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Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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Everything posted by Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

  1. "First and last time I steal your belonging. I swear upon it, on my honor"
  2. "Oh I understand. Well I guess we can start with my city in south Perus. A noble house was selling medicine at impossible prices. They would then force nobles and commoners alike to fall into depth, until they hadn't anything else to give. So I raided their stores and left the medicine to those who needed it the most." Lysander explained and smiled slightly. He had come quite a long way since those times. "I then had to flee the city so not to put my loved ones in danger, and carried out my next heists. A ship captain who would rob their passengers at sea and was protected by the local noble house. A soup kitchen that was actually a twisted noble's project; he would force hungry commoners to fight each other for scraps. A lady who used her collected taxes to create statues of herself in the lands her people farmed. The ship captain I took his boat and sank it. The noble I stole all of the food from his kitchens and gave it to the people. And the lady I stole her money and distributed... As well as take down the statue she made. These have been some of my heists, some of the biggest anyways. And all of them were a huge risk to my life. I need someone watching my back to continue good, or I fear my life will be a short one."
  3. "I didn't rob you blind, everything I have taken is right here and very much still your's. I wanted to prove myself, the alternative would have been to attack but..." Lysander scratched the back of his head. "I'm not good enough to take all of you at once obviously. So this is the next best thing to show off what I can do well."
  4. "Do not worry, I will return the coat and all of the belongings. And I do not mean to anger you. Allow me a moment to get to that." The man got up from his chair and gave a small courteous bow. "My name is Lysander Hale Darby a name that carries a little bit of fame, but my alias is probably more famous. In Perus anyways, I am the Marvel Thief." He place a hand behind his back and slowly waved his other hand over the stolen objects. "For quite a while now I've been in the business of stealing; not for myself but for others. This is to further my goals; one of them to make the world a better place. But no man can change the world alone, and I require allies." The Marvel Thief took a book from his coat, a wind tome. He opened it slowly making sure his actions were not seemingly hostile. From the tome a small gust of wind was released, and with his other hand Lysander grabbed hold of it. He outstretched his fist forward and opened it, revealing a small vortex of wind. "Consider these stolen items my resume; my application form. I have stolen all of your belongings using my wind magic alone, some I had to be more careful to not wake you and other were... A little easier let's say. It seems one of your companions is not in the healthiest of states right now, and I'd recommend checking in on him when you have the time. But that's despite the point, if you need further proof of my abilities I'll be happy to perform. I have observing you for a little while and I believe your ideals are similar to mine. And I pray that the day I need you, you will aid in my own needs." With his left hand he closes the tome and the wind stops. He places the tome back into his robes and locks his hands behind his back. "If you wish for me to leave, I'll leave and never return. But I do hope you say yes, and that this relationship can be a long and beneficial one. For everyone involved, and of course the people of our kingdoms."
  5. "It makes sense. The people of the Marshlands don't take kindly to strangers. I also have a feeling that the Black Knight doesn't want to be found." Rosanne sighed. She thought for a few moments and turned to Candide. "What do you suggest? You have some years on me, so please feel free to advise me wether I ask for it or not. Share with me the experience that I lack." --- The man blew air from his nose making an insulting sound. He took Blodeuyn's money and turned around. "Then get in trouble, it won't make my life any worse." And with his answer he turned to serve other customers.
  6. Brinda's spell slowly created a vision in her eyes; it swirled in darkness as the spell attempted to find her target. She saw the village from a bird's eye view as if she had taken over a crow. And then as if she had blinked, there was complete darkness. Brinda could feel that the spell was working, she had casted it correctly and she could feel that at least Lancelot was in the area of Swampmill, but something was stopping her from learning anything else. If she re-focused or tried to narrow it down her vision would simply get darker and darker. She could feel it though, a frightening power. A huge amount of dark magic, one that towered even her's. --- An old man is working the counter, and he glares at Blodeuyn the whole time as she goes in. He glares at her for a few moments before answering. "I know nothing about no knights. And I have no reason to answer questions to little girls that barge into my shop asking questions without buying anything."
  7. Rosanne shook her head. "I'm going to stay here so that the other might find me if I'm needed. But you make a good point, he might indeed be hiding around the outskirts maybe even in the marshes. After we're done searching the village we can together fan out through the marshes for any traces of him."
  8. Naomi nodded to Verden as he healed her, turning the other way and muttering a "thanks" she had spoken so highly of herself and then fell to such a weak attack. She turned to the Scholar fully intending to obliterate them with all she had. Attack and miss the Scholar
  9. "You'll be fine Blodeuyn, the people of the Marshlands are the most used to Cursed. You'll have nothing to worry about, they will treat you like they treat everyone else. However, if you want to stay with me that is fine too." Rosanne turned to Gwyn, at first oddly and then she smiled. "i'm quite alright Gwyn, I don't need a uuuh... Centipede. Thank you for offering though."
  10. Chapter 1 Part 2: The Queen In Blue, The King in Red, The Knight In Black This is a continuation of both Excalibur Infernus, and Excalibur Glacius. 9th of Second Heat Rosanne and her group were the first to arrive at Swampmill, just an hour after midday through the west gate of the village. The previous day had been one of battle and then tending to the dead. They then turned in early, and spent the morning traveling. Swampmill could be called a traditional Marshlands village by every definition; it makes good use of the river ways and bogs of the land, the people are simple and solitary, and the whole place is humid and warm. The most defining feature of Swampmill isn't what you'd expect. No, it's not a mill it is a large fountain at the center surrounded by a moat. At the center of the fountain there is a statue dedicated to Lance Moss The Defender, a hero in the Marshlands for being one of the original defenders against the threat of the curse. "Well, here we are. I want you all to fan out the village, and find information about Lancelot The Black." Rosanne instructs, finding a seat on a nearby tree stump. "The Marshlands support the usurper, so avoid mentioning you are the Queen's men. I'll stay here, come and get me if anything happens or if you find any meaningful information on the knight. And of course, be prudent. We never know what might happen."
  11. Rosanne listened to their advice and considered it for a few moments. "We'll do as Mercia suggests." She finally answers. "We will burn the bodies of the poisoned, gather the rest of the vials and then bury the ashes and the bodies in one grave. We'll ride out for supplies, and work at it all day. And tomorrow we'll travel to Swampmill and search for Lancelot the Black. Let's get to work." The Story Continues in Fire Emblem On The Forums: Excalibur Arena
  12. "I've devoted my life to studying the history of magic, instead of magic itself. And scholars have a tendency to explain away things they don't understand. If it's too powerful, too outlandish, too strange or weird; it's fantasy. Nothing more than fiction. But I don't fall for their petty tricks not I, Vivi the Revelator." She puffed out her chest, proud. "So I make it a point to investigate modern day legends. A lot of them have come out as false, but sometimes we get cases like you!"
  13. Vivianne's good mood and smiles disappeared almost instantly at the mention of her former master's name. She even began to suspect if The witch's words had a double meaning, maybe she knew something about Merlin. Much like Vivi did. "Up to no good I'm sure. Merlin is just as much at fault for the old king's crimes as the king himself." She spoke normally and seriously, perhaps for the first time in a long time. "After all if a man as powerful as Merlin sits by not doing anything, he's guilty himself is he not? I've heard about you though, Knife Of The Witchwood correct? There are so many legends, and I cannot believe that you are actually real." But it didn't last long, and the excitement slowly poured back in to Vivi. "We must share magical secrets! I'm sure a woman like you has plenty!"
  14. "I wouldn't know; I the Extravagant Vivi am the second most studied mage in the land. Surely you know who the first one is. And I know of no spell powerful enough to control a large pack of cursed like this. It's not impossible, unthinkable. Not at all! After all, our King has done the impossible and pulled out a secondary sword from the Fire Emblem! We live in quite impossible times!" Her hands came up and she waved her staff dramatically. In fact, everything Vivi ever did was dramatic, but that's besides the point. "I have a more simple theory. Tameloc is a very unique magical land; from the stories we hear from outside our little islands, there are no dragons or fey in the mainlands. Or cursed for that matter! Dark magic and by extension the cursed were created here in our very own little kingdom. And due to laws passed at the time of Nimue the Mage Queen's successor, any cursed wishing to leave our kingdom needs to do so illegally. Through pirates, or smugglers, or less nice people. No, not very nice people at all. Well maybe they are nice but... Not the types who follow the law." Vivianne coughed, and returned to the point. "The only other place to have discovered dark magic as well, is Tsukiochi. While their smaller island is rooted in a lot of mystery, we know that they also have dragons; although they look a little different from ours. We know that they have fey; although they look a little different. And they also have cursed, and they look just like our own!" Vivianne put one hand on her hip, and brought the other up to the brim of her hat. She slid this hand along the brim, slowly as she spoke. "And so my conclusion; I believe this was some sort of infiltration. Some trick; an illusion; a ruse, a ploy. They shipped their own cursed, wether their feral-ness was fabricated or not, and placed them at our coasts. Perhaps to keep us busy, perhaps to test our defences in these arduous times, or perhaps just to sew distrust. What matters is that we've intercepted them before they could cause any damage."
  15. Trainee Level 3: HP, SKL, DEF, RES Trainee Level 4: MAG, LCK, RES Trainee Level 3: MAG, SKL, SPD Trainee Level 4: MAG, SKL, LCK Trainee Level 3: HP, STR, SKL, Trainee Level 4: STR, RES Trainee Level 3: HP, STR, LCK, SPD, Trainee Level 4: HP, LCK, DEF, Trainee Level 3: DEF, SPD Trainee Level 4: HP, STR, SPD Trainee Level 3: HP, MAG, DEF, RES, SPD Trainee Level 4: HP, SKL, SPD,
  16. "It's admirable yes, but frightening. Either way we cannot forget why we are here. They have invaded our lands, and could have seriously hurt our people. None of you should feel any guilt; we are protecting what we hold dear." As she pokes the archer, his head turned to the side and from his mouth rolled out a small vial filled with a strawberry colored liquid. Indeed, those weren't the only ones with the poison.
  17. Vivianne on the meantime had perched herself on the ground, studying the body of one of their fallen opponents. She had a notebook out, taking notes at finger breaking speeds. Every once in a while she would nod, and write something else. This concluded, when she got up from her seat and turned to everyone else. "Oh but if it changes your mind, these are not normal feral cursed! Well they are there is nothing particularly unique about them, other than one specific unique fact that I, Vivi The Genius have found. These feral, are not from Tameloc." She bent down and raised the claws of one of the dead cursed. "You see here this bit of exposed skin? The bit where it's not burned to a crisp? Right there that symbol? It's a Tsukiochi letter, it's their word for cursed. However, when you add the line under it the word actually becomes 'warrior cursed'. Roughly translated." Vivianne strolled over to another body, turning it around with great effort and inspecting it until she exclaimed loudly again. "Ahah! See here? On this one's torso. The same letter. I had my suspicions as to how these ferals could get so far without being intercepted at the border."
  18. Lysander promotes to Mage Wind (C) Anima (D) He takes Ice Affinity, and Wind as his starting weapon. 5% goes into Magic Promote bonuses: HP +1 MAG +2 SKL +2 LUK +1 RES +2 SPD +1 CON +2 AID +2 MOV +1
  19. Despite hardened magical defences, Mercia's blasts is enough to defeat the Tsukiochi. With inhumane speed Rosanne covers the distance between her and Hanabi in an instant. She unleashed a barrage of strikes, each one poking a fatal wound into the enemy commander and once she was finished, Hanabi's corpse fell to the wayside. "It is over, your commander is dead. Drop your weapons." They looked at each other and nodded. All three of them spoke a sentence in their language, they said it with pride and strength. And the next moment, they fell over dead. Lucan rushed over to one of the bodies, crouching down to investigate. "My Queen, it seems they swallowed some sort of poison. There are glass shards in this one's mouth, surely from some vial. The Tsukiochi have good alchemists, their death was immediate and painless it seems." "They killed themselves, rather than let us capture them." Rosanne sheathed her blade, looking at the destruction they had left behind. "If they had this much dedication, I don't think we could have gotten any information out of them anyways. Everyone at ease, the day is won." [Glacius Victory] Final Results: EXP: 38/100
  20. Glacius Level-Up (Trainee Level 2) LCK, SPD HP, MAG, SKL, LCK, RES, HP, MAG, RES HP, STR, RES HP, STR, LCK, RES, HP, MAG, RES, SPD
  21. [Enemy Phase] Monk B moves to O3 and attack Rosanne Rushing in with light magic, the monk hurls blasts at Rosanne who in turns parries them and returns with her own magical attack. Shaman B moves to M2 Mage B moves to N2 Hanabi moves to L2 Turn 9 EXP: 6/100 [Glacius Phase]
  22. Gwyn chucks his axe at the fighter and retreats before the axeman can even think of counterattacking. And with a follow up from Rosanne, the Fighter drops his axe, dead for good. Summoning darkness from within her, Blodeuyn sends a blast that topples over the archer. EXP: 104/100 [Glacius Phase Continues]
  23. Creating arrows of icicles, they fly from behind Rosanne as she advances and strike the Myrmidon before he can react. Stuff happens [Tsukiochi Phase] Archer B moves to S4 and attacks Mercia Maybe overconfident, the archer moves up and takes a shot at Mercia missing. Mercia counterattacks in turn. Hanabi Holds Turn 8 EXP: 95/100 [Glacius Phase]
  24. Charging forward, and with two quick lunges the monk is swiftly defeated. [Enemy Phase] The enemy looks visibly scared, a lot of them looking behind them maybe considering simply fleeing. However their commands shouts a few words in their language. Whatever she says, it's enough to encourage her men and they look back at their task with increased confidence. Hanabi increases her unit's morale by +2 Turn 7 EXP: 86/100 [Glacius Phase]
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