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Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ last won the day on July 2 2016

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About Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

  • Birthday 11/09/1996

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  • Alias
    Pyon Pyon Kyuu
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    See Me In Melee
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    Music and sound engineering guy who develops addictions to video games and currently that's Skullgirls. Best Filia in EU, no matter what anyone says.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. "My mastery of the gale grows. Soon I'll be able to bring up a storm, the likes mankind has never seen before." B Wind
  3. Lenore, to some extent, was right. Lysander admitted that to himself. He still felt mad that Baldur was being let go essentially scot free. However he kept the opinion to himself. Maybe things would have been easier if he was alone, but the lead the Virtuous had given him was far too great now. The Virtuous were attracting the Icons of Sin, one of which was his ultimate target. Leaving wasn't an option. "I'll trust your judgement Phoenix. However, as Mink knows, my ultimate goal is to stop Famine. I won't let anyone get in my way of that goal. And as long as the Virtuous work for this goal, I'm more than happy to ally myself with you."
  4. "Those aren't even close to comparable examples. I saw a chance to exploit a dimwitted guard, to put on an act of someone I am deeply familiar with. And it was working. It was Famine who disrupted the whole plan. Mink and I were getting them to take all of their merchandise out in the open, for Phoenix and all of you to swoop in, take as much as we could and make a run for it in the chaos. Potentially we could burn anything we can't take. Meanwhile you flew into a rage and made us lose all control of the situation. So please, go on about my recklessness when you're the man who let emotions get the best of him."
  5. After Famine disappeared, Lysander waited a while to see if he returned. After he was confident he wouldn't return he relaxed his stance. He finally turned around to face Baldur. "Tell me Orchid, were you born this stupid or is it an act you put on? Because this was a great clown's act you put on. Famine, the Icon of Sin who has poisoned half of Perus and who knows what else. Do you truly think a man like that could be taken in by such a ridiculous tactic like that? You could have coordinated an attack with everyone, but instead you rush in like a reckless fool. And what of Mink and I? If he had turned his guards on us instead of killing them what then? Can you think about these things next time before ruining everything?" Lysander brought a hand up to his forehead and took a deep breath. "For the future Phoenix, please never put me in a unit with Orchid. I've come to trust everyone in the Virtuous, I'd trust any of them to watch my back. But not him."
  6. A range of emotions ran through Lysander's mind, first confusion at everything, second anger at Baldur for ruining their plan, and third anger at himself. How could he be so slow, and not put two and two together. Of course Famine was Herman. Did he really not recognise Lysander? Was his identity actually safe, or was it all an act. His work with the Virtuous couldn't continue if his family was in danger. He drew the thoughts away from the forefront of his mind they could be dealt with later. Now he focused on Famine, or well. Herman Daxter. "Even if you run, we'll corner you soon enough. I swear on it."
  7. "You'll damn well do what I say, and what my associate here says. And do you want to know why?" Lysander paused, letting the silence ring for a while. "I keep all my business partners under leash you see. Surely you must have some suspicion of what we use the Asthéneiatoxin for. My sources say that you enjoy the occasional drink am I not wrong? Tell me, do you keep an eye on your glass at all times? Do you trust every single man with whom you drink? Would you trust all of them with a sword while you sleep?" He let a short evil smirk show on his face. "Running through your system is a very slow acting, but very, very lethal poison. The same man in your ranks that poisoned you has been instructed to supply you with the antidote at dosages that will keep you hale and hearty. But should I tell him not too, or should something happen to me or any of my associates? Well that man will disappear into the night, never to be seen again. This is how I do business, now my cards are laid out on the table. You were never the boss, just a pawn. And you best apologize if you know what's good for you."
  8. "Choke on your tongue and die, I trust you as far as I can toss you." Lysander broke character as soon as they were alone. "I don't get what game you are playing this time, but I'm sick and tired of it. The only reason I haven't sliced you in half is because of the mission."
  9. "With you around, we need to take extra precautions." Lysander added to Lenore's statement, still glaring at Famine.
  10. Lysander glared daggers at Famine, a thousand thoughts running through his head. Maybe he could just reach out right now an strangle him? Surely he'd expect Lysander to reach for his tome and attack, but a more unorthodox attack. Maybe signal to Lenore somehow to slip a knife into his back unexpectedly. But no, it was all too dangerous. His next thought was to declare Famine a stranger, and have Ethaniel attack him, but this too was a bad idea. After all if Famine was here, the real Herman was probably close as well. They had to leave, this was far too dangerous. He was completely out of his field, he looked to Mink for help.
  11. Lysander, no, Herman crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. "Do as she says." He didn't vocalize the hinted 'Or else.'
  12. "Bird shit." He gave a short answer, and furrowed his frown. His face clearly said 'Do not ask'. "Make sure it's all in order." He motioned to Mink with his hand.
  13. On a hunch, Lysander stepped forward near Lenore. He formed his face into a frown, and hunched over slightly from his normal perfect posture. He thought back to the man he had met years back. After all it was a small world, and it would fit. The gamble had to work. "Greetings." He said without so much as a motion for a handshake or any other courtesy.
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