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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 3:34 PM, Youmu9 said:

    Vagrant Story and Xenogears are nice ones. They both tell very unique stories with equally unique gameplay experiences.


    1 hour ago, Hentacle Loli said:

    Seems I've been beaten to the punch (pun absolutely intended). Throwing in another reccomendation for Xenogears


    See these two suggestions really make me interested in checking out Xenogears. The only "Xeno" games I've played to date are Xenosaga 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Trufa said:

    Final Fantasy VII ❤️ sorry, best game ever made xD

    That's a weird way to spell Final Fantasy X, lol. But in all seriousness though, VII is still one of my favorites. I even have an FFVII tattoo. I just spent soo much time with that and IX and other FF's on the PS1 that they really were my only JRPG experience until the PS2. Just need to spice things up a bit! 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Lightp said:

    Breath of Fire 3 and 4, Tales of Eternia (also known as Tales of Destiny 2 in NA), Star Ocean 2, Grandia, Valkyrie Profile, Parasite Eve.

    I've gotten Breath of Fire 3 recommended to me a couple times! Guess I really need to check it out! 


    3 minutes ago, Neml said:

    Suikoden 1 & 2, Wild Arms series, Alundra (kinda more zelda lttp styled but still an rpg I guess? 😉 ) 

    Highly recommend legaia, played it through so many times

    I'm really interested to try Suikoden. I've always heard such good things! 

  4. So shortly, I'm going to try and start going back and playing some of the older PS1 JRPGs that I missed out on, or didn't finish in my childhood/teenage years because I was too obsessed with Final Fantasy. The three I've currently tracked down hard copies for are Legend of Legaia, Jade Cocoon, and Legend of Dragoon.


    I'm really excited to try these three as they seem like collectively they sort of run a gamut of different JRPG styles. Legaia has intriguing combat, Dragoon has it's transformations, and Jade Cocoon has awesome monster fusing/collecting.


    I'd be curious if any of you folks knew of any other highly recommended, but maybe lesser known JRPGs from the PS1 era that I might look into? My only stipulation would be that I'd like them to be "different" from maybe the standard Final Fantasy games of the day, or have some sort of gameplay mechanic that helps it stand out.


    To date, the only PS1 JRPGS I've ever really played are:

    • Any Final Fantasy released on PS1 except VIII, I've just never tried it.
    • Dragon Seeds
    • Monster Rancher
    • Digimon World 1, 2, 3

    I honestly never really hit my JRPG stride and obsession until the PS2.


    Thanks for any and all help folks! I very much appreciate it!

  5. So I'm (hopefully) about to finish my Nuzlocke of Omega Ruby.


    I suffered a loss though in Victory Road where my Zangoose was killed. So I'm brining in my Nuzleaf to help fill the gap. My issue now though is that all of my team are 52+, and my Nuzleaf is 21. I'm trying to level him up appropriately so I can evolve him to max effect and get ready to finish this game ASAP!


    So my question is, where is the best place to grind up a low-level Pokémon to get it ready for the Elite 4 in Omega Ruby?


    Thanks so much for any and all help folks! I greatly appreciate it! 

  6. Curious if any of the rest of you Reborn fans are also fans of the Yakuza series? Admittedly, I'm a fairly new fan. I had played Yakuza 4 back on the PS3 back when it was first released. Felt a little lost (I was taking up the 4th game in a series after all) so eventually set it aside, but I enjoyed what I played.


    Fast forward to about 2 months ago when I picked up Yakuza 0. Hoo Boy! I was instantly hooked on Zero. The characters, the combat, the mini games, the world and the story: everything was incredible! I found myself both getting a rush and wiping away a tear throughout various scenes! It takes a lot to elicit such emotions from me during games these days...I'm dead inside after years of JRPGS, haha! Anyway, after putting 80+ hours into a game I was ready to laugh away as a beat-em-up at first, I knew I was hooked!


    So last night I finally started up Yakuza Kiwami. For those not in the know, Kiwami is a PS4 remake of the original Yakuza game from the PS2. Once again, I can tell I'm playing something special! Kiwami 2 (a remake of Yakuza 2) is being released in a few months and I'm already excited! Can't wait to see the series through to the finish! It's so cool to think that I've got 4 full games to go after this one!  


    I've seen folks throw out terms like "Japanese GTA", and that's a very big misconception. Not that GTA is a bad series or anything, but the two really couldn't be more different, to the point you can't even really compare the two. 


    But yeah, figured I'd make a thread for folks to discuss this awesome series if they see fit! 


  7. Finally took down Soul Master! That guy was a pain! That bad thing is, his fight wasn't even the hardest part. Getting to him is what was such a pain after each loss. So glad I can move on now!

  8. Thought  it would be fun to make a thread where gunpla builders could show off their work! 


    Also go ahead to dont heaitate to show off your Zoids and other mecha as well! 


    Feel free to post your completed, customized, or works in progress! 


    Gunpla is Freedom! 




    For starters, here’s my recently completed MG 1/100 Shining Gundam! This was my first attempt at hand painting! Love how the gold turned out. 


  9. I'm in the middle of an Omega Ruby Nuzlocke at the moment and I just let my Breloom get killed! I'm needing a new teammate to take up the mantle. My options are Armalldo or Shiftry….well, Anorith or Nuzleaf but same difference at this point. 


    I can't figure out who the better fit would be! Here's the rest of the team at the moment!


    Marshtomp "Kipper"

    Ability: Torrent

    - Water Gun

    - Mud Bomb

    - Rock Smash

    - Rock Slide


    Pelipper "Pellina"

    Ability: Keen Eye

    - Brine

    - Air Cutter

    - Protect

    - Steel Wing


    Manectric "Veetu" @Manectite

    Ability: Lightning Rod

    - Spark

    - Overheat

    - Volt Switch

    - Thunder Wave


    Zangoose "Jinyu"

    Ability: Immunity

    - Crush Claw

    - Revenge

    - Strength

    - Fury Cutter


    - Koffing "Choke"

    Ability: Levitate

    - Sludge

    - Smokescreen

    - Assurance 

    - Smog

  10. 15 hours ago, Eviora said:

    I have it on PC, not Switch, but Hollow Knight is just a really good game across the board. Intense boss fights, awesome ambiance, and an intriguing world and story to go with it. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up also getting it on the Switch down the line. xD

    I adore it on the Switch. I'm told it's excellent on PC as well though. I just love being able to play it on the tv and being able to take it to the office with me. Giving me a great excuse to play my Switch again! 

  11. I haven't been back on the forums for just overly long now, but since I've been back you all have done great at making me feel like one of the gang again! 


    @Q-Jei: A great person who always seems happy, helpful, and respectful! Always fun to mess around in the Prediction topic!


    @seki108: A great source of helpful info about various topics and has helped me learn more about the game! Never hesitates to help their fellow player and it's much appreciated!


    @Celeby: Has helped me acquire some Pokémon via trades, and by pointing me in the right direction in-game. Always happy and ready to help at the drop of a hat it seems and it's much appreciated! 


    @Amethyst: This one's obviously a big one. Not simply because she's made a game I love, but because of how helpful she is! When I first game to the forums, I was interested in doing a Let's Play of Reborn. I contacted Amethyst to get her approval before attempting that project and she was kind enough to not only give her blessing, but to send me some Reborn art and files to use for my video overlay! It's no wonder to me she's garnered such a following! 


    @Elvenlore: Somone who's constantly helping others. Every time I've ever had an issue or question they've been more than willing to help, whether it's about the game, or acquiring Pokémon. They even went out of their way to message me a few times just to see how I was getting along and it's so very much appreciated!


    @Drakka: A newer member but one who's stories have been quite interesting to read! Always get excited when I see a new update! 


    There are too many folks on these forums for me to name one by one, but you all are each incredible and have made my time here memorable as always! 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. 49 minutes ago, DiamondTiaraIsBest said:

    Just a reminder for those who don't know, you can attack downwards while jumping and that will let you bounce off spikes/other hard places.

    It took me far too long to realize this in game. I'm surprised it never tells you! 


    Yeah it does seem like some of the bosses have an easy way of beating them, and then others are much harder! 

  13. Just now, DreamblitzX said:

    ooh Soul Master is fairly tough. I found it was a fight where I got hit quite a lot, but there were lots of windows where you could squeeze in a quick heal. so unlike faster bosses like hornet where you should try to avoid damage as much as possible, for soul master it's more ok as long as you're trading blows to keep up your soul gauge, and taking those opportunities to heal whenever possible. that's just my personal experience with him though.

    Gottcha! I'll keep that in mind when I take him on again this evening! 

  14. Hoo boy am I digging this game. It's getting those old Soulsborne feeling ramped up again though. I keep getting shut down by "The Soul Master". Trying to git gud and take this thing down! 

  15. [Rules used are just the standard/basic 3]


    So last night I decided to buckle down and try yet again to finish a Nuzlocke. This time around I've chosen Omega Ruby, a game I've played, but honestly could play again!

    So far the team is Hoenn all the way. Can't remember if any extra Pokémon were included this time around or if it's strictly Gen 3, but regardless, I'm having fun with it so far as Gen 3 were the games I played the least. I've also never used Mudkip, Beutifly, or Wingull before!


    After setting off we went through the various areas with May, met our Dad, and eventually wound up at the gym in Rustboro City, where we took down Roxanne easily. No deaths to report yet! Just been trying to grind up the group.


    So here's what we have so far for the current team:




    Mudkip "Kipper" [Starter]

    • Ability: Torrent
    • Water Gun
    • Mudslap
    • Tackle
    • Rock Tomb

    My starter and all around Ace at the moment. I've never used the Mudkip line before but he's holding his own so far!


    Beutifuly "Flitter" [Rt. 101]

    • Ability: Swarm
    • Absorb
    • Gust
    • Poison Sting
    • Harden

    My first Pokémon was a little Wurmple on Rt. 101. She's stuck with me so far and has honestly been my second best Pokémon!


    Wingull "Pellina" [Rt 104]

    • Ability: Keen Eye
    • Wing Attack
    • Water Gun
    • Supersonic
    • Echoed Voice

    Another member of the team who's species I've never used, but she's proving to be a great team mate so far. Kind of hate that I'm doubling up on my typing a bit, but so far she's been useful.


    Seedot "Saito" [Rt 102]

    • Ability: Chlorophyll
    • Harden
    • Beat Up
    • Growth

    I hope this guy can be made into something good. I think Shiftry is awesome but he's such a weak-link right now! Hoping Nature Power and an evo might help him out!


    Shroomish "Penny" [Petelburg Woods]

    • Ability: Poison Heal
    • Mega Drain
    • Stun Spore
    • Leech Seed
    • Tackle

    I honestly haven't used Penny that much. She seems like a good grass type so far. I know Breloom is a beast, but I'm hoping Shiftry will be the main grasser. Of course if something happens to him, Penny is up!


    Whismur "Dess" [Rusturf Tunnel]

    • Ability: Soundproof
    • Echoed Voice
    • Pound
    • Astonish
    • Howl

    The newest member of the group. He hasn't seen any action yet, but I'm hoping he'll be able to hold his own with the team!


    A couple other Pokémon I caught but that are on the backburner at the moment are:

    • Zigzagoon "Zags" [Rt 103]
    • Nincada "Zeet" [Rt 116]


    Wish me luck folks! No deaths to report yet but I'm a fool if I think that wont change!

    If anyone has any tips to help me out on the journey, I'll be more than willing to take them! I want to win this one!


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