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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. Any other SMT fans around these parts? 


    We're going on vacation this week and my wife is stealing my copy of Ultra Sun to help pass the 15 hour car ride to Florida. I'm thinking about restarting on my copy of SMT IV. I'm really needing to finish it so I can give SMT IV: Apocalypse a try! Also need to grab up that SMT: Strange Journey Redux! I'm behind the times! On top of that, once I finish platinuming the new God of War and FFX (I shudder at the grind), I'm going to restart and finally finish Nocturne on PS3! 


    Any of you other fellow Reborn players also delve into the world of demons and apocalyptic Tokyo? 

  2. 2 hours ago, Eclipse Gaming Youtube said:

    Thank you very much

    This will sound stupid, but how do I get a mystery egg...

    You'll get it in after completing the Policemen Rescue side quest in the Jasper and Beyrl wards. You'll have a 1/18 chance for it to hatch as Ghastly. 

  3. Could really use some help with Shade. He's always my wall. Any help is appreciated!


    Here's the current team:


    Nidoqueen (35) - Poison Point

    - Toxic Spikes

    - Bite

    - Rock Smash

    - Double Kick


    Toxicroak (37) - Poison Touch

    - Sucker Punch

    - Mud Bomb

    - Venoshock

    - Drain Punch


    Mightyena (37) - Moxie

    - Bite

    - Roar

    - Swagger

    - Assurance


    Chesnaught (38) - Bulletproof

    - Seed Bomb

    - Rock Smash

    - Spikey Shield 

    - Bite


    Zebstrika (35) - Motor Drive

    - Spark

    - Thunder Wave

    - Flame Charge

    - Stomp


    Persian (39) - Technician (Quick Claw)

    - Fake Out

    - Bite

    - Power Gem

    - Swift


    Some notable Pokémon in my PC are: 

    Magnemite, Yamask, Alolan Sandshrew, Mothim, Meowstic (Female), Staryu, Growlithe, Lilipup, Unfezant (male), Psyduck and Kricketune.


    Willing to make whatever changes necessary to take this Ghosty Guy down! 



    Thanks so much for any and all help folks! 

  4. So if anyone else out there is like me, playing Pokémon Reborn is about 30% catching Pokémon, and 70% staring at that Nickname text box trying to come up with a clever nickname for my new teammate. After countless hours playing through various incarnations of the games, there are only so many naming conventions you can have stored up in your head! 


    So here's a place you ask your fellow Reborn players for suggestions on your hard-to-name Pokémon! I know we've got some crazy-clever folks here on the forums that can help! 


    I'd suggest listing the Pokémon you need help with as such:




    Need a name: 

    -Persian (male)



    And then a suggestion can be made with a simple @ tag for the person's name, with maybe an explantion of your suggestion choice. For example:



    @CodeCass: Suggestion:

    - Persian (male) = Orion (Cat from MIB)




    Just something I thought folks might find helpful and fun!


    I'll start off!




    Need a name: 

    - Nidoqueen 

    - Toxicroak (male)

    UPDATE: Now "Rina" and "Dart" respectively! Thanks for the help folks! 




    Thanks folks! Hope this thread can be helpful! 

  5. 5 minutes ago, HahnSolo said:

    Porygon itself is mediocre. For now I would hold off. By the time you reach the upgrade i would say porygon 2 is certainly worth it. With evolite the thing is unkillable. Evolite is unavailable until you each dive, but even without it porygon 2 is a great mon, with decent bulk and a mostly solid movepool. Signal beam and discharge make for great coverage and recover for support. I would replace one of the normal types later down the line, probably persian

    This makes a lot of sense. I'll hold of on it for now then and see what magic I can work with Crogunk and Nidorina! 

  6. On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 1:23 AM, Monochrome_Complex said:

    Never heard of this, but now I'm interested. And yeah admittedly I have a spot for mon-game types.

    Same. I adore monster taming/raising games. I hate to think about how much money I've dropped on Pokémon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, and SMT games and merchandise over the years. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, MintMan said:

    Personally I would swap out one of your 3 normal types for Nidorina. Or swap both Persian and Helioptile for Nidorina and Porygon. One of the two that I listed is definitely a solid idea. Although, adding Porygon without getting rid of a normal type is just asking for trouble from Kiki.

    Thanks! I was honestly thinking of swapping in Nidorina with either Persian or Growlithe since Growlithe hasn't really been that great of a team-member honestly. I haven't done a whole lot of research to see if Porygon is even a viable option really. Would you suggest holding off on Porygon and maybe bringing in Nidorina and Crogunk instead for a bit? The bad thing is all 3 normal types have put in tons of work so far and I've been constantly impressed with Persian since it evolved. I can see where having so many Normal types may be a problem in the coming areas though. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Drakka said:

    I'm not an expert, but I think Fasan can maybe sit out, as I remember there was a lot of electric types here.


    Also, if you can, teach Nidorina toxic spikes, it's a good move! Then again, I'm no expert

    Thanks for the response! Oh she'll for sure learn Toxic Spikes! haha. I'm thinking at least for this quest I'll swap her in for Fasan. I've never used Nidoqueen before so it'll be interesting. I also forgot to go grab Crogrunk, so I'll need to work him into the rotation as well eventually! haha. 

  9. Hey guys and gals. Could use a little help! I found Corey's Nidorina last night and she joined the group, as did Porygon. Story wise, I'm attempting to storm the Doctor's building in Lapis Ward to get Heather. I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out who to swap out for one or both of these two new mons. Here's what I'm currently working with:




    Chesnaught: Level 36

    Ability: Bulletproof

    - Seed Bomb

    - Bite

    - Rollout

    - Spikey Shield


    Helioptile: Level 36

    Ability: Dry Skin

    - Parabolic Charge

    - Electric Terrain

    - Bulldoze

    - Thunder Wave


    Staryu: Level 36

    Ability: Natural Cure

    - BubbleBeam

    - Brine

    - Psywave

    - Recover


    Growlithe: Level 36

    Ability: Justified

    - Flamethrower

    - Close Combat

    - Take Down

    - Reversal


    Persian: Level 35 - Quick Claw

    Ability: Technician 

    - Fake Out

    - Power Gem

    - Bite

    - Swift


    Unfezant: Level 36

    Ability: Super Luck

    - Air Cutter

    - Air Slash

    - Detect

    - Roost



    Thanks so much for any and all help friends. It's greatly appreciated! 

  10. 4 hours ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

    The 3DS has good games other than pokemon you know lol.


    -looks at awakening/fates-

    This, 100%. Love my 3DS. I got it looking forward to future Pokémon titles at the time, but there are so many great games on it! I'd shudder to know how many hours my 3DS and New3DS have put in between various Monster Hunters, Pokémon, Shin Megami Tenseis, and Phoenix Writes. 

  11. My vote has to be for Persian with Technician. Ever since it's evolution, mine has done a 180 begun to wreck everything. It's been out-speeding even the gym leaders' Pokémon more often than not, and with Fake Out, Bite, and Power Gem it's been able to do some serious damage so far. 

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