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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by CodeCass

  1. Chapter One - "IN MEDIAS RES"




      Thunder crashed as lightning lit up the ruins of what could have once passed for a beautiful reading room of the library. Now, due to the rampaging plants that had taken over and destroyed a good portion of the Beryl Ward, the room was nearly as broken as the rest of this sector. Several floorboards were missing, books, chunks of ceiling and who knew what else lay littered all over the floor. Merely walking into the room felt perilous. As lightning flashed once more, it lit two figures, standing near the edge of a hole caused by the attacking flora. One, a young man with his raven hair sodden from the rain and dripping water to the ground; the other a young Growlithe, healthy, but filthy from the dust and rubble of the building. 

       Diogenes, for that was the young man's name, stood next to the Pokémon, looking down into the hole. It was farther down than it appeared. Inching closer to the edge of the pit, the stoic man peered further in. As he edged closer, he could hear the fretful, worried whimpering of the Growlithe, who kept her distance, but seemed to attempt to peer into the pit as well. Another lightning flash, another thunder clap, and there could be no doubt as to what lay at the bottom: a human body, clad in a policeman's uniform...

       "And there's the last one..." thought Diogenese, who'd been tasked with finding and retrieving the missing police officers by the chief. The unnatural positioning of the limbs left no doubt; the poor soul hadn't survived his fall. 

       "Damn..." muttered the man. At this, mournful whimper escaped from the Growlithe. As Diogenese turned to her, the Growlithe already began stepping away from the pit and began to walk towards the open library door. Both tail and head down, Diogenese wondered where the Pokémon could be going. But before he could speak, the Growlithe began to run out of the library, to who knew where. 

       "Good luck," he said, and then the man began to follow suite and head back to the police station to inform the rest of the officers of their brother's death.


       Hours later Diogenese arrived and gave his report to the chief. The other officers held their heads at the news of their fallen comrade, but secretly, all could not help but feel thankful their own lives had been spared, and that this young man had come to their aid. 

      "As it would happen," said the chief, "I have a reward for you...of sorts". He motioned to his left. There, stoically, sat the Growlithe Diogenese had parted ways with a few hours before. The Pokémon gave off an almost militaristic sobriety. It sat and stared straight ahead, not moving. "As you know," continued the chief of police, "this Growlithe no longer has a trainer. She is a good and useful Pokémon. We'd be honored if you would take her with you to assist you on your journey." Diogenese nodded. He'd had this scenario play out many times now. He helped folks, and they usually repaid him with their most valuable resource, which turned out more times than not to be Pokémon. 

       Diogenese approached the Growlithe. She looked at him curiously, but sat rigid.

       "I'm told that you can come with me, if you like," he said to the Pokémon. Her comprehending eyes studied him. A long sigh escaped the Growlithe's nose. She seemed to melt a little and then lay down. "I know I'm not your trainer," he told her, "and I understand you feel like your being passed on like some hand-me-down. But I could use your help girl." Growlithe again flicked her eyes up to Diogenese. "I want to get the people that did this," he said. "I want to avenge your trainer, and everyone from this city that Team Meteor have hurt with these damn plants!" Growlithe lifted her head. "Plants burn, girl, and I could use a Pokémon that can burn these things away..." 

       With that, Growlithe rose to her feet eagerly and looked up at Diogenese. For the briefest moment, he thought he may have seen would could have been a smirk pass across the dog-like Pokémon's face. But then it stared up at him again, and slowly wagged it's bushy tail. 

      "Chief, what's her name?" Diogenese asked.

      "She doesn't have one," replied the chief. "We don't nickname our Growlithe here, as a rule. But she's yours now it seems, so name her as you see fit." Diogenese thought for a moment. His mind touched briefly on one of his favorite video games; a game about war where a dog was an enormous help to the protagonist; and he smiled and looked back to the Growlithe.

      "You're not just any Growlithe," he told her, and raised an empty Pokeball. "You're diamond among the rough, as it were. A true Diamond Dog. So let's go get the people responsible for all this, and burn those plants away! Let's go...D.D.!" With that, he tossed the Pokeball at the Growlithe. As it landed on her head, it opened, it converted the Pokémon into energy and closed upon her. With three shakes and no struggle, D.D. the Growlithe was Diogenese's newest team member. 


       A day later, an epic battle was underway. Amidst the ruins of the Beyrl Ward, Diogenese battled against ZEL and Taka. They had to destroy this infernal contraption that Team Meteor had produced! 

       "Air Cutter!" yelled Diogenese. At this command, Fasan, Diogenese's Tranquil, let loose a move that produced blades of cutting wind that struck both Taka's Chatot and ZEL's Umbreon together. With that, both enemy Pokémon were defeated. Fasan glided down and came to hover above another Pokémon of Diogenese; a noble-looking Zebstrika called Ixion. The victory was short lived however as out of the PULSE Machine lumbered a discolored Tangrowth...Taka's final weapon.

      "Return you two!" called Diogenese as both Fasan and Ixion returned to their Pokeballs. At this a massive burst of energy irrupted from the Tangrowth. What stood before Diogenese now was a vine-covered horror; PULSE Tangrowth: the cause of the attacking plants. "Time to stop this now!" the raven-haired man screamed. "Deeda! D.D., I need your help now!" At that, Diogenese through two Pokeballs. First, in a flash of light, erupted Diogenese's Kricketune, Deeda. Finally, D.D., the Growlithe out for revenge, burst forth as well. 

       As the looming horror of the PULSE Tangrowth grew nearer, Deeda sharpened her blades and small bursts of fire erupted from between D.D.'s bared teeth. 


      "It's now or never!" Diogenese told them encouragingly. The man couldn't help but smile. Battles like this were a rare thrill. "Deeda, Sing this thing to sleep, now! D.D. go now and use Fire Fang!" And at those commands, the final stand of Team Meteor's Pulse activity in the Beryl Ward of Reborn City began!






    Thank you so much for anyone who's taken the time to read this. This is the first story I've written in probably 10 years. I'd be very much interested to know any thoughts and get any feedback, criticisms, or opinions anyone could offer. I hope those who read it could find some enjoyment! Thanks! 

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, Seal said:

    That looks awesome! 

    I like the fact that you can cross these creatures into a unique creature.

    Most games that do this end up creating some computer generated monster by combining random elements from both creatures.

    I hope this doesn't end up like some other Kickstarter projects did though.


    I'm really excited for it as well! I've gotten to talk with the devs a few times now via Twitter and Reddit and I have a lot of faith in the project. The demo/beta is amazingly fun as well. The fact that it has unique crossbreds for all combos is mind-boggling. Plus transformations? That's just too cool in my opinion. 

  3. Hi all; Figured I might try here as well! 


    I'm looking for either a Staryu or a Tympole. IVs and EVs don't matter all that much so long as they don't have horrible natures!


    I'm offering my Mystery Egg Starly or an Adament Shiny Sewaddle. Sorry, I'm at work and don't have their specific stats currently available. 


    I'd be available to trade any time this evening after 6pm CST. Thanks for any and all help! Trade username is CodeCass.



    UPDATE: Trade's been completed. Thanks! 

  4. Basically the title. I got a Starly out of the Mystery Egg and I'll never use it. I also have a Shiny Adamant Sewaddle I don't plan to use. 


     I'm looking to trade for a Staryu or Tympole with an ok Nature! 


    IVs and EVs don't really matter to me so long as it doesn't have a terrible nature.  I'll accept breedjects, natural captures, etc. so long as the Nature isn't horrid. 


    I'm available to trade really anytime after 6:00 pm CST this evening. 


    If anyone could help me out, I'd be most appreciative! Thanks and have a great day! 

  5. 1 hour ago, Faeborn said:


    You can get one from the lady in the Obsidia ward pokémon center for finding her son in South Obsidia.


    Oh wow, a glance at the "On the Hunt" section shows I've missed a few at this point. I'll definitely grab a few up for sure. I appreciate the advice!

  6. I can see this for sure. I've honestly really enjoyed my Reborn MC every time. So far I've always chosen Vero simply because I like his looks haha, but also he sort of embodies a look and attitude I always projected myself as when I was a teenager. Those days may be long gone, but I still can't help but chose him. 


    I can't really say I like him because I'm projecting myself onto him ( I don't really like myself, haha) but I like the idea of his character. Here's this well-intentioned, but cocky young adult who's thrown into this mess following a disastrous arrival in Reborn. Whether or not his goal is to be the Champion, he's able to dust himself off and go along with things as they happen, and seems to generally be trying to help folks and his friends and I find that admirable. I also play him as someone who likes to use less-used Pokémon. He's a bit over-confident, so I seem him as someone who wants to show that he can win with any Pokémon, no matter how "weak" they seem, which works well with Reborn's limited Poke-population! 


    Maybe there's some projecting there, but who knows. I just know I dig Vero's character. 


    Plus, as you've said, OP, the man never seems to need sleep! 

  7. So I've always liked Mothim. Just such a weird little fella, but I dig him. So a friend traded me a male Burmy in-game last night, and after grinding to prep for Corey's gym, he finally evolved! So now I'm trying to think of a proper way to build him up for this game .


    He's pretty standard fare at the moment as he's just evolved:


    Mothim "Indrid" Lvl 20

    Ability: Swarm

    - Quiver Dance

    - Protect

    - Bug Bite

    - Hidden Power (not sure type or how to check in Reborn)


    I'm thinking maybe his eventual Confusion and Gust might be helpful in Corey's gym. Of course I've also got my female Meowsitc to help sweep, but I figured he could help a bit. 


    I was curious how you guys and gals would build Mothim in Reborn to make him halfway a viable option in game, at least until I can track down a "better" bug?

  8. The Kickstarter for Monster Crown was a huge success! I backed it and have been following for closely since. I can't believe that they ended up with $45K our of their original $5K goal. 


    The more I look into the game and play the demo, the more I find myself getting excited for an official release. I think I'm going to go for a Switch copy myself, but I can see it being most popular on PC, so I really need to make a decision! 


    What about the rest of you? Anyone else following all the Monster Crown news?  


    For those interested, here is the Kickstarter link: 


    Just looks like it's going to be a hell of a game! As someone who grew up with Pokémon, Digimon, and Monster Rancher, this thing speaks to me! Can't wait for February! 


  9. So pictured below is my current team. Right now I'm grinding in the Beryl Ward, prepping for Corey's gym and any help would be appreciated:




    Quilladin: Lvl 24

    Ability: Overgrow

    - Needle Arm

    - Leech Seed

    - Bite

    - Rollout


    Meowth: Lvl 25

    Ability Technician 

    - Fake Out

    - Fury Swipes

    - Feint Attack

    - Pursuit


    Zebstrika: Lvl 27

    Ability: Motor Drive

    - Spark

    - Charge

    - Flame Charge

    - Thunder Wave


    Growlithe: Lvl 25

    Ability: Justified

    - Fire Fang

    - Reversal

    - Close Combat

    - Take Down


    Tranquil: Lvl 27

    Ability: Super Luck

    - Air Cutter

    - Roost

    - Quick Attack

    - Growl


    Kricketune: Lvl 28

    Ability: Technician

    - Fury Cutter

    - Sing

    - Struggle Big

    - Cut


    Notable PC Pokémon

    - Spoik: Own Tempo

    - Helioptile: Dry Skin

    - Starly: Reckless

    - Stunky: Keen Eye

    - Espur: ???

    - Snubble: Intimidate

    - Numel: Simple

    - Trapinch: Arena Trap

    - Trubbish: Sticky Hold

    - Mightyenea: Moxie

    - Mareep: Static


    I'm open to making any swaps that could help make a good, viable story team! 

  10. This is so ridiculous.


    So my wife and I work in the same office building. During lunch she came in and said she found me a surprise. She placed on my desk the smallest, greenest baby turtle I've ever seen. Not going to lie, he had the sweetest face I'd ever seen in my life, haha. She told me they found him walking around the office hallway where he'd gotten in from an open door. She told me, "Don't you think he looks just like Turters?" Turters is a small turtle from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for those not in "the know". Anyway, of course he did and that was officially his name. 


    I spent the next hour and a half planning on how to care for this little guy. He was a red-eared slider and so I immediately started doing research on what exactly we'd need to buy to give him a good life. 


    But the more I thought about it, the worse I felt. He was a baby, but he was wild. And we are about to leave on vacation in 6 days. I'd hate to adopt this little guy only to leave him alone for 6 days with only someone stopping by to feed him. Plus with a vacation so close, I really didn't need to go drop $200 on turtle habitat stuff. 


    So it was with a heavy heart that I took Turters back out to the pond where I'm sure he came from and released him. IDK but for some reason this has hit me way too damn hard. Here I am, 29 years old, at work, and moping over a little turtle I had to release...and now writing about it on a Pokémon Fan Game site, haha. Life sure is strange I guess.



    Anyway, I guess this is my way of venting. I loved little Turters for the 2 hours I had him. Hoping after I get back from vacation I can pull the trigger of getting me a turtle of my very own! 


    Below is the only known picture of Turters.


  11. 8 minutes ago, GS BALL said:

    This was a thing, in episode 16, in which the weather was completely bugged (windy was unavailable and instead, similar to rain, weather used to get stuck forever in one pattern, etc). It is said that one of the first corrections of ep17, is the weather system. Although, sometimes, the weather is the same one for a few days in a row; can happen, but rarely. Changing your clock, can sometimes correct that, by getting you a new weather, although this is not very reliable... I suggest you use Waynolt's mod. Your pokegear can change the weather at will, or better, reset the weekly weather pattern.


    Damn, will we ever get a bug-proof weather system? 😢


    Oh wow I didn't know this was even a thing! I'm hoping I'll boot the game tonight and it'll be something different! I'm completely clueless when it comes to mods. Any way you could clue me in on "Waynolt's mod" that you mentioned? 

  12. Name/Known as: Cody
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Birthday: January 
    Location: Southern Illinois
    Height: 5' 8"
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Lives with: My Wife
    Pets: One Cat - Betsy
    Relationship status: Married

    Dream job: Writer

    Currently playing: Reborn, God of War (2018), Pillars of Eternity 

    Favourite Food: Broccoli and Cheese Casserole
    Favourite Drink: Diet Citrus Green Tea
    Favourite Color: Green 
    Favourite kind of Music: A mix. Music library consists of Anime OPs, Metal, Kenny Rogers, Rap, Electronic, Pop....just a huge mix. 
    Favourite Band: Lately it's been Postmodern Jukebox and the Pretty Reckless
    Favourite Album: N/A
    Favourite Song: N/A
    Favourite Game: Final Fantasy X
    Favourite Genre of Game: JRPGs / RPGs
    Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, Gunpla, Drawing, Tabletop RPGs, Fishing, Golf
    Favourite Movies: Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Godzilla (all of them) 
    Favourite Shows: FLCL, the Office, Parks and Rec, DBZ/S, Wilfred, Working!! and about a ton more anime. 


    Not going to lie, this makes me sound boring as hell haha, but that's ok I suppose! I can think of a lot of things that would be worse to be called. 

  13. I started when I was 10 years old with Red version when the games and show were both brand new in NA. The only reason I can remember that I was 10 was that in the first episode of anime, Ash mentions that he's 10 and can finally get his Pokémon license. This always seemed cool to me as kid since I was 10 and was going on my first journey as well. I became obsessed and have loved the series ever since. I remember my mother saying "you don't want to be 30 and still playing Pokémon, do you?"


    ...well I'm 29 now...so I guess that joke's on her. Haha! At least I've got a wife that plays as well and fully supports the hobby! It's just about time to see about passing that love for the game on to a new generation! 🙂 

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