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Skeleton last won the day on April 28 2014

Skeleton had the most liked content!


9 Fledgling


About Skeleton

  • Birthday March 30

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  1. holy shit my password for this site still works LMFAO

  2. im about to go off the fucking rails. go feral. go fucking ape shitt. go hog wild. im gonna fly off the handle. im gonna do some sort of acrobatic fucking PIROUETTE off the handle and win like a medal or some shit. this is the constant state i live in.

    1. Maqqy


      ^ Me watching the pokemon direct tomorrow

  3. make a separate channel for sprite edits and recoloring on discord so people posting actual drawn art in creative-works dont get buried alive by the countless of shinies posted every hour
  4. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  5. whos been saying that bad shit about you ill cut a bitch either way im not going to try and stop you from leaving the choice is yours it might be better for yourself anyway to not have to deal with people here lbr some ppl here are Definitely Not Great to be around though i dont think you were ever part of that specific crowd i dont know anything about the situation and when or how you became the "bane" of this community though?? u can slide into my dms on discord if youd like and i can give u some support if you need it
  6. ya bitch has been to the us and back, visited my perfect beautiful fuckboy of a boyfriend that some veterans might still remember by the name CHRONA
  7. pull the trigger piglet

  8. Hi and welcome to Skeleton's big Discord channel suggestion post! Hiveswap is about to be released so it would be nice if we could have a (temporary) Homestuck/Hiveswap/Hauntswitch or simply #hs channel on the Discord server so we don't have to try and navigate through the Insurgence mess #lobby is right now. I would also like to suggest to add the rules in the description of the #creative-works channel so we know what we're allowed to post. And maybe consider adding a #serious channel for people struggling with things or simply wanting vent without having to endure a bunch of people constantly memeing through it. You could perhaps merge that with the #despair-academy channel to avoid inactivity.
  9. i know you have to watch out buying a used 3ds because sometimes people that got banned from online play try to sell it again, im not sure how that works with pokemon games tho? but even if these pokemon are non legit i dont think its bannable unless he used them in online competitions too
  10. i need money for my boyfriend to visit me this summer so i wanna know if anybody here would be interested in commissions??

    1. Skeleton


      just reply to this or message me on discord!! Skeleton#7940

  11. ya i have it on my mac and i play it when im bored in class i have it on my laptop too but i prefer to play sims 3 on that one bc it has way more stuff
  12. cauliflower is good


    1. Skeleton


      grunk? in my cup? HOO

  14. h&m pls send my clothes faster i need them to feel good abt myself

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