest? I know you CAN get togepi from it, but will it only show a togepi color scheme, or will it be it's specific pokemon's colors?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marcello


      Every single egg in Reborn, no matter the source, is coloured based on what it will hatch into.

    3. Marcello


      Ergo if it shows Togepi colours that means it's a togepi.

    4. CodeCass


      Thanks! Thanks exactly what I needed to know!

  2. Here's one more for you Cthulhu fans out there:

    Hope you enjoy!
  3. If this Alolan Raichu is real....I just don't know. I've loved all the new designs, forms, and pokemon so far...but to do that do my favorite mon...Somewhere Lt. Surge is rolling over in this grave.

  4. Never thought I'd be spending my day at work trying to understand Voltorb Flip. Even with the help of the online calculator it's beyond me for some reason...All I want is Facade haha...

    1. Hect


      1.) Mess around.

      2.) Have no idea what you're doing.

      3.) Profit.

      Finding out what you're supposed to be doing probably is better, but it also takes longer. :P Always gotta take the lazy approach, lol. At least that's how I got my coins. Took a while..

  5. I'd love to if I had all the tricks figured out myself! I'm most definitely still learning it's in's and out's myself.
  6. So far it's been my Kricketune, Dethharmonic, in this run. I would have NEVER thought it would be this useful. I've used it for every gym battle so far (I'm about to face Corey) and it's served me well each time. Not to mention Deedle Deedle Whooooping Fern's ass, and being instramental in taking down each of the Pulse Tangrowths. I keep taking it out to let someone else have a turn, but he keeps working himself back into the rotation somehow!
  7. Might have to give up on my dream of Facade Dodrio for Corey's gym haha. I have NO luck with Voltorb flip and the slot machines. Even after getting the 1200-ish free coins, it would still take me a tone of time to try and get the rest. Poo. Ah well.

    1. RasenShot


      Can't you use the online Voltorb Flip solver?

    2. CodeCass


      I tried that, but maybe I'm doing something wrong or am not understanding it. It seems to only solve about 1/2 of the puzzle. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  8. Morning everyone! Got yet another new video uploaded today! This time it's Final Fantasy V. For those who care, let me know what you think!

  9. I asked the same question not long ago, and someone suggested Lightworks. I highly recommend it, but fair warning, there's a steep learning curve. But it is free, and has quite a lot of features. So if you take the time to learn it, I'd say it's worth it. At least it has been for me.
  10. I wonder how effective it would be to make the effort to obain Facade and teach it to my Dodrio before Corey's gym...Seems like a no-brainer to me...

    1. Hect


      Sarcasm much?

    2. Oxygen9


      Can't go wrong with Voltorb flip.

    3. AuthorReborn


      there's always http://www.voltorbflip.com/ to help out if you're lazy, like me

  11. Sorry Hatredcopter (Swoobat), it's time to make room for my favorite flying type, Dodrio, to take over. Welcome to the team ThreeHammers!

  12. Thanks so very much to Ace of Bears for helping me update my channel logo! I absolutely love it.

    1. Bearadactyl


      No problem at all.

  13. Ugh...I have Reborn, VW2, Starbound, Digimon, Call of Cthulhu videos all going right now....And then I think, "I should really start a Final Fantasy V run...Damnit

    1. Hexagoen


      Well, Just finish a runthrough first. I mean have 4 simultaneous runthroughs is really hard as is, adding a fifth one is probably going to ruin the production effeciency you have.

      I mean, if you really want to play a fifth game, i suggest streaming it on twitch so you dont have to worry about editing it.

    2. CodeCass


      Now that's not a bad idea at all! I figure I'll either do that, or see about letting one of the run-throughs fall to the wayside for a bit. I know the Digimon one isn't on of the more popular ones. But I really like the twitch idea! I'll have to give that some thought.

  14. Good morning everyone! For the few of you who are following along, here's the link to Part 7 of my Reborn run!

    1. CodeCass


      Thanks so much!

  15. Damn! My Kricketune just dledle dledledle whooooooped Fern's ass!

  16. Hey all! Not sure if we have any Lovecraft fans in here, but I started a video series for Dark Corners of the Earth! If you'd like to check it out, here's the link. I'd love some feedback! Thanks guys!

  17. So just curious what people think: around what percentage of the game is Shade's gym in the current Ep 15? I'd assume around 1/4 but it could be more. Just curious!

    1. Hect


      If I remember it right, it's somewhere around the 1/3.

    2. Cobalt996


      The whole world. He's always watching, and he doesn't like people leaving.

  18. Never thought I'd be having to look up vocal warm-ups in order to better my commentary. Anything to improve!

    1. Hexagoen


      Doing some singing excercises does help when doing some exensive speking, like commentary. It warms up your throat, and it doesn help when speaking! Try singing some songs, or just speaking clearly, and your commentary will inprove~

    2. CodeCass


      Thinks! I'll be sure to try that. I've got a theater friend who also gave me some tongue twisters to help my enunciation. I know I slip hard into my KY accent and tend to get exited and slur my words sometimes. Hoping these warm-ups well help me deliver better commentary and for longer periods of time!

    3. CodeCass
  19. Morning all! Hope you all are having a fantastic day. Just wanted to drop the link for part 6 of my Reborn playthrough for anyone who's been following along! I've gotten some great traffic and feedback from this community so far, so thank you all!

  20. Yay! Finally got Starbound to record! So I have Reborn, Volt White 2, Digimon World Dusk, and Starbound to record tomorrow! Gonna be busy.

  21. So I'm really wanting to get Cranidos. I know you can mine the shining rocks for a skull fossil, but I was curious if there was anything I could do to help my chances? Thanks as always everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CodeCass


      Perfect! Sounds like I have potentially a lot of mining ahead of me! Thanks everyone!

    3. Hect


      I think the Mining minigame is exactly the same as it was in Gen 4 [Diamond, Perl, Platinum]. Don't quote me on that, though. You should be able to find everything about it on wikias and stuff like that.

    4. Anstane


      I burned a lot of resets getting a Helix Fossil and Odd Keystone as I heard they're used in events. I still haven't used them :v: At least I got some plates, an Icicle Plate most importantly.

  22. So I'm curious. If you steal Buizel in the Magma gang story line, what do you steal in the Aqua gang's?

    1. Anstane
    2. CodeCass


      Ah. Thanks for clearing that up.

  23. Got my latest episode up of my Reborn playthrough! If anyone would like to check it out, here it is:

  24. Welcome Welcome! Reborn has a great community here! Glad you can be apart of it.
  25. This was incredibly helpful info! I was curious exactly where the Move Relearner is located, and if you have to give them anything to relearn moves? Thanks!
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