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About Ninja-kun

  • Birthday 08/27/1995

Profile Information

  • Alias
    [Su]Miju-kun Oliver
  • Gender
  • Location
    New York!
  • Interests
    Any Nintendo game
    Oshawotts,Ninjain' around

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  1. Haha Picture time from Ollie and a whole lot of big ones in here so don't open them all at once :c Right here was Comic Con from last year Here's my Winter arc. The other one was taken by my friends xD My Afro Arc 1. I love the Wotts 2.I can have fun at Art Museums and 3. Smexy Wind blowing And after afro arc...support Blair-kunism
  2. (16:50:14) *** Kayarlia shifts to her Skitty form and leaps outside the window *** (16:52:13) King Oliver: Oh noes :c (16:52:40) *** Kayarlia walks to the park *** (16:55:41) Vaati: It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (16:56:01) *** Vaati hands Mimi a shotgun *** (16:56:05) Lucina/AFK: o-o (16:56:16) Lucina/AFK: She needs that to go to the park? (16:56:16) Kayarlia: o: (16:56:22) Lucina/AFK: What a dangerous park (16:56:30) Vaati: Better safe than sorry! (16:56:37) *** Kayarlia doesn't know how to use man-made items *** (16:56:49) *** Kayarlia sells it ***
  3. Lols thank you all for the birthday wishes you're all awesomewotts ^.///
  4. Hai Hai Luka ^o/// *confetti and streamers and balloons*
  5. Spiders cause they're all creepy crawly and they can get revenge on you. Thunder is not so scary but lightning and thunder....dear god someone hold me ;~///
  6. (14:07:07) +Kai: Says the guy who forced me into bed last night. xD (14:07:08) +Kai: .... (14:07:09) [sU]codarus left the channel. (14:07:11) +Kai: Oh dear lord. (14:07:11) IA: O_O (14:07:12) [sU]Pandora: ............. (14:07:14) [sU]Oliver: ....... (14:07:15) +Kai: I worded that HORRIBLY. (14:07:16) [sU]Pandora: QUOTEBOOK (14:07:18) [sU]Oliver: O^/// (14:07:29) [sU]Oliver: ER MER GERD! (14:07:40) +Kai: Greaaat. nuh said =w/// Edit: Dang it Fang I so had that Dx
  7. Ninja-kun


    Banned for not having enough awesomeness to be recognized!
  8. I'd listen that for awhile but Sand Rush sounds like an awesome band that would run them to the ground.
  9. Ninja-kun

    Poke Names

    Ursaring thats how you say his name....I think
  10. 100000000/10 Cause The Rock as earned my respect :I
  11. Ninja-kun


    banned for not tell me we had such an awesome game
  12. Rofl we should have mentioned that sandwich joke in here loooong ago. Also......... I won that Yo mama battle
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