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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Anyone know a decent free mobile games? I'm about to go internet-less tomorrow to avoid spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3 until next Tuesday and I predict I'm goin to be bored as hell on Friday and Monday. Looking for something to hold my attention that won't involve me hopping on social media or Reddit during the day. 

    1. Wolfox


      GBA Emulator + Fire Emblem GBA Roms might be an idea?

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Replay KH series, or some old games you haven't played in awhile but I do like Wolfox's idea grab an emulator and go over some classic games

    3. Commander


      Dragalia Lost seems to be hitting it big.

  2. Went with some friends to go see Dragon Ball Super: Broly last night. Absolutely incredible film. I got chills a few times. There were also scenes that made our sold-out theater laugh out loud and cheer together! Just a great experience!

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I'm excited to see it with my friends, glad to hear it was a great experience, my friends pre-oredered the tickets as soon as they knew it was in theaters in our area

  3. Awesome! I've never thought of Magnamon as a dragon but you're right! He's also a personal favorite of mine. Dig his design!
  4. Not to spam, but here's my honorable mention that should have been my first-mention.
  5. Does Megidramon count? Because I certainly appreciate Megidramon!
  6. Central U.S. here. Greetings from southern Illinois!
  7. About to head to a big job interview. Any finger-crossings or positive vibes or anything of the like would be much appreciated Reborn friends. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CodeCass


      Thanks for all the positivity friends! I think it worked! The interview went wonderfully. Now I just have to start training to pass a strength and physical test in 4 weeks. If that goes well, I'm golden! Thanks again for the vibes friends! 

    3. RedAlert


      That's awesome! What kind of job is it exactly?

    4. CodeCass


      The job is actually for a deckhand on a river tow-boat. I've been cooped up in an office for the past 7 years and I'm ready to do something different. Plus the money is N.I.C.E! haha. 

  8. Whelp...I'm 30 now...I'm not sure how I should feel...outside of just old. 

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Happy birthday dude, welcome to the 30s club I guess (I'm not there but still).


      I mean 30 is just a number, nothing has really changed so just enjoy your day with your family.

    2. Sayia


      Soon we all be 30. Time flies 😉

      Treat that number like hmm... level in Pokemon games 😄 

    3. Maqqy


      Happy Birthday 🎂 

  9. I see! Yeah we split our group up 2 and 2 for each of us. I ran with Red Prince and Fane, and my wife used Beast and Loshe. Seems to have worked out really well!
  10. Great games. My wife and I loved co-oping both of them on the PS4! I found DOS2 to be far superior and fixed a lot of the issues I had with DOS1. I played the Red Prince whilst my wife played Beast.
  11. Ugh, all I can think of lately is how I DON'T want to be 30 next week...

    1. Q-Jei


      This is understandable, I hope you’ll have a great day for your birthday and that you’ll be surrounded by good people nevertheless. May you live happily and healthily in all circumstances! 🙂

    2. CodeCass


      I appreciate that a lot @Q-Jei. It's honestly a bit of a fear thing I suppose. Despite being an adult for a while now, I have this weird sick feeling that 30 will be like "True Adulthood" or something, haha. 

  12. Wow! Just started watching the new anime adaptation of Dororo. It's excellent so far! I was a huge fan of "Blood Will Tell" on the PS2 so this is hitting me in the nostalgia. The live action movie is also quite good. I've never checked out the original manga or anime though! 

  13. Been playing through Suikoden 1 for the first time all weekend. Loving it!

  14. Started up Suikoden for the first time last night. Pretty cool so far. Wish I could keep my party alive though. 

  15. A belated Happy New Year beautiful friends. You all mean a lot to me and I hope this new year has a lot of positives for you all! 

  16. My wife gifted me Dragon Quest XI and Battle Chasers for Christmas. Then I grabbed up Chrono Cross, and Suikoden 1 and 2 with a PSN card someone gave me. I'm up to my ears in turn-based RPGs it seems!

    1. Wolfox


      well, you should be happy with them for a while

    2. Commander


      Guess we won't be seeing you for a few months

  17. How's everyone's week going? Anyone gearing up for the holiday next week?

  18. Ooooh I beat Hino-Enma on my 2nd try last night in Nioh! Talk about feeling lucky/accomplished for the evening! 

  19. Restarted Nioh after a year break. I forgot how much I loved this game!

  20. I'm still holding my breath for Rex and Pyra someday, but I'll take Joker for sure! A pleasant surprise!
  21. I appreciate the response @Motomiya. Luckily my wife and I have talked a lot about this and we think it would do us some good. Currently we actually both work in the same office building, so we are together 100% of the time nowadays. We both agree that the time apart would probably make us both appreciate our time together more and actually strengthen our relationship. I do worry about missing out on time with my future kid, but I keep telling myself that while I'd be gone for 28 days, I'd then be around 100% of the time for the following 28. It's not the ideal situation of course, but I'd like to believe it could work. And my wife seems comfortable with it all. Plus with the amount of money I'd be making, she would be able to be a stay-at-home mom to help compensate for my absence. But this definitely is both an odd and good opportunity. It's one of those things that I can't help but think this would open all sorts of doors, like you say, if I'd only take the leap.
  22. The further I get into my Rurouni Kenshin rewatch, the more I remember why I loved this anime. The live action films as well as the OVAs are top notch as well. 

  23. So I'm having to try and make quite a big decision in my life. I've always been told it's good to get outside opinions, so I thought I would post here just to see what other people might think. So next month I'll be 30 years old. I'm married, no kids yet, but we do own a house and land. Things are set up for a family when, well, a family happens. For the last 6 years, I've been fortunate enough to work a very stable and comfortable office job. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, weekends off, holidays off and paid, good insurance and retirement, and moderately good pay. There is room for advancement. It's a simple job and rarely challenging. I work during the day, come home to my wife and our home, play video games as my hobby, and lead a simple and comfortable life. My wife also works, and between our two checks, we get by. Not a lot of extra money, but just enough to live within our means. Unfortunately, I don't think that would be the case if a child were to come along. Despite how much we want one, I'm not sure how we'd make the money work. So, recently I've been talking to a few friends. The area I live is along one of the major rivers in the US. A job and career that's available is to work as a deckhand on boats that ferry barges up and down the river. It's hard work, dirty work, labor intensive, and working on the boat has you gone for 28 days at a time, if not longer, but you then get 28 days off. The big draw to me the pay is upwards to triple, if not quadruple, what I make currently at my comfy job. My friends tell me the training is a grueling 9 day ordeal, but if you're selected for employment, the actual work on the boat isn't nearly as bad, and can be quite fun at times. The schedule is 6-hour shifts, so you work 6 hours, then have 6 off to rest/sleep/eat/whatever, then it's back to work for another 6. I'm really considering trying to work on the boat. The potential money is just a humongous draw, amongst other things. It feels like it could almost be an adventure. I've lived near my folks all my life and still do. I never joined the military, and even when I moved out at 18, I still never went farther than a town over. I've traveled for work before, but even that was with my father. I've never had the true "out on your own in the world" experience before. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, but it was always with the knowledge too that should I need them, my parents were only a phone call away. As long as I can remember, I've always struggled with depression and anxiety. I'm also overweight for my height. So doing hard, manual labor on a boat away from home for 28 days straight would be just about as far out of my comfort zone as I can get....but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. I don't hate manual labor at all. I almost think this sort of experience would be very beneficial to me personally I've discussed it with my wife as well. She's told me she'd support whatever decision I were to make. I'd miss her of course, but again, I may be gone for 28 days, but I'd be home for 28 straight day afterward...and with lots of money to show for it. So that's it. As I said I feel very close to Bilbo Baggins currently. I'm living my quite, Shire-like, life with little danger or worries...but ultimately not going very far. Now I have the opportunity for adventure and potential...well, maybe not wealth per-say, but more money for sure. And so I have to make a decision. But that's about it. I'd welcome any advice or comments you all could offer. It's a major life decision for me of course and I don't expect you internet friends to make it for me, but as I said, outside opinions can always help! Thanks so much for those of you that took the time to read this. Just typing it out helped too!
  24. A potentially incredible opportunity has presented itself to me. It would require getting far out of my comfort zone though...but it can only be described as an adventure...I feel a bit like Bilbo Baggins currently trying to make a decision... 

    1. Candy


      Choose the option that will maximize your happiness years from now when you look back to today 🙂 If getting out of your comfort zone is a one-time thing, I'd say it's worth it?

  25. I have terrible luck with tactical RPGS. Hoping SMT: Devil Survivor will help me break this trend. 

    1. Wolfox


      that's one hell of a good game

    2. CodeCass


      I'm having a good time with it so far. Only about an hour or so into it but I'm really enjoying it. The OST and voice acting are really quite good and is doing a hell of a job making me feel immersed. 

    3. Wolfox


      the OST makes many games look like they have the metroid 2 OST, imo

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