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8 Fledgling


About Linkz

  • Birthday 10/23/1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Serpa, Portugal
  • Interests
    Rpg games like final fantasy, Golden sun, pokemon and legend of zelda also i love anime.
    Until now i have watched Sword Art Online, Attack On Titan, Fairy Tail and so many others and still watching new ones currently watching black clover.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉

    If you want to receive a shiny as a gift, you can visit this thread 😄


  3. I will go with noivern any good moveset you can think about?
  4. So my main team on Reborn consists of Gardvoir, swoobat, Alolan muk, Greninja, Scrafty and Delphox i was looking to replace Swoobat with a flying or grass type but i dunno which would fit well in my team can i get some sugestions?
  5. Recently played Persona 5, Nier Automata and FF15 now im going through my second playthrough of persona 5 while playing some fortnite.
  6. Radiant historia: Perfect chronology and Fortnite
  7. Welcome, hope you enjoy it here and the game.
  8. Same here after a finish a event in chapter 2 this shows and game closes
  9. I dont think they are i remember in v9 i got mine right on the first try, it was a shiny torchic but i restarted and this time i dont have a shiny one so im not really sure.
  10. Have fun here and if you like reborn you should try rejuvenation
  11. So in GDC police station when you go to the visitor cells part at night the guard is asleep and you can snatch the keys but i havent been able to do anything with them, not even open any cells do anyone knows how?
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