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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by espeon860

  1. probably not since lots of stuff is added and would messed with the scripts you might have to wait.
  2. you just have to evovle quilava at nighttime to be hisuian typhlosion
  3. i belive cause iron head cause it changees to the legendary dog signature move but i could be wrong
  4. I have a weird question do you know where to find the new pokemon at sorry if that a stupid question?
  5. You did a better job then when I made the monotype guide did better then me.
  6. Surprised no one did this yet just to let you know did the best I could if I made a mistake let me know. Starters Chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 Mystery egg chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter 13 chapter 14 Chapter 15 If there anything I missed let me know.
  7. that aeltia rift art oh my goodness i think i never seen something that scared me like that it scared me more than angie.
  8. marneie from the mystery egg
  9. you can get croagunk and nidorino nuzleaf porygon
  10. funny as soon as i finished replaying desolation this got announced lol.
  11. um is it sentrent os snorunt?
  12. oh that interesting thanks and also it be interesting how gmax mons work as mega can't wait to see how they work.
  13. wait gmax the fudge thought there be no dynamax?
  14. sludge bomb is availble and liqudation is avilable too and i think nidoking is best special attacker.
  15. that a good question how they are going to do fossils?
  16. lets not makes this a topic or else jan will have ours heads and close this fourm that one way to obtain a mega ring from amber or what i think we get it from alexandra but that just me please no spam and if im the cause sorry.
  17. rip oh well on the other hand that a smart move so i guess it better this way.
  18. you need luck on that fish game that the only thing how you get stones
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