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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. From a fellow newcomer, welcome to Reborn!
  2. Good morning all! Hope everyone is doing well. I had a quick question for those in the community who post to YouTube. I've been interested lately in trying to make some Pokémon Reborn and other gaming videos for my YouTube for Let's Plays. I've looked into OBS as a good free options for actual video capture and I have FRAPS, but I was curious what free program folks are using nowadays to actually edit. Back in good ol' 2007 when I was actually making videos on the regular, I always used the old version of Windows Movie Maker, but these days I'm wanting something a little better and less prone to bugs when it comes to audio. So what do you guys who edit use? Is there anything simple and free out there, or am I going to have to drop some of the cash that so scarce these days? Haha. I appreciate any and all help folks, and I hope you all have a fantastic day!
  3. Bonfire by Knife Party at the moment.
  4. Back to work after a long weekend. Hope everyone who celebrated had a safe holiday.

  5. Finally took down Shade! Thanks so much to the folks who commented to help me out. Raticate, Houndoom, and Cofagirus were the MVP's for sure.

    1. Jacobliterator


      Congrats mate!

    2. Monochrome_Complex


      Shade is what I consider the disc one final boss of Reborn. The first time I played he forced me to completely revamp my team aside from Infernape and is the leader who will most likely teach the player that having more than 6 mons is a good idea for Reborn.

      Congrats, thankfully the game eases up a bit for a while, though gets no less fun.

  6. Hmmmmm. So where exactly are the screenshots from the game saved?

  7. I've spent the whole day fighting and losing to Shade. Grinding, then rinse and repeat. Maybe I'll have better luck tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Have you tried the Phoenix Sweep?

    3. CodeCass


      Thanks so much for the suggestions folks! I'll be sure to try them out!

    4. CodeCass


      Is Raticate I decently viable option? Maybe between him, Houndoom, and Magneton I can get past this gym?

  8. Anyone know a good place to grind before Shade's gym other than in the gym itself?

    1. Xiri


      Try the Grand hall trainers

    2. CodeCass


      Much appreciated

  9. I've never really used Floatzel in-game before. Trying to use him as my water-type in my story team, but having trouble figuring out a good moveset for him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sr.F


      But in in-game Floatzel have (more or less) good moves. (Aqua jet, Waterfall, Ice Fang/ I don´t remember if Ice Punch is available and Pursuit/Crunch)

    3. Jacobliterator


      Hence the word might.

    4. Cobalt996


      It gets good moves, but it doesn't tend to deal much damage unless you EV it. Priority is always a good thing, though.

  10. Much appreciated!
  11. Ok, hopefully this is where I'm supposed to post this. I'm a little lost. I just beat Corey's gym, and watched the scene on the bridge, at which point Fern ran off. I'm having trouble figuring out where to go now to progress the story.
  12. Wow! Found my first shiny while grinding for the gym! Awesome looking Spearow which in turn became an awesome Fearow! Cool looking and pretty strong!

  13. Enjoying the first day of my 4-day weekend by trying to take down Corey's Poison Gym. Having a rough time with that Crobat!

    1. doombotmecha


      simple CM swoobat annihilates it, and it can't do much to klink. it's bulkier than it appears, be careful.

    2. CodeCass


      Thanks for the tips! Was finally able to take it down. Got lucky and happened to find Helioptile on the roof today, and was able to chip away at it with my Persian, and then take it down with a Parabolic Charge. More or less it was just straight luck haha.

  14. For a fun Pokémon in White 2, I used Claydol and found it to be surprisingly good! And for a really cool "flyer" in X, I really liked using Dodrio!
  15. Ready for this 3-day weekend to kick in!

  16. If I've learned anything in my time with Pokemon, it's that when catching something new, it's about 40% battle/capture time, and 60% trying to come up with a clever and/or relevant nickname.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fumble
    3. Shamitako
    4. CodeCass


      I don't know how many times I've gone so far as to even hunt for a specific gender just because I have a certain nickname in mind!

  17. If I've learned anything in my time with Pokemon, it's that when catching something new, it's about 40% battle/capture time, and 60% trying to come up with a cleaver or relevant nickname.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      it's more like 10%/90% for me LOL

  18. I'm having a really hard time walking the line of reading through the guide for Reborn, but at the same time wanting to do a blind playthrough. I just don't want to miss anything!

    1. DerogatoryTrainer


      Go blind.

      Best when you don't know what the fuck is up.

      You can always go back to stuff you might miss

    2. CodeCass


      Very true. Sounds like that's the way to go.

  19. Ugh, working both jobs today. Hopefully I'll have some energy left to hit up some Reborn tonight and finally knock out the second gym.

  20. Here's mine. Not just overly impressive.
  21. So I've been seeing footage of this Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for the Wii U. I was curious if any of you nice people have gotten a change to give this game a try yet? No one I know personally has had hands-on time with it, and I'm curious to learn some opinions before I commit to purchasing it. I'm a big SMT fan (Can't get enough of Nocturne, P3, P4, and SMT4), and I've enjoyed the latest entries in the Fire Emblem franchise (Only have really played Awakening and Birthright casually), so it stands to reason I'd enjoy TMS#FE. Thanks for any feedback!
  22. I've been really enjoying Kingdom Hearts Unchained X. Really easy game to play here and there and waste some time. Plus, who doesn't love more KH?
  23. "Final Fantasy X"'s ending will always hold a special place in my heart, as will "Mass Effect 2". In more recent memory though, if I had to pick endings that forced me to make friends play the game themselves to I could have conversations about them; I'd have to say "Wolf Among Us" and "Bioshock Infinite". Both had incredible stories and endings.
  24. I'm a huge fan of the KH series. I actually just finished a franchise playthrough of their 1.5 and 2.5 formats to get hyped and prepped for 2.8's release! Fantastic games! I was fully prepared to not enjoy and potentially skip CoM, but I was really pleasantly surprised. I truly enjoyed it and was glad I gave it a chance.
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