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Poetic last won the day on August 29 2012

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About Poetic

  • Birthday 05/11/1993

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    Poe Labs Safety Bunker Alpha

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  1. So, hi everyone. Seems I took a bit of a vacation so I figured it is only proper to reintroduce myself for any new members that came along since I left. So, howdy. I'm Poetic, otherwise known as Poe, Poeseph, Poeseph Salazar, or, occasionally, Damon Mendal if I need a vaguely realistic name. I hope to not just up and leave this time around, I have always loved this community. (For those curious, my avatar is an alafairy, a fusion of Alakazam and Clefairy.)
  2. For those of you who have been reading my randomlocke story, I have not abandoned or forgotten about it. Basically, internet access has been hard to come by lately and the alternative is typing it all out on my phone. I will be continuing it as soon as I can.

  3. Chapter 2: An Icy Rival and a Rockin’ Pokemon So, I left Mr. Pokemon’s house after a bit of rest and Asteald and I began our way back down Route 30. As soon as I got out the door, though, Elm called me. So, uh, guess I was wrong last time. Someone totally robbed him. Wow, talk about bad luck. He asked, well more like demanded, that I hurry back and I obliged. I just had to see who desperate this thief was for a Pokemon that he had to steal one. Our run down Route 30 was a quick and quiet one, no Pokemon dared bother us. I’ll just attribute it to Asteald scaring them all away with that Diglett and Swinum trail. We got to Cherrygrove Town and right as we went to leave some guy with the king of all bad attitudes and a haircut to match stopped us. He demanded a battle and threw out a Nidoran Male. Wait… Elm had a Nidoran Male at his lab… Could this guy be the thief? Well, thief or not, Asteald hit the Nidoran with Psycho Boost and that was it. Mr. Maybethief muttered something about how he was gonna be the world’s greatest trainer and ran off, but he dropped his trainer card. I got a quick look at it before he could pick it up. Ah ha, so his name was Mr. Damon Maybethief. Well… It was Damon, but Maybethief is fun to say. Well, no matter what his actual last name is, Damon ran off and I took the grassless path back to New Bark Town and went into Elm’s lab. Know what happened as soon as I walked in? I was accused of thievery by a know-nothing cop just because of some “criminal always returns to the scene of the crime” thing that is about as true as those stupid rumors of Mew hiding beneath random trucks in Kanto. If that annoying girl Lyra hadn’t decided to stand for me, that cop likely would have got Psycho Boosted through a wall. Hey, wait, Lyra walked in here and he didn’t accuse her of being the thief… This cop is a sexist! So anyway the cop calmed down and remained un-Psycho-Boosted-through-a-wall-ish and he asked me the name of the guy I battled back in Cherrygrove. I told him Damon and he rushed off. Didn’t even thank me for doing his job for him. With the cop gone, I handed Elm the egg from Mr. Pokemon. He seemed decidedly unimpressed. What did impress him is that I got the Pokedex. In fact, it impressed him so much he suggested a take the Johto Gym Challenge… Something I already intended on doing because Arceus help you if you think I am sticking around New Bark. With that handled, I went back to my house to tell mom I was leaving. No sense in her worrying about me while I went on a cross country trip with only a Beldum at my side. Well, I assumed she would worry. She actually seemed okay with it. So okay she insisted to keep some of the cash I earned safe for me. Well… Alright. I mean, not like she’ll spend my money on pointless stuff, right? Lyra met me outside the town and gave me some Pokeballs in honor of me starting my journey. Alright! Time to get a second member for my team! I ran through the grass a bit and soon my prospective second Pokemon appeared. It was a… Jigglypuff. Yay? I took a quick look at Asteald’s moveset and assumed Shadow Ball and Psycho Boost were too powerful… So I had Asteald Lick it. How a magnetic lump of metal licks is beyond me, but I don’t want to think too hard about it. One Lick later, Jigglypuff was paralyzed. I think it thought too hard about it. And then one Pokeball later, I caught the Jigglypuff. The Pokedex was nice enough to inform me she was an Electric/Rock type. This might be the most useful Jigglypuff in the history of Jigglypuff. So, Nacien the Jigglypuff joined us. And one trail of Nincada corpses later, we made it to Cherrygrove and now have access to a Pokemon Center. It is time for Operation: Train Nacien to a Decent Level! So, I healed up at the Pokemon Center and went back out to Route 29 to train. One Triple Kicking Magikarp later, Operation TNtaDL is officially postponed. How does a fish triple kick? Hell If I know. Went back to the Pokemon center and then decided to train again. Then there was a Metapod with Double Kick. Training Nacien is hereby on hold until I get to a nice fighting-less area. Because evidently here fish and cocoons have gained the ability to kick things multiple times. So, we healed again and started up Route 30. Nacien actually managed to gain a level thanks to a nice Silcoon that was weak to Electricity. After defeating the Silcoon, I realized that I had killed my prospective party member for Route 30, a Kakuna, in the name of training. I saw some trainers farther up the way and decided to try and find a few more Silcoon just to be safe. A small amount of training later, I went back up Route 30 to try my hand at those trainers. The first trainer, a Youngster Joey, sent out a Nidoran Male to face my Asteald. If you paid attention to last time, you know exactly how this one played out. It’s almost as if people think they stand a chance against the little Beldum. We battled our way up Route 30 and onto Route 31. Okay, Poe, you can catch something this time. Don’t forget it. And the prospective member is… Hoppip. Not the biggest fan of Hoppip really, but y’know what, I’ll take it. The battle was simple, seeing as it kept trying to Thrash Asteald and soon enough Etilia the Hoppip joined my ever growing party. When we got to Violet City, we healed and went up to this odd tower on the north end. It looked like a great place for training. I was right, there was definitely some decent trainers here that I could train Etilia and Nacien on and I even caught a new party member, Ceille the Skitty. I’m getting surrounded by adorable pink Pokemon very quickly. And in other Sprout Tower related news, someone just left an Armor Fossil lying around. Free stuff is awesome! Sadly, while I was climbing the tower a wild Larvitar managed to hit Etillia with Eruption before we managed to flee. I was just starting to like the little Hoppip, too. I carried her back outside and to Route 31 before burying her. I owed her that much. On the second trip up the tower, I ran into a couple more strange things. Namely, a Bonsly with Spacial Rend and a Grimer that summoned Hail. Randomization sure messed with the world big time. But, anyway soon I was fighting the Elder of the tower for whatever reason. Asteald got poisoned early on and Nacien had to finish the fight. Luckily she learned Rock Wrecker mid-battle. Deus Ex Machina maybe, but it was nice. The Elder even gave me to TM for Poisonpowder for beating him. Thanks...? Well, I ran out and healed. With that training out of the way, it was time for me to take on Violet City’s gym. The sign outside said they used Flying Types. Yeah, and people in Sprout Tower used Bellsprout… Well, I went inside and the first trainer used a Kirlia and the second one used a Nidoran Male and a Surskit. Filthy liars. With his minions out of the way I went on to face Falkner. He used a Nincada which died rather easily and a Nidorino. Falkner, Flying gym leader and king of liars everyone! Luckily Nacien Rock Wreck’d him. Yes, I approve of that pun. And for beating him, Falkner gave me the Zephyr Badge and the TM for Haze. So, with that out of the way I left the gym and went to the Pokemon Center to rent a room for the night… Or I would have if Elm hadn’t called. Something about meeting his assistant at the Pokemart. So, I met his assistant and he insisted I take that Egg that Mr. Pokemon forced Elm to take. Ah, the circle of regifting. Alright, so, egg in party I went to the Pokemon Center, healed up, and went to bed. This has been a hell of a day. Hope tomorrow will be better. (So, this chapter was a little longer than expected but a lot of stuff evidently happened. Ah, randomizer hijinks. So, Falkner defeated just what, 17 Gym Leaders, 2 Elite Fours, and one Red left? Yeah, this is gonna get hard fast. So, with that said, time for the end of chapter status update! In Party: Asteald (Beldum), level 12. Ghost/Normal. Nature: Naïve, Ability: Drought, Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Psycho Boost. Nacien (Jigglypuff), level 12, Electric/Rock. Nature: Mild, Ability: Serene Grace, Moves: Detect, Rock Wrecker, Volt Tackle, Thundershock Ceille (Skitty), level 7. Ekectric. Nature: Serious, Ability: Illuminate, Moves: Shock Wave, Horn Attack, Charge Beam, Spark. Egg In PC: None Dead: Etillia (Hoppip), level 5. I would do the full bit of info on Etillia but then I’d have to for everything dead and in pc and then that would make it a little spammy. For those of you curious, though, she was a Fighting type. And with all of that said, I will see you next time for a trip to Azalea Town and a battle against Bugsy.)
  4. So, it's been 2 years since my last randomlocke failed. Well, I'm gonna try another one after a rather long hiatus. Maybe I can finish this one, eh?

    1. GotWala


      I wish you luck, haha!

  5. Poe’s Totally Awesome Soul Silver 100% Randomlocke (So, hi. Little preface-ish bit right here before starting the chapter proper. So, it’s been awhile since my last randomlocke here went south, and well, I wanted to try again and maybe this time my save file will decide to stay all nice and nondeletedy. So, let me go ahead and tell you exactly what constitutes a 100% Randomlocke. In a nutshell, I have randomized everything possible. Or, if you would rather have a complete list. I have randomized: Pokemon types, abilities, statistics, movesets (preferring same type), move tutor moves, TMs and TM compatability, starters, enemy trainer Pokemon, names, and classes, wild Pokemon, in game trades (both required and given), the static Pokemon, and the field items! I also have made it where otherwise impossible evolutions can occur. So, should I say get a Kadabra I don’t have to trade it to get an Alakazam. This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever attempted to do. So, should be a good deal of fun!) Chapter 1: Do I Have a Ghost of a Chance? I groaned as I woke up, the TV was still on in the background. I must have forgotten to turn it off last night. News shows were going on and on about something called The Randomizing. Evidently something happened a week or so ago that scrambled everything about Pokemon’s genetics. It’s lead to people seeing all kinds of crazy things. Tentacool in tall grass, Onix going for a swim in the ocean, even Houndoom using Ice Beam and Psychic. Things just stopped making sense. I sighed and turned the thing off, no need to hear more about just some wild mass guessing as to the cause. I got dressed and stumbled downstairs to eat breakfast. And wouldn’t ya know it the moment I set foot downstairs mom wanted me to do something. Something about our neighbor Professor Elm or something, I dunno. I ate a quick bowl of cereal and grabbed my pack off the back wall before heading over to Elm’s lab. “Poeseph, glad you made it,” he said, looking back at the door as I walked in. “Listen, I have a favor to ask you. One of my colleagues has made a d-“ It was about that point I stopped listening because this was just pointless exposition. I stood there, nodding every so often to make him think I cared. Then he said I could take a Pokemon with me to wherever the hell I was supposed to go. I rushed over to the machine beside him and looked at my possibilities. Three Pokeballs set on a rotating table and a screen above the machine showed what was in it. Currently, that picture was of an Elekid and text underneath told me it was an ice type. I turned the table and a Beldum appeared on it, the text saying it was a ghost. I spun it one last time and Nidoran Male appeared. C’mon, awesome type… And it was ice too. Damn, two ice types. Not cool. So, I grabbed the Beldum. I immediately cobbled a name together on the spot. “Beldum, you are hereby Asteald!” I grinned and clipped the Pokeball to my belt. I listened to more of Elm’s exposition before hurrying out of the lab. Once I was outside, I decided to take a better look at Asteald. So, first off, that machine sort of lied. Asteald wasn’t just a Ghost. It was a Ghost/Normal. Also, evidently this thing had Drought because now the sun was even stronger. So, I have a ghost/normal lump of magnetic metal that makes the sun shine as a partner. Fantastic. I tried to leave town, but some guy kept blocking me telling me I should get my Pokegear from my house. I tried about five times to sneak past, but he evidently had some sort of “no-Pokegear-having sense”. So, I went home and grabbed it. Maybe now I can finally leave and start this damn adventure. I mean, I already wasted an entire page on exposition. So, I go to leave again and Elm stops me. I swear, I am this close to having Asteald Shadow Ball everyone in this town. He insists on giving me his number for my Pokegear. …Is that why the other dude was so pushy about me getting it? Does he make sure anyone who wants to leave has a Pokegear on them so Elm can harass them more? That’s cruel. Alright! Let’s try this one more time! I look around to ensure no one else will bother me… And set foot on route 29. I am finally free of New Bark Town, thank Arceus! So, I walk down the route and I made it to Cherrygrove City with only one incident. That was a Jigglypuff that Asteald promptly Shadow Ball’d into Oblivion. I like this little… Magnetic lump of metal. Pronouns for genderless Pokemon are hard, damn it. I walked on through Cherrygrove and went to head north to where I assume Elm wanted me to go but some old man really wanted to give me a tour of the city. I KNOW HOW POKEMON CENTERS AND POKEMARTS WORK, DAMN IT! Sorry, but I hate when people act all tutorialy.When he was finally done with the tour, he made me take a pair of running shoes and a map card for my Pokegear. Because… Reasons. I dunno, whatever. Free stuff. Route 30 went very smoothly also. I found a Lax Incense just lying on the ground and some lunatic made me take an apricorn box. Yay, more free stuff. I also learned Asteald had Psycho Boost. Well, I learned it and then so did a bunch of Diglett and Swinub to be exact. I found a house at the end of the route and I assumed that was where Elm wanted me to go, so I knocked on the door and walked in. Inside two older gentlemen were talking and one of them walked towards me. “Ah, you must be Poeseph. Elm said you were coming this way.” He grinned and grabbed something off his desk. “Here, this is what I would like Elm to examine.” He then handed me the thing. It was an egg. A Pokemon egg. We’ve known about Pokemon eggs for forever, man. What makes this one so special? I sighed and listened to him brag about how rare that egg was and how you likely couldn’t find it here in Johto. Once he was done talking, the other guy began to speak. He introduced himself as Professor Oak, the resident professor of Kanto. He spent some time looking over Asteald and gave me a Pokedex, saying it seemed like I was a dependable trainer. Right! Yes! Dependable and totally won’t just outright blast wild Pokemon with Psycho Boost for annoying me! That’s me! So, I put the Pokedex in my pack and Mr. Pokemon insisted Asteald and I rest before heading back to New Bark Town. I couldn’t really argue, the little Beldum looked tired and I was pretty sore from running myself. I suppose Elm can wait an hour or two before getting this egg back. Not like anyone is gonna try and rob him or anything. (And that seems like a nice end spot for the chapter. I typically try to beat a Gym Leader by Chapter End but that would’ve made this chapter longer and more cramped than I would have liked. So, next time I will definitely take on Falkner’s Gym, assuming Asteald and I can make it that far. Oh, and as per tradition, here is my current ‘mon list. In Party: Asteald (Beldum), level 6. Ghost/Normal. Nature: Naïve, Ability: Drought, Moves: Lick, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Psycho Boost. In PC: None Dead: None And with that, I will see you all next time.)
  6. Right, so... Trying to use Showdown on mobile is incredibly bothersome... I suppose this means I won't be on the server until I can get actual internet. I'll try to make more appearances on the forums to compensate.Right, so... Trying to use Showdown on mobile is incredibly bothersome... I suppose this means I won't be on the server until I can get actual internet. I'll try to make more appearances on the forums to compensate.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Yep! Repetition is key! :)

    2. Poetic


      Sorry... Mobile likes to duplicate every so often. I normally catch it.

    3. Sutoratosu


      OH, Showdown hate you two, Soldier? Come join the club!

  7. Forum Name: Poetic Length of time on Reborn: Going on 3 years now. Favorite game genre: RPG, strategy (turn based and rts) puzzle, and the occasional visual novel. Notable skills: Really, I am a generalist so I don't excel in any one thing, but I am decent in a lot of things. Beyond that, I can also come up with crazy schemes that have a 10% success rate! Also, I am heavy on the sarcasm. Hobbies: Reading, writing, challenging myself, video games Best Trait: I enjoy challenges and will push myself to excel. Worst Trait: I am overly critical of myself and others. Describe yourself in one sentence, long or short it doesn't matter: I am the one and only and totally stubborn, witty, punny, and awesome Poe. Why we should pick you to play Survivor Reborn: Well, because I have no life I end up watching a lot of tv, that includes elimination based reality shows. I am just genre savvy enough to provide an entertaining show and also know how to form proper alliances and schemes. Also, y'know, I'm Poe, reason enough.
  8. Hey, one and only Poe here acting on behalf of Sub-Leader Kaito to post our roster and bans. Main Roster: 1. Destructive Skitty 2. Jory 3. Jericho 4. Murdoc 5. Poe (ME!) Subs are Jacze and Sheep Bans are Rotom, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen.
  9. So, not to complain or anything but I seem to have been caught in a rangeban for the past two days. If you guys wanted to get rid of me, you coulda just said so.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ah, good lol. But remember how to tell in text. it is best to be careful.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie
    4. Ikaru


      I'm on now but I don't know which to remove so you'll have to try one more time

  10. Actually, disregard me being in this week apparently. I assumed I could alter Pokemon levels on the app and nope. All Pokemon are insta-locked at 100, making LC impossible. Thanks, coyotte. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. Hey, Poe here. Phone is acting up and banned me from the server for a bit, probably will be in bed before an admin fixes it. Just wanted to say that if space allows, I would like in this week.
  12. If there was a rangeban recently, I believe I may have been caught in it.

    1. Ikaru


      fixed but that was last night and it's going right back up if the person that warranted it comes back

    2. Bluewolf


      Poetic justice, put it in the song alright~

  13. I'll go ahead and volunteer, why not. As for reasons: 1: I've been training with our types since they were announced, so I have a good feel for them. 2: I use non-standard strategies that surprise some people. 3: Back when I actually laddered, I was on the first and second pages. 4: I got the Poe-Luck.
  14. It is i, the one and only and completely amazing Poe, here to assist in victory! Also, I vote for Dark Desire because bandwagon.
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