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    interesting things
    maybe even some semi interesting things
    like lasagna
    lasagna is semi interesting
  1. how many danganronpa references does this game have lol
  2. provita


    >Why are you like this game >I dont want this 327 exp
  3. Im not sure if you missed this or something but after the fight with the xenophobic thugs that ambush you outside the pokecenter a pangoro shows up and decides to throw two of the thugs into oblivion and have the last one pee his pants and run for dear life.
  4. if you are able to steal the mistery item from the kecleon merchant thanks to spawning next to the ladder the guy that requested it will give you a blue moon ice cream since you "probably went through hell to get it" thank god for soft reset. you can also find the near death xen grunt talking about how they are too strong and that he will never steal again while lying in a puddle of his own blood. rip in peace xen grunt.
  5. been trying to execute the game.exe file for 3 hours now. at first my antivirus deleted it immediately because it apparently thought it was a virus. downloaded it again same thing happened. downloaded it again and set my antivirus to ignore it since i have some friends playing it that have confirmed it has no viruses or anything. it didnt load instead gave me 2 different alternating error messages that keep appearing every time i tried loading it. "windows can not access the device, path or file specified. You may not have permissions to access Appropriated element " (directly from google translate since it appeared in spanish) and "The parameter is incorrect" (also from google translate) interestingly enough after spamming the icon like 3 billion times i was able to load the game and play it until i got my starter and it crashed. i have not been able to get it to work again so rip in peace my one chance to play it. tried running it as admin and even turning my antivirus off and it still didnt work. restarted my pc and my antivirus deleted it again. currently sitting with 6 dead game.ini files. my antivirus is the "panda free antivirus", i have windows 10 on my computer and i just finished reborn (that for some reason had no problem loading even though they were both made in rpgmaker (although im not sure on that last part)) at this point im not sure if the file does have a virus or my computer and antivirus are simply messing up.
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