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  1. Does anyone know of a way to get Liquidation on Sharpedo? Sharpedo does not seem to learn it through level up. As an alternative I also tried to breed aqua tail onto a sharpedo, but not a passable move it seems. yea - i'm a noob :) Liquidation would be so awesome on my Sharpedo.
  2. Thank you. Thought I was helping - instead i was just a slowpoke :=) <3
  3. Talking to this Lady in Celia North, when doing the "Return of the Panthers"-quest, bugs me out on MAC, and I get the below bug report: Second bug report on MAC from BLACKVIEW CITY: When I talk to them to do the quest, i get the following bug on MAC:
  4. This game is amazing! Looking forward to the next episode.
  5. I do hope they develop Waldenhall, as power for the sake of power feels boring. Stories about attaining power to fulfill a meaningful purpose, as you pointed out, are much better. Even better if that purpose involves internal struggle—like Hardy’s journey with Zoroark. I really like your theory about Hardy and Zoroark being "in the race" to achieve perfection. Zoroark's ability to look like other Pokémon could create some incredible story twists. However, while it’s an exciting option, there needs to be a purpose tied to the greater story. Otherwise, it risks turning into a cavalcade of character introductions, with too many storylines that don’t truly matter and just confuse the player. It would be ironic if Waldenhall achieved perfection without any Pokémon—just him, somehow fighting in a form that’s half Pokémon, his body literally imprisoned by his inner demons. It would be wild if Darkrai caught him in a Pokéball. Uno Reverse silliness! But honestly, I’m just tired right now, and silliness wouldn’t fit the tone of the Desolation story. It’s impressive how well you remember all the different characters. I’m struggling with that, which is why your estranged father theory goes over my head in terms of how it fits into the story. I might relate more to an estranged narcissistic mother, though. Like you, I am interested in exploring the things you described—most of all, discovering what we, the player, really are. What am I? But i guess with our choices mattering so much in Desolation, it could be a corny - we are what we choose to be. I do however hope for a bit more than that. It's the biggest cliff hanger for me.
  6. Somehow to me Waldenhall feels like a temporary figure without much depth. He is extremely capable, and extremely ambitious. Those who can do anything because of their abilities don't settle for a normal person's life. He seems to want to push his boundaries as far as he can for the experience. Life isn't much but experiences is it? Why did X famous person do Y crazy thing? Because they could, and wanted to see what would happen if they did, and feel some feelings related to it. It's human curiousity somehow, and not too novel for me, so a little boring. To me the story around Darkrai is more interesting, and unless Waldenhall has a true connection or purpose in the context of Darkrai, he mostly seems like a temporary placeholder. Maybe i just don't have the imagination to see what role he could have in the grand scheme of things. The ambitious scientist story is however a bit old. I wonder if some novel and interesting story around this ambitious scientist could take place. Why do you find him interesting? What is your best bet on how Waldenhall's story might unfold?
  7. This is Pokemon Desolation, so Not Reborn(You correct yourself, only to say Reborn again) :) It's another game if you haven't seen it. It can be downloaded here. I guess I had an idea that in a chain, you'd fight the team above your own post. But I did indeed make the title about my team. I thought it would be cool to see if there was a team that would be 'the best'. Obviously this notion is silly in a rock-paper-scissor type game, but I'm still certain there are better setups that can deal with most others. To see these patterns and incorporate it in my knowledge would be cool. Maybe i'll make a new thread where you have the beat the team in the post above your own. Thank you for playing!
  8. I thought i had wrecked the wild-life, but turns out I never did the quest! So now i got Excadrill. It does however not learn any good steel move. No iron head... Best I have is flash cannon which is the wrong attack stat. The best steel move it has currently is metal claw... :( I guess i didn't even think Archeops was a fossil pokemon. I'll go look for the plume fossil! I don't have a fast dual type with Rock, as Lycanrock used to be my fast Rock-mon, but it's single type. Maybe Archeops can really complement my team! :)
  9. Learning from my first battle, I'll start with Galvantula for the sticky web setup. Regarding toxic spikes, I think they still stay for other pokemon that are not Poison typed after? Or are you saying they get removed completely? Because that would be news to me. Gastro Acid is a bit odd, and Thunder wave would be better for these fights. I just stated the team I actually run with in Desolation, where I prepared to meet some boss with crazy synergy between abilities, fields and mons. So I figured Gastro Acid could be nice to have just in case, as I don't need Thunder Wave much because Sticky Web setup in most boss fights is enough. But maybe I should change, as Thunder Wave is also awesome... Flygon is the fastest ground-type mon i think that's available in Desolation. It's a great type, which is why i picked it. Interesting thoughts from you. I think my team would win. *Yey* ;)
  10. This seems convincing! However, feels a little unfair with the Archeops, and Excadrill, as I don't think they are available in Desolation. But I think i can recognize a loss when i see one. Well played Sir :) I especially liked the scout idea with U-turn. In my defeat, I have learned that focus sash on my Galvantula with sticky web could be the way to start out. Then maybe I have a shot, if I can one-shot your Excadrill to avoid its Rapid Spin.
  11. The perfection state is interesting. Like in real life, we can be perfect in a small area if we sacrifice everything else. Sacrificing these other areas comes at a cost: In Desolation they state that, trainers can only have one Pokémon if they want it to reach a perfection state, but they end up being miserable because they had to sacrifice these other areas or Pokémon. I suspect Tristan was trying to reach the perfection stage with Darkrai, but he had to let his other Pokémon go. However, Tristan seems to be a dreamed-up or ghost version of the real trainer of Darkrai. The real trainer like others have pointed it, is likely the one caught in the mirror. Tristan being bad i believe we understand by how you had to collect seven instead of six books, enlightening yourself so you could withstand the Darkrai encounter, IF you had told Tristan the truth as part of the quests with him. Informing Tristan made your own life more difficult... When people feel the need to become perfect in one area and give up other things, it’s either because they had nothing left to give up and were already set on that course or because they were forced, and thus willing to pay the associated costs. Maybe Darkrai's trainer was somehow forced to become perfect for a purpose, and it cost more than they anticipated. The main character, according to Jarred & Darkrai dialogues in the story, is a shell—nothing before—and is somehow connected to Darkrai, as they can hear its thoughts and travel with little cost. Maybe the goodness that Darkrai had to sacrifice to become perfect is what we, the protagonist, represent. We are the externalized goodness, manifesting as the protagonist. The Desolation story could be about Darkrai and its trainer's complete evil, the price they had to pay for the perfection required for something. The question is, how much bad could they have done that could be justified for something greater? Then, the protagonist's arc is to bridge this externalized shell of goodness that they are—in a Jungian fashion—bridging the shadow self, or dark side, to become a balanced being that can act rightly. In other words, the protagonist finds out how truly bad they themselves are, personified by Darkrai and its trainer(who might be the protagonist/us), but ends up connecting back together, inspired by how Carl Jung suggested one should integrate one’s own shadow. This story could be even more fucking amazing and relatable for people if this is done right! Can we do something so bad, for a reason, that we alienate ourselves, but eventually heal back up through reconnecting our different internal/external sides? I already love the story. I suspect the Dreamland and nightmares play a significant role. What we aim for in life—our dreams—gives us direction. But fears, and fleeing from nightmares, give us much more speed in getting there. It’s similar to an experiment done on rats to see how hard they would pull on a harness. They pulled to get food, but when they smelled a threat like a cat, their pull force on the harness doubled as they tried to flee the threat/nightmare. Fears drive a useful function for achievement, but if fears become too overwhelming, and especially if we do not have a positive goal to run towards, the fears turn harmful. In Pokémon Desolation, the balance is off. People live too much in the nightmare, and their anxiety dominates them. Maybe they lost their goals? Like the couple that was not together in dreamscape/nightmare, but were in their 'real life'. How do you restore yourself from nightmares and anxiety, how do you find goals and direction? Maybe here the story could also give some real powerful tools and thoughts from real life as part of its story. It would be amazing too! I love how the gangs are essentially the main characters trying to accumulate resources to do what they believe is best for the world. However the entire world is pulled in, and the sheer size of the organizations results in problems and frictions for everyone. Like a world war, because small imbalances in the dream, and with people, started forcing people to join greater groups to survive. What is the cure for these groups? Systems of government that ensure they can be well off? Something else? On a side-note: I am having difficulty remembering all the different characters and their stories. It would be great if there were a room in the manor, like a detective room with pictures(or an identifier of sorts) and explanations of the different characters. It could even involve a quest to map the relationships between the characters—a real detective clue game that would help players understand the difficult storyline, especially those who don’t play the game all in one go. If I wait a week between playing, it becomes even more difficult to remember what happened...
  12. Roserade: Nature: Timid; Item: Wide Lens; Ability: Natural Cure. Moves: Giga Drain; Sludge Bomb; Sleep Powder; Toxic Spikes Blaziken: Adamant; Expert Belt; Speed Bost. Sky Uppercut; Flare Blitz; Bulk Up; Brave Bird Flygon: Jolly; Soft Sand; Levitate. Earthquake; Dragon Rush; Rock Slide; Dragon Dance Alolan Ninetales (Shiny ooh lala): Timid; Wise Glasses; Snow Warning. Moonblast; Blizzard; Psyshock; Aurora Veil Galvantula: Timid; Silver Powder; Compound Eyes. Bug Buzz; Discharge; Sticky Web; Gastro Acid. Sharpedo: Adamant; Sharpedonite; Speed Boost. Crunch; Rest; Ice Fang; Surf (Surf is special attack, so not ideal for Sharpedo stats. I would love "Fishious Rend" move, but i don't think it's available. Waterfall, Liquidation or Aqua Tail would all be upgrades, but are not available). I start with Sleep Powder, 2x Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web/Aurora Veil > Sweep Your ass with good type coverage and fast mons! :) Game.rxdata
  13. Is it possible to get this Psychic Birdie in Pokemon Desolation? Hisuian Braviary
  14. Okay it seems i've done all the side-quests i can, with 6 left. - The Jinx Guild is failed, as i didn't pay enough as i didn't have the credits. Cannot finish - Same with "Sewer Skirmish" where i cannot find Rosetta anymore. Unfinishable in current version 6: - Lingering Questions - Pieces of Cellia - Majira's Keys Then I have "The Specialists" which is the only one i could still finish. I don't want to start over to do the Jinx and Sewer Skirmish that i sadly didn't do right. What an awesome game though - i hope i can clear those side-quests in the future. Much love to everyone. Game.rxdata
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