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72 Samaritan

About Anstane

  • Birthday 03/03/1995

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  • Location
    On a block of ice. (In reality Lithuania)
  • Interests
    Mostly video games, Sonic and Pokemon first and foremost. Also can't resist really cute and cuddly things <3

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  1. Hello hello! This might sound like a bit of a weird one, but...what, exactly, is the hierarchy of Team Xen? As, while it's clear that Madame X is at the top and generic Xen grunts are at the bottom, what is the in-between? Are Mages on the same level as Executives? Are Deathwings between Executives and Admins? Are there actual differences between Executives (Zetta, Geara etc.) and Admins (Cassandra, presumably Nastasia)?
  2. I came to this community back when E15 was the most recent version. I didn't realize it, but joining this community would change my life - I am not even exaggerating. In one way or another, joining this community led me to, more or less, every other community I am part of right now. I a m truly grateful to have been a part of this amazing journey and community (even if I did have some...less pleasant moments). Thank you for this amazing game and thank you for this amazing community!
  3. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day πŸ™‚πŸ°

  4. As someone who found the experience far more enjoyable on Normal than Intense difficulty, overall, I am perfectly okay with this decision. I am sure some people will not be happy, mainly those that only care for the challenge and not for the actual story, characters etc., but I am perfectly okay with this decision.
  5. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day πŸ™‚πŸ°

  6. I'm kind of reminiscing on old times and, while most of it is quite nice and I am glad it happened, a part of me can't help but cringe at a few things.

    1. Candy


      don't we allΒ πŸ˜…

  7. I'll go with the one idea I thought of previously: Golurk Crest: Boost it's speed and Atk by 20% and makes Phantom Force always be a 1-turn move instead of needing to charge it.
  8. Absolutely take your time. I understand the issue of burnout and this year in general has been pretty rough. But I think most folks here will fully understand if you need to put development on pause. Ultimately, what's most important is not sticking by some kind of arbitrary deadline, but it's for you to care for your own health, physical and, more importantly, mental.
  9. I've only got ~15-20 battles left to go and record but, to be perfectly honest, I am starting to seriously feel burned out. On top of that, some of the battles I have left are likely to take a whole day each.Β 


    Ryland, the two Star Shard sisters and Dufaux being the main ones. I'm also stuck on Lorna now.


    1. Commander


      Froslass is your best friend against Dufaux tbh

  10. Gym Leader battle: 7 attempts.

    Random sidequest battle: 39 attempts.


    I hate my life right now.

  11. Okay, stopping for the night, but wish to ask: Should I record the tournament battles or should I just skip all those and only record the battle vs Adam himself?

  12. Hm. I am looking over and, not counting the current leader I am stuck on (Puppet Masters), I have ~40-45 battles still to record on the Intense Playthrough. The big question is: Should I record the battles against the Defense Mechs? Both in Eclysia and for the Empo Crest. Furthermore, wondering if I should record the battle against ??? And ??? At Eclysia.

  13. Holy hell I managed to pull it off. 37 attempts, but I pulled it off.
    Fun fact: This is now the most amount of tries that a battle took. Angie took 33, Novae 2, 28 attempts. Valarie, 26.

  14. Probably unpopular opinion: Normal difficulty Rejuvenation is more fun than Intense. It actually feels fair, fun and balanced.

    1. Commander


      Both difficulties have their ups and downs. Intense is more geared towards people more familiar and more committed and ultimately enjoy a much better experience for being more experts of the system. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing normal mode as forcing yourself to suffer because a few people like the higher difficulty isn't worth it. There's a reason why there are multiple difficulties

    2. Amphibi


      While I do prefer Intense mode, partly because I like using debug for perfect ivs, the first two gym battles feel insanely challenging if you don't have the right pokemon.

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