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Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Everything posted by Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

  1. Rosanne listened, and deliberated their words in her head. She nodded in the end. "I've met all of the Round Table, and they were all deeply hurt by Arthur's death. We all loved him, he was the kind of man that filled anyone with hope. And his death has left us all with an empty void." Rosanne said. Moments later though she stumbled her words a bit to correct herself. "The knights I mean. I remember their faces, the loss hurt them a lot I'm sure. So we might consider Lancelot a changed man, one that might unfortunately not be an ally. But I pray he doesn't become an enemy, we'd all have to get a lot stronger to stand a chance at fighting him." Rosanne stood from her chair, and her expression changed. "That was all I wanted to ask you. You have the next few days off, spend them as you'd like. When it comes time for action I'll call you once more. You've fought bravely on the battlefield, and that much is to be admired. But I expect you to continue with these results. The country needs you. But for now, dismissed!"
  2. "I don't believe it either, I mean your clearly not a dragon. You can't even breathe fire, you have to use magic to do it. That'll do for the scratching, thanks." Naomi nodded and stretched her arms out to the skies temporarily relieved of her itch. "Why did you hide your face if you're just a human? It's not like anyone's going to hurt you for being who you are."
  3. "So your family has a dragon crest but you aren't actual dragons. How does that work?"
  4. "Mmmmm a little higher please." Naomi let out a long sigh of relief. She dropped her arms to her sides and stopped scratching. "Well that armor really doesn't give anything away. Not very girly you know, and through your helmet your voice sounds totally different. I just thought you were a dragon, and since I wasn't even sure if there were boy dragons and girl dragons I thought it would be rude to ask."
  5. Naomi sighed in relief. While she could still stand, her wounds did hurt. And for some reason, they were insanely itchy! She shamelessly scratched the sides of her tummy, and trying to reach behind her back. but the itch or the wounds weren't the worst of it, her foxy friends were gone. Naomi had kept her end of the deal, why hadn't they? And to add just the cherry of badness on a already very horrible metaphorical cake: she had been deceived. Naomi approached Michi getting in the armored girl's personal space. She stared at her face for a moment, and then walked behind Michi inspecting the back of her armor. Finally she put her nose forward and closed her eyes, taking a few whiffs of the air around Michi. "... So you really aren't a dragon. I had my suspicions, but this is just disappointing." Naomi sighed deeply, still trying to scratch at her back. "I'm not mad at you for tricking me, but I am a little sad. If you're just another boring and stinky human I really don't have any friends in this group. Ugh this itch!" She turned around pointing to a spot of her back. "Normal boring human, can you scratch my back? I can't seem to reach this place and it's driving me insane."
  6. "You are easily in the top 10 worst humans I've ever met. So make your last words some good ones." Naomi moves to H4 and attacks the boss
  7. Lysander nodded in response to Ferdiad. "Do what you must." After he watched Ferdiad leave he put his tome back under his cloak, and walked towards the others.
  8. And the story continues from here 11th of Second Heat The ride back to the capital was long and silent. They had essentially been defeated, even if they were so close to victory. Rosanne especially only gave short and somewhat cold answers to whatever she was asked. Which didn't make her the best of traveling companions in the two days travel. After returning on the 10th, they didn't hear from Rosanne until the following day. Rosanne summoned them to the chamber of the round table once more. This time, she was the one waiting for them. Once they had all arrived, she bowed her head to them all. Her eyes were closed shut, and her face was solemn. "I apologise, to all of you. I asked you all to fight for me, and you held up that promise. You risked your lives for this country, but when it came my turn to land the finishing blow I failed." As she spoke, Rosanne slowly lifted her head. Now her eyes quivered in determination. "But I learn from my mistakes, I will not let a second chance like that slip by again. We will end the war at our next chance. This I swear by." She exhaled, and immediately her posture and expression grew calmer. As if a thousand weights had been lifted off her shoulders. "I already have made plans for our next move, but before we discuss that I'd like your counsel. What do you make of the Black Knight's threat? What motives does he have, for not wanting us to strike down the usurper's retainers? Or for Nicolos himself to keep all of you alive?"
  9. Rosanne had a thousand thoughts, had Mercia healed her wounds enough to fight? Was her party in any state to fight? Were they willing? Was Lancelot really not on Nicolos' side? What did this mean about the other knights of the roundtable? What was the meaning of Lancelot's clauses? She looked behind her, and at the state of Neve and Blodeuyn and sighed. "Gwyn your friend will be safe. Sir Lancelot will not hurt your friend. I need you to take Neve and Blodeuyn on your mount. We're retreating." She commanded, her tone the icy command voice that she had used a few times now. "Sir Lancelot The Black, I swear to uphold your two first clauses but I am fighting a war. I do not wish to harm the usurper's party, but I will take his head when the time comes for it. I hope you will come around back to the side of the crown, when the time is right. Farewell." Excalibur sheathed, but a hand still gripping it's hilt in case she needed to fight, she turned to leave the village. Lucan didn't have to be told to follow after her, following just behind her step. Excalibur: Glacius continues here
  10. Rosanne could see victory, she could see the rebellion finished. And after Nicolos, she would clean up the Tsukiochi and then finally the long awaited peace would return to Tameloc. But things were never that easy. "Why? Why are you defending this trash." The queen stood up, and immediately every wound in her body cried out trying to bring her back to her knees. Still, the dignified woman mustered all her will and stood tall. But still, nowhere near as tall as the Black Knight. "Sir Lancelot, he purged our kingdom into chaos, and opened it to invasion. If you do not love me or my blood, if you do not love this kingdom, do it for the love we both bore for Arthur; step aside so I may fix this kingdom. And I'd be most grateful if you would join me in the battles still to come."
  11. "No I think you're quite right, the stables are here." Hibiscus points as they turn the corner. "I'll go saddle up Gwyn, and we'll meet out here alright?"
  12. As a thief, perception was an important skill to have. And so he couldn't possibly miss how shaken up Ferdiad was at the moment. So he spoke aloud, not turning to Ferdiad but clearly intending to speak to him. "If you have something to protect, don't shake up now. Stand strong, stand firm. If you love this thing you want to protect, you cannot give up now. Put away thoughts and fears until after everyone is safe." And with that Lysander moved forward, ready to take down his next target. Lysander move to O5 and Wind Knight C
  13. Naomi holds up her hand in front of her, a ball of light from her own magic illuminating the path forwards. After a few moments of running she reaches the other side and exclaims. "Surprise!" Move to P9 and blow Antoinette to smithereens
  14. "Thank you dear, this is actually from my own personal garden. If you ever decide you want one, just ask me. I grow all kinds of beautiful flowers. And we could cover both Mary and Gwyn in flowers, so when they fly they cover the world in flower petals. Isn't that a wonderful thought?"
  15. "Oh me! I volunteer for this mission, I'll have that ballista blown to smithereens before you can say platypus." She downs a bottle of medicine, and smashes it against the floor now that it's empty. And without waiting for order or permission, she rushes into the secret passage. P23 vuln and enter the tunnel.
  16. "No, I stabled Gwyn on the far side of the stable. Where the more expensive stalls are. Gwyn does over half of the work that earns the pay, the least I can do is spoil him once in a while." Hibiscus paused after saying that, keeping a silence for a bit. She looked at Camellia and made a 'hmmm' noise as she thought. "You know, a flower would look great on your hair." She finally stated. "Maybe a violet, or a rose. It would bring your feminine side a lot more. I know your name is Camellia, but I've already stolen the 'wear your namesake on your hair' idea. So a rose or a violet would look great methinks."
  17. "I'm happy that you're on board, as long as we get the job done and the word is out there what does it matter how we got there." She walks next to the Anna, with a joyful jaunt to her step. "How is Mary doing? Has she be giving you trouble as per usual? Maybe we should pick up a treat for her so she is more willing to come with."
  18. "Mhmm, I agree fully dear." She clapped her hands together and smiled. "We will make a wonderful team I'm sure. Come let us get off to work." Hibiscus grabbed Camellia's hand, and pulled her along rather quickly. When she was sure that they were out of earshot of the others she turned to her potential partner in crime. "I'm actually very grateful you were the one that took up my offer, you see I'm of the idea that we should work smarter not harder." She cupped her cheeks on one hand, and closed her eyes as if falling asleep. "I truly do want to get this done as soon as possible, so I have an idea. With my Gwyn and your Mary we can overfly the city. When we find groups of people we can drop the fliers on them and be done quicker than all of the other groups."
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