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Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

  1. THAT'S RIGHT! MIKU PLAYS THE BLUES PROFESSOR BIRCH! D:< And she is starting a band with Godot, Ikaru, Kero, Hardy, Kaito and Breloombot! The band is called: Miku's Blues! Lead Singer/ Second Guitarist / Frontwoman: Miku Hatsune Bass/Back vocals: Godot Harmonica: Ikaru Keyboard/ Back vocals: Kuro Lead Guitar: Hardy Drums: Breloombot Robot Dancer/ Dancer/ Manager: Kaito Our first album, Ikaru's Tentacles, is already on sale! Make sure to get it!~
  3. <-< So I am the most awesome girl in Reborn?
  4. T_T.... * Realizes she isn't the prettiest girl on Reborn.* *Then realizes that she is dating the prettiest girl on Reborn.* Hell yeah! >
  5. The rumor has spread that Sakuna Uta is trying to conquer Reborn. It's true! And today we invade! Today, Sakuna Uta shall take over Reborn! Amethyst shall be replaced by Miku Hatsune! Anyone who is against us shall be given a 10 minute time out in the corner with no milk! Amethyst will receive a 11 minutes and a HALF time out! Crimes against the Empire of Sakuna Uta shall be punished with a leek smack! Beware Reborn. My armies have already invaded your lands and our plastic swords and waterguns are already pointed at you We have thousands on water balloons and 3 more bags of unfilled water balloons. Today you will be under my control! What side will you take? If you accept Miku's rule, say: Long Live Miku! Fly high Sakuna Uta! Abuse the Kaito! If you support Amethyst: Death to SU! Power to the Amey! Reborn will be reborn!
  6. (19:27:51) +Kirito: jhyjmjm] (19:27:54) Poe: ... (19:27:56) Poe: Huh? (19:28:19) +Kirito: ... My hands had buffalo sauce on them and I tried to type using my nose. << (19:28:29) +Kirito: It didn't go as well as I thought it would... (19:28:35) +Eternal Edge: ... (19:28:37) Poe: ... (19:28:47) [sU]Miku Hatsune: The hell kaito? XD (19:28:51) Poe: Only Heaven... nose... What Kaito will try next
  7. Sword Art online Persona 4 Animation Awesome anime!
  8. Alright now I am going to try and make a New Vegas one. Hey I just met you and this is crazy But I shot you in the head so stalk me, maybe? Hey I just met you and this is crazy But I'm a Deathclaw So run away, maybe?
  9. Ikaru I kind of made you dark lord. I am the dark ruler, and your messenger Kaito is one of your soldiers that you force to do all the grunt work
  10. So I am taking a programing class and for homework I have to make a video game plan. So this is going to be an RPG based on my Senpai! So here are details! Plot: The plot follows the character Bravery Mclawrance Soulonious also known as Rayan Johson, a bearded deity who wears glasses. He is the deity of beards and glasses. Rayan and his two brothers are the heir to the throne of "God of awesome". The god died and so he must fight his brothers, Ginger Mustache Rickster (deity of mustaches and gingers) and Frederico Del Cabelo Louco (deity of hair and Mexicans) for the throne. Notes: What's so awesome about the game, is that you can pick what class you want for your Rayan. You can go melee, mage, or gunslinger. Each one of them has weaknesses and strong points. You can also find party members but none of them will be able to use beard powers. Beard powers are Rayan's godly powers. At first his beard just powers him up, but later he starts being able to turn his beard into a giant fist and punch is enemies, or turn his beard into weapons. Stats: Strength (Affects melee damage) Epicness (Affects magic damage) Glasses (Affects gun damage) Beard (Affects all stats and the number of beard skills available) Black Cat Avoidance (Affects the frequency of critical hits) (Disclaimer: This is a joke. Don't take this seriously.)
  11. This is basically what Smogon does XD Anyone who wants to have an Edgar Battle make sure to challenge me
  12. Fine I will edit it to say Shoddy Battle! D:< And no, not really. This is just a joke XD Plus I recently recreated Edgar's team so I wanted a thread that explained what the Edgar Clause is.
  13. Back in Shoddy Battle, Edgar had a vision. The clause works like this: the two players predetermine who is Edgar, and who is the noob. The noob has to follow the Edgar clause. However, this was back in Shoddy Battle. So today I am going to update it to the Edgarius clause! The Edgarius clause only applies to the predetermined noob. Edgar can do whatever they want. Banned Pokemon: Reborn Ubers Heracross Weavile Banned abilities: Unburden Banned Moves: Substitute Taunt Roar Whirlwind Circle Throw Dragon Tail Swords Dance Nasty Plot Dragon Dance Belly Drum Bulk Up Coil Curse Dragon Dance Growth Hone Claws Howl Meditate Sharpen Shell Smash Shift Gear Swagger Work up Will-O-Wisp Thunder Wave Scald Calm Mind Quiver Dance Tail Glow Other Informationz: You have to let Edgar set up Bellyzard Don't use that many attacks If Edgar comes down to one pokemon, you have to forfeit.
  14. I like your sister's version better. Itsh prettier.
  15. Aw yeah!~ But I wanted Flying/Fighting D:
  16. ... The dark DX Before you go "Oh Miku your such a baby" remember I can still kick your arse! D:< Plus I have bad eye sight. So I can never tell what's infront of me in the dark. And I have a horrible imagination so I interpret every little sound as something worse then it is.
  17. Asking People "Paper look elegant?" Mikuh
  18. EASY! Hot Skitty on Wailord Action! Kelso
  19. Hydregion is super kawaii awesome! derpy
  20. Jimmy D:< Be nice to the Sherlock Holmes fan D:<
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