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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. "It takes an idiot to do cool things...that's why it's cool." - Haruhara Haruko


    "You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later." - Mitch Headberg

  2. 2 hours ago, Maqqy said:

    Finished the game just recently and in all honesty, God of War peaked the top of my expectations. 


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    Although it felt a little short for me on the slightest note that I didn’t get to battle as much Norse Gods as I hoped I would. Nonetheless, all of it was stellar and fantastic in every sense. It’s tied to Last of Us in terms of quality, in my own opinion.


    I've loved it so far as well! As for where I am in the story:


    Atreyus has just been told he's a god, and we're on our way back up the mountain to get to Jotunhiem. Boy has literally just finished being a dick to poor Sindri and Kratos is telling him there's no reason to act like that...which is kind of ironic coming from Kratos. 


    But yes, I've loved nearly every second of the game so far! Really excited to get this Plat! Looks like I need to hurry though! Detroit is already out with Jurassic World: Evolution coming out soon too. Not to mention Code Vein, KH3, Pokémon Let's Go, and whatever else E3 reveals this year. 

  3. So FLCL has been my favorite anime for a long time now. Really ever since I saw the original series on Adult Swim back when I was a teen, this show just struck a chord with me and I've never given it up! 


    Now we've got two new seasons and I'm loving it so far! 


    FLCL: Progressive aired it's first episode last Saturday (June 2nd) and I was blown away. Hearing all the great music both old and new from the Pillows hit the nostalgia key hard for me! I really enjoyed the new characters as well! That ending monologue and ending credits were the cincher for me though! 


    I know I'll be tuning into Toonami again every Saturday night while this is running. 


    What about you guys and gals? I noticed a lot of folks here on the forums seemed to tune in as well when I brought it up!


    Are you guys enjoying the new series? What have been you guys' thoughts? Always fun discussing my favorite anime with fellow fans! 



    Remember; "It takes an idiot to do cool things...that's why it's cool!" Queue "Ride on Shooting Star" baby! 

  4. So the more I play the new God of War, the more I'm enjoying it. Without spoiling anything, I basically just got to a point in the game where it's like "Ok, now we're playing God of War 4!" I'd assume I'm about 3/4 done with the game, but who knows. I'm trying to Platinum it so I'd assume I've still got my work cut out for me! 

  5. So my wife and I have started quite the collection of Asian horror films over the years. I honestly find myself enjoying them much more over American horror flicks due to the fact that Asian horror films generally seems to use more environment, atmosphere, and storytelling to make the scares instead of relying on jump-scares (which I despise!).


    Anyway, I'm curious if you folks know of any good Asian horror flicks? I'm looking to expand our collection so that my wife and I can have a good marathon soon!


    We've seen:

    - Ju-on 1 and 2 (loved these!)

    - One Missed Call 1 and 2 (Loved these too!)

    - The Eye

    - Shutter

    - Pulse (didn't care for this one)

    - Dark Water

    - 2LDK (Not really horror per-say, but still loved it!)

    - The Audition (bleh...)

    - Ringu

    - House

    - Cello

    - A Tale of Two Sisters (my first Asian horror movie. Still adore it)

    - Dumplings


    I think that's about it. I now the biggest one on my "want to see" list is:

    - Sadako vs Kayako (Just haven't had the money to import a copy!)



    So if you guys know any more good Asian horror movies, I'd love to know! 


    Thanks so much for any and all suggestions! 

  6. 1 hour ago, boomdiada_ said:

    In the current episode, we only have the breeding rules for Sun and Moon, the breeding move you're trying to pass from shuckle to dewpider was added in Ultra Sun and Moon. It appears that you can't get a dewpider to learn sticky web in reborn without hacking. 

    In this page here, under "by breeding" you can see that every instance is from ultra sun and moon. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sticky_Web_(move)


    Hope that helps

    I appreciate the info! Hate that I wasted time trying to breed it, but ah well, live and learn. Thanks for the help regardless!

  7. Quick question guys and gals;


    So I'm trying to breed a Dewpider with Sticky Web. I've got a male Shuckle that knows Sticky Web, and a female Dewpider. 


    But none of the resulting Dewpiders have Sticky Web! 


    I'm I missing something? 


    Thanks for any and all help! 

  8. @Autumn Zephyr Well luckily I'm not overly opposed to training up a new spider if need be. I've got Dark type moves covered with Crunch and Foul Play on a few other of my teammates. So really when it boils down to it, would you suggest going with [Liquidation, Lunge, Leech Life, Sticky Web] or [Liquidation, Lunge, Leech Life, Poison Jab]? And will Liquidation be enough to cover what will essentially be my only water type move in the party?


  9. 12 hours ago, gianfrix94 said:

    Out of the top of my mind, Hoothoot learns Hypnosis and you find him really soon, straight out of the Grand Hall.

    If i were you, i'd just get a pair of Dark pokemon like A-Raticate and Skuntank and just blast the gym.

    Mightyena w/ Moxie and Magneton are also great for this gym

  10. Just a disclaimer: I really don't like using Smogon at all.


    So story-wise I'm heading back to the Coral Ward after defeating El's Ditto-Arceus, just FYI. 


    I'm trying to figure out good movesets for my Gardevoir and Araquanid. Also could use some help determining optimal abilities and/or held items. I'm aware my options are fairly limited when it comes to TMs as well. But any and all help is greatly appreciated! Also, yes, I know they are under-leveled. I'm currently in the midst of level-grinding! 


    My Gardevoir is currently:


    Gardevoir "Alustriel" Lvl 52

    Ability: Telepathy

    - Moonblast

    - Psychic

    - Magical Leaf

    - Wish


    I feel like Magical Leaf and Wish could be swapped for something better. Also not sure if her ability is the best, or what held-item to give her!



    Now for Araquanid:


    Araquanid "Bell" Lvl 42

    Ability: Water Bubble

    - Bubblebeam

    - Leech Life

    - Crunch

    - Bug Bite


    I really want to use this guy as my main water type. I'm assuming Liquidation will be an obvious choice, and I'm under the impression Water Bubble is godlike. Not sure about good items or other moves though to make the most out of this buggy boi. 



    Thanks so much for any and all help folks! I greatly appreciate it! 

  11. Good afternoon Reborn friends!


    I'm curious if anyone might have a spare Shroomish to trade? Decent IVs and a helpful nature would be great and welcome, but are not necessary or that important. 


    I'm offering up my Tyrogue.


    Thanks for any and all help as always folks. I'll be online today for a few hours around 4pm CST (3 hours from now) and possibly for a few hours later in the night. My username is "CodeCass". 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Maqqy said:

    @CodeCass It’s okay to stay with Starmie since it’s also strong but switching with Araquanid is also a good choice. Further along the game you can switch it with the most powerful water type in Reborn and that is in fact, Gyarados. Who can also be your flying type.

    Sounds like a good plan! I may swap to Araquanid for now just for some more coverage. Now I just have to figure out how to find Dewpider! 

  13. 1 hour ago, Maqqy said:

    Gardevoir is the best contender of the bunch. You never go wrong with Gardevoir. Also because you lack a Psychic/Fairy type. 


    If I went with Gardevoir, would it be wise to swap out Starmie for a different Water type since Gardevoir will cover my Psychic Type? Perhaps Barbaracle or Araquanid?

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