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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. So maybe a silly question: how viable (at least early game) is Wigglytuff in Reborn? Got Igglybuff from the old lady and more or less disregarded it. But the more I think of it, the more I think I made want some fairy coverage at some point. Thoughts?

    1. Amanojaku


      Not very viable, since it's going to be stuck with Disarming Voice until the Adrienn fight

    2. CodeCass


      Gottcha. I figured that might be the case but wanted to check!

    3. AuthorReborn


      Well it gets Play Rough from the relearner after it evolves into Wigglytuff, but it is more of a special attacker with Competative and all and Granbull can do the physical Fairy thing better and more reliably.

  2. Woo hoo! No 2nd work tonight or tomorrow! I can actually work on recording some footage. Pretty stoked! Maybe I'll even get Starbound actually started.

  3. I really can't decide between Dusknoir and Cofagrigus for my playthrough haha. I love both mons but can't pick. And I don't want a Dusklops with eviolite either lol. Decisions, decisions...

    1. Cepheus


      Cofagrigus Destiny Bond OP for Boss fights :P

    2. AuthorReborn


      Plus Mummy is a godly Ability because it can cripple other Pokemon.

  4. So quick question: are both Yamask AND Duskull found at Shade's gym like the location guide says? I've only ever seen Yamask. May just be my bad luck though. Thanks!

    1. Combat


      I caught one there, so yes.

    2. Anstane


      I've seen Duskull in shade's Gym while there to promote Magneton to Magnezone, so yes, Duskull is found there.

    3. CodeCass


      Fantastic. Thanks!

  5. I enjoy the references with Outer Heaven and Kaz! I'll be watching with interest!
  6. Finally was able to capture that darn Blitzle last night! In my first playthrough it NEVER thunderstormed! Was lucky enough to be able to actually capture it in an episode this time around!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CodeCass


      I'm sure I'm going to have a challenge through the game because I tend to favor my personal favorite mons. Nabbed Ekans last night, and I plan to keep Arbok the entire run. Also plan to keep my boy Dodrio once I can find him. But that's what makes it fun!

    3. Anstane


      I also prefer to use Pokemon I personally like better rather then the ones that are statistically superior. Sure, it's harder, but it just feels more satisfying when you win with your friends then with just "The best team".

    4. CodeCass


      That mirror's my feelings almost 100% haha!

  7. I'm so stoked that I broke 50 subs on YouTube haha. I know that's not a lot in the long run, but it's great to know at least 50 people out there enjoy my content!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CodeCass


      Thanks! I don't think I can express how much it means to have some feedback! I also appreciate the sub Lagspike. I've thought about doing a Rejuvenation playthrough once I get through Reborn and Volt White 2. I also have to finish up Digimon World Dusk! Eventually I hope to start Rejuvenation along with some other non-Pokémon titles.

    3. Shad_


      Hatredcopter best nickname ever

    4. CodeCass


      Haha I thought it fit fairly well!

  8. Finally got to take on Julia! The team is coming along slowly as well! If you like, check it out!

    1. CodeCass


      Also, I'm starved for any sort of feedback on my videos/channel in general. So if anyone cares to take a look, I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions on how I can improve!

  9. Would Gothitelle be the better Psychic option for a playthough of Reborn over Meowstic? Or are they about the same?

    1. BreezyPonie


      Gothitelle, while slower is much more powerful than Meowstic in the long run.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      it hihgly depends on Meowstic form. Male is a very different niche but that's whay it's worth using ((and nearly any Utility Psychic type is better than Gothi.)) and offensviely Meowstic female outclasses it for the msot part as it's coverage is better and it's attack stat and speed are nice, unlike Goth's. Both are soldi though I'd jsut say Meowstic has an edge. Gothitelle still be worth running though I feel.

  10. The Reborn series is going great! So happy to have started this adventure! If anyone would like to check it out, here's the latest entry!

  11. Silly question. I can't log in at the moment to the game, but exactly how many letters do you get for a nickname in Reborn?

    1. CodeCass


      Much appreciated!

  12. Home! Ready to work on new videos for the next couple days!

  13. Ready to leave for my vacation tomorrow. Equally ready to start my Reborn video series this weekend when I get back.

  14. Constantly so surprised and impressed by the generosity of this community and it's members.

    1. Maelstrom


      What did they do this time?

    2. Maelstrom


      Why did you delete your answer?

    3. CodeCass


      Oh? I'm not sure why that happened. Just now noticed it was gone. Must have gotten click-happy or something. But yes, Ame and AceOfBears have been huge helps to me in getting images and a new logo made for my upcoming video series.

  15. Curious if anyone could help me get ahold of a png or jpg of the "Pokemon Reborn" logo? I'm wanting to do a video series and was hoping to put the logo in my overlay and thumbnails. Thanks!

  16. Going to start a video series on Reborn! Just have no clue which starter to pick! Chimchar is out simply because I used him in the VW2 series...hmmm....

    1. Maelstrom


      Water types don't have an easy time of it at the beginning. Go for the challenge?

    2. CodeCass


      Hmmm. Not a bad idea. Really the only water type starter I've ever used is Totodile. Might have to branch out to one of the others!

    3. Fumble



  17. It's hell when the creativity is actually flowing for once, and I've got Second Work tonight! >_< I just want to be home and make videos about games!

  18. Got my first real taste of how awesome this community is today. Blown away by the generosity!

  19. This VW2 Nuzlocke Run is getting good. Levanny, Monferno, Gyrados, and Larvitar about to take down Coreless for the first time! (Hopefully)

  20. Almost done with the Digimon World Dusk overlay! Ready to try and get some recording done tomorrow.

  21. Took a night off from recording/editing. Feeling rested and ready to jump back into the VW2 nuzlocke tonight. Also stoked to work on my Digimon World Dusk overlay this weekend.

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