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Kaito last won the day on May 7 2014

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1 Follower

About Kaito

  • Birthday 08/19/1993

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  • Interests
    Games, Tennis, Anime, Cooking & Food, Other

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. Brave, I want you to know I hate you for bringing me back. I mean that in the nicest way possible. :D

  4. Ahh.... time really does fly by, huh?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Godot


      Depends, how monochrome is your hair?

    3. Arkhi


      Consider the tone "Fresh Atok".

    4. Kaito


      Old people gang represent.

  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  7. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

    1. Paul25


      Happy Birthday! :)

      Wishing you a day full of wonderful surprises :D 

  8. Long time no see. I'd say I'll try to stick around for once, but it really depends on a lot of factors. I hope everyone is doing well.

    1. Hycrox


      ayyyy take care mate

    2. Godot
  9. You know what old cartoon I miss? Pelswick. Does anyone remember Pelswick? I loved it as a kid...

  10. I've heard SMOrc being thrown around a lot, but to this day have NO idea what it means... But after the... middling adventure (really fun/unique, but lacking in card pool...) that was OniK, I'm absolutely loving Mean Streets, it's what's gotten me back into the game again. I do dread the day when Blackrock Rotates out though, Tempo Warrior is my favorite deck...
  11. Me? A ghost? Please! I'm here and in the flesh and even once I pass on, my magic shall remain inside of all the lovely people who've been dazzled by my entertainment! Kaito is back and ready to put on one hell of a show! And I try to never forget a face, a magician must always remember his audience! Although I admit my memory is not perfect... Kyra, correct? Unfortunately I've yet to expose myself to the wonderful bizzare adventures of the JoJo troupe, however it's on my to-do list at some point! I hear they're quite the entertainment themselves! As this was asked twice, I'll give you both a seperate performance! Unfortunately, my old laptop has gone completely kaput and the curtain has fallen, no data able to be recovered! That means that all of my work on Survivor S2 has been destroyed and I must rebuild from scratch! However, you know what they say... the show must go on! Speaking of the show going on, Survivor Season 2 WILL be a thing! More delayed than I'd like it to be, but once summer has ended and I'm free from my current schedule woes. I'll be using the back half of the year to work on the game and hopefully it will be ready for a grand opening in the first quarter of 2017, or even December 2016! I do apologize for the wait to all my fans, however to create a masterful performance not once, but twice over shall take some time! My hobbies? Well, I'm massively into video games and anime, as you all can probably guess. I play Tennis, and I'm trying to figure out how to stream so me and my friend can start "Sync Up Productions", which will be a casual streaming and entertainment channel where you get to listen to my group of buddies and myself bullshit around while watching us play games. I also do Boxing and as you can all tell, I'm entrhalled by stage magic! My hands are a bit too clumsy to perform due to some... physical issues, however the spirit of an entertainer lives on and thrives! My favorite food? Well, as much as I hate to play into the image that everyone has of me, my favorite food is Steak. However I'm an omnivore and love a lot of things! Steak, Hot Wings, Pad Thai or any type of noodle dish, really... I guess those would be my top 3, but I love food in general. As for what I like about this community... well, I've been here a long time. About 5 years now. I've seen it grow and change in a multitude of ways, and I've left for a while too. But if you were to ask me one thing I like, just the one... I'm not going to be cliche and say "the friends I've made" and while that is true, I enjoy that there's always new blood coming in, and while I may not get along with all of them, I appreciate the fact that all the new blood arriving is keeping this community that I genuinely love alive and thriving. I may have disappeared for a long time, but I genuinely enjoy being at Reborn... most of the time. xD Yes! A magician's performance must never be stale, after all. This avatar is from Kill la Kill, and that series didn't premiere until 2013 and didn't end until 2014. In that span of time, I did indeed change my avatar to Inumuta, but before that it was obviously different! I may change it again at some point, but for now, the recognizability is nice to have. Every magician performs a disappearing act! However, consider that request rectified! Absolutely terrible! I love the lad, but he smells of rotting fish mixed with skunk! I did, in all honesty! Near the end, I was getting more burnt out of Reborn than being an auth. But it was an enjoyable time. However, all good things must come to and end, and it's time for the new generation of authority to take center stage! And so to you and Jeri and Rose and all the other auth that have been upgraded near the end of my time and after I disappeared from the position, I say good job and keep doing well! And to my old friends, I say keep performing to your best as you always do! I will say, I cannot stomach Honey BBQ that well. I need some spice on my wings and if they're not spicy I'd rather have them plain.But my favorite flavor is Spicy Garlic! And yes. Some people actually do! Am I one of them? Sort of. I enjoy my friends here and the fact that we have no sales tax. But it's boring as all hell sometimes, nothing to do. For any beachgoers though, we do have some of the best beaches in the country! I was a migrant of a server called PokeBattleCenter that came way back in 2011! I used to co-run a clan called Ocarina of Time with Pyon. However, the server of PBC had gone extremely downhill and we were looking for a new place. So, Pyon dragged me here cause he had been here a few times before in the early morning. And we ended up liking the place and our clan had moved here... however, all that's left of it now is myself,Pyon, Skeleton, and Vex/Mori. Everyone else I believe is gone. So it has since disbanded a long time ago. But now here I am at Reborn, and I do indeed love it. As much as it pains me to admit it, I probably would not be here without Pyon dragging me to this place. ^^; So for anyone that enjoys my performances, he should be the one to thank! --- And Act 1 is completed! Please, for anyone who may want to hear more of the magician's tale and what's behind the act, help me perform an act 2 or give me an early curtain call! It's all up to the audience!
  12. Hello! How long has it been Reborn, since I was last paticularly active? A few months? A year? I've tried to come back more often, but lately it's just been seeming hard to stick... as if it's not as entertaining anymore. So what's a soul to do? Simple, I will be the entertainment! So, ladies and gentlemen, welcome the master of magic, the inspiring illusionist, the charismatic conjurer, the one and only Kaito, back to the stage! So, what's there to know about me? Well, you tell me! That's right, this is an ask me anything! I'm not paticularly known in the community, but I await any and all questions to answer to the best of my ability! Let the show begin!
  13. Persona 5:Take your Heart edition preordered and paid off in full!

    1. Jmanultrax1
    2. Felicity


      we dnt even have a release daaaaaaaaaate

  14. Unfortunately I've had some rather pressing issues pop up this week, and I'll have to be subbed out. Blame my job. And random QA inspection. And being boss while the head is sick. Fun times!
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