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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Asilts

  1. Hey all, im not sure if there was a troubleshooting thread for Rejuvenation, but if there was, i couldnt find it. But i'm in desperate need of help! I walked into the cave after defeating Texen and i went the wrong way and ended up back in town, so i figured i could probably redo the whole battle and event by going back through the gym, but now he wont battle me, thus not triggering the event and i cant leave the gym because the elevated tile reset itself. It's looking like i'll have to restart the whole game, but if anyone can offer any help, i'd really appreciate it.
  2. i went the cave afer beating Texen, but went the wrong way and ended up in the town, then i went back through the gym and now i cant get out because the elevated tile was reset and i have no means of escape (the entrance to the cave isnt there either) sorry but i'm having trouble finding the 'unstuck me' thread would it along the lines of the 'troubleshooting' or 'bugs' thread?
  3. Na the problem is that after beating Texen and entering the cave, i went the wrong way and ended up back in town, so i figured "hey why dont i just go back through the gym into the cave again?" and now im stuck But thanks, imma check out the "unstuck Me" thread
  4. hey, im new to this type of thing but ive been playing reborn and rejuvenation for awhile and i had just downloaded version 7 of rejuvenation literally yesterday, but i screwed up and ended up stuck inside Texen's gym.....Please help i really dont wanna start all over especially after getting all my hype back for this game
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