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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Anstane

  1. Hello hello! This might sound like a bit of a weird one, but...what, exactly, is the hierarchy of Team Xen? As, while it's clear that Madame X is at the top and generic Xen grunts are at the bottom, what is the in-between? Are Mages on the same level as Executives? Are Deathwings between Executives and Admins? Are there actual differences between Executives (Zetta, Geara etc.) and Admins (Cassandra, presumably Nastasia)?
  2. I came to this community back when E15 was the most recent version. I didn't realize it, but joining this community would change my life - I am not even exaggerating. In one way or another, joining this community led me to, more or less, every other community I am part of right now. I a m truly grateful to have been a part of this amazing journey and community (even if I did have some...less pleasant moments). Thank you for this amazing game and thank you for this amazing community!
  3. As someone who found the experience far more enjoyable on Normal than Intense difficulty, overall, I am perfectly okay with this decision. I am sure some people will not be happy, mainly those that only care for the challenge and not for the actual story, characters etc., but I am perfectly okay with this decision.
  4. I'm kind of reminiscing on old times and, while most of it is quite nice and I am glad it happened, a part of me can't help but cringe at a few things.

    1. Candy


      don't we all 😅

  5. I'll go with the one idea I thought of previously: Golurk Crest: Boost it's speed and Atk by 20% and makes Phantom Force always be a 1-turn move instead of needing to charge it.
  6. Absolutely take your time. I understand the issue of burnout and this year in general has been pretty rough. But I think most folks here will fully understand if you need to put development on pause. Ultimately, what's most important is not sticking by some kind of arbitrary deadline, but it's for you to care for your own health, physical and, more importantly, mental.
  7. I've only got ~15-20 battles left to go and record but, to be perfectly honest, I am starting to seriously feel burned out. On top of that, some of the battles I have left are likely to take a whole day each. 


    Ryland, the two Star Shard sisters and Dufaux being the main ones. I'm also stuck on Lorna now.


    1. Commander


      Froslass is your best friend against Dufaux tbh

  8. Gym Leader battle: 7 attempts.

    Random sidequest battle: 39 attempts.


    I hate my life right now.

  9. Okay, stopping for the night, but wish to ask: Should I record the tournament battles or should I just skip all those and only record the battle vs Adam himself?

  10. Hm. I am looking over and, not counting the current leader I am stuck on (Puppet Masters), I have ~40-45 battles still to record on the Intense Playthrough. The big question is: Should I record the battles against the Defense Mechs? Both in Eclysia and for the Empo Crest. Furthermore, wondering if I should record the battle against ??? And ??? At Eclysia.

  11. Holy hell I managed to pull it off. 37 attempts, but I pulled it off.
    Fun fact: This is now the most amount of tries that a battle took. Angie took 33, Novae 2, 28 attempts. Valarie, 26.

  12. Probably unpopular opinion: Normal difficulty Rejuvenation is more fun than Intense. It actually feels fair, fun and balanced.

    1. Commander


      Both difficulties have their ups and downs. Intense is more geared towards people more familiar and more committed and ultimately enjoy a much better experience for being more experts of the system. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing normal mode as forcing yourself to suffer because a few people like the higher difficulty isn't worth it. There's a reason why there are multiple difficulties

    2. Amphibi


      While I do prefer Intense mode, partly because I like using debug for perfect ivs, the first two gym battles feel insanely challenging if you don't have the right pokemon.

  13. Welp, here I thought Valarie would be the big wall. And, well, she was, but 2 Mon changes fixed that. Now I'm gonna need to build a whole counter-team for an even bigger wall.

  14. To be more specific, you get Garchompite at the very end of the Starter Egg sidequest, alongside the Shadow Ball TM.
  15. I think it's more likely they simply decided to split up. Likely the MC is with Huey, Lavender and Reina back in GDC searching for clues about Rune while the rest of the gang is doing...something else. Besides, these three definitely need some time to catch up about each other, so I don't blame them. Either way, looking excellent as always! Little concerned about Sariah and Mosely, though I guess in the former's case it's more just remembering the latter's bad reputation. Also really liking Goldenleaf's new look.
  16. 18 recorded battles and 15 hours of gameplay later, I have finally gotten my second badge in Rejuvenation Intense. I definitely don't remember it being this slow, though I guess it is early-game so it is justifiable.

    I do have a question, though: Is it worth for me to record the Virtual League sidequest? Or would those not be worth recording for an "All major battles" playlist?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemICE


      speaking of shameless promotions,  you should try and play this run, using the  MKXP port i made for rejuv.    deletes lag and  delay when using moves 


    3. Anstane


      Will give it a try. Thanks.

    4. Anstane


      Okay, so after testing it out and talking it over with said friend, decided that the best way to record the battles would be to use the MKXP client, but without Fast Forward. Fast Forward makes things go by way too fast for a recording.


  17. A friend has asked me to make a playlist of all major battles of Rejuvenation Intense mode. Honestly, I might as well do it. Sure I will suffer horribly, but it's as good an excuse as any to refresh my memory on the story content as it's been well over a year since I did non-v12 content. No challenge/Monotype, though. Just a simple run on Intense and maybe Set mode. Might want to see about finding Debug if only to cut down significantly on level grinding, but that is a formality.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander


      The Geara and Zetta fight broke me. So if you get past that, kudos.

    3. Maqqy


      The Geara/Zetta got nerfed a little bit to not be as merciless as before. Still pretty torturing though.

    4. Anstane


      Well, I have started and have already made the first battle recorded. About a few hundred more to go.

  18. Hm. Will there be a way for players to gain any missing cells that they might have missed in East Gearen before the renovation? Furthermore, will there eventually be a late-game item that reveals the locations of missed Zygarde cells? Because I would imagine that it would get infuriating when someone ends up getting all but 1-2 cells and has to scour everywhere for the ones that were missed.
  19. Hm...maybe I might. I hope it's not a decision I end up regretting.

  20. Okay, I admit I was not expecting that. So either Act 3 will be really short, or v15 and v16 will be very lengthy in order to stretch out the content to a reasonable length. Guess we'll see. Either way, thanks for finding and showing me the official answer to this.
  21. First of all, I would like to preface this with two things. First of all, I am not going to bother with spoilering story moments or anything, so proceed at your own risk. Furthermore, it has been a bit of a while since I last played the game proper, so I might misremember or forget a few details. So, from what I could gather from previous conversations/gatherings, Rejuvenation's plot has been aimed to have a three-act structure, each one having a main unifying link connecting it. The first act's main act has been, from my understanding, Team Xen and their hunt for Melia. Sure, there were other storylines and plotlines that happen during this time, but the main one has basically been Team Xen and Melia. The climax and the end of Act 1 is pretty noticeable and clear: The final battle vs Zetta and Geara at Valor Mountain ends with a total defeat of Team Xen, with Zetta permanently eliminated from the team and Geara getting stuck in teleport hell, requiring a very long reconstruction process. The moment is sufficiently dramatic and, more importantly, it actually takes Team Xen out of the focus of the story. Oh sure, they are still there, just mostly relegated to sidequests, especially in the restored East Gearen. After that we have a brief interlude while we go and battle Amber. I consider this moment as not part of act 1, but also not part of act 2, as it has little bearing on the overall story and is just a moment for the player and PC character to essentially unwind from everything that just happened. In fact, I am willing to go as far as to say that Act 2 doesn't actually start until we re-enter Valor Mountain with Venam in search of Melia. Act 2, to the best of my knowledge, seems to have the theme of, essentially, "Past and Present", the relation of the region before and after the cataclysmic Storm-9, emphasized with the numerous journeys to the past that we have. We even get a chance to see how screwed up the present day could have been had events in the past gone differently. But that's neither here nor there. This, for me brings up my main point of concern: When does Act 2 actually end? Has it actually ended? Because, I will be honest, I am having a bit of a hard time determining the exact moment that Act 2 ends. To that end, I thought about it and, if it did happen, there are two moments in the story that stand out to me as points where Act 2 could have ended, naturally at mutual exclusivity: The defeat of the Angel of Death and the battle at the top of Eclysia Pyramid against Madame X and the two hoverboarders. The first moment stands out to me because it marks the point where we finish time traveling, as the moment comes at the end of our (so far) final journey to the past. Furthermore, the Angel of Death has been, for all intents and purposes, the main antagonist of Act 2. Sure, we have Flora and Bladestar, but they don't really come into play all that much until Chapter 12 which is also their final chapter. So, defeating the Angel of Death not only gives us tangible effects by essentially landing a major blow against Theolia, but it also (Again, for now) marks the end of the traveling. However, it still feels like a bit of a clunky moment for the act to end: First of all, assuming that is the ending, then we have a fairly long transitionary period from Act 2 to Act 3 and what is the moment that can be counted as the start of Act 3 then? Most likely the destruction of the Grand Dream Tower by Bladestar. The second moment that, to me, stands out as a potential ending to Act 2 is, of course, the battle at the top of Eclysia Pyramid. It has the climactic feeling (Action-packed sequences, comes right after a battle against a major character, though I don't really consider said character(s) as particularly major in the overall nature of Act 2, even the setting is similar, being at the top of a mountain/pyramid structure at the very top of their part of the region and us being there to save other characters from death. The parallels are more than obvious.). Furthermore, it then has a much more defined and obvious transition/intermission: The raid on Isha's lab. However, for me, the main reason why I hesitate to just outright recognize this as the end of Act 2 is twofold: First, what exactly ends in this battle? By this point, we have already crossed the final remnants of the past that we visited earlier (Xen HQ not counted) and Eclysia felt more an ending for Bladestar and Alice/Allen than for the Past and Present. The second thing is, well, what exactly do we end up finishing at the top of Eclysia, Bladestar excluded? I don't feel like we reach any sort of real finality on the Past and Present theme up on the pyramid, in fact as far as I can see in that regard, the battle vs Lorna would fit that theme more accurately. I guess it would have had more of an impact if there was more to the hoverboarders' prior presence to the story and if we managed to actually deal lasting damage. Of course, there is also the third possibility that we are still in Act 2. However, I find this to be hard to believe because that would mean Act 3 would have to be either really condensed or the chapters that follow will have to be really stretched out in length, given we are starting to approach the endgame and we are running out of areas to visit in the game. TL;DR: When does Act 2 actually end?
  22. Been considering getting back into the games here, but not sure if it's worth me rejoining the community itself, especially the Discord.

    1. Scyl


      ... Why would you need to rejoin the community?

      Many people play these games anonymously.

      Ex: I'm not even in the Discord.

    2. Candy


      Einstein once said, "if ya choose ya homies correctly, ya gonna have a hecc'n good time"

      Except he didn't say that.

      But as Lincoln once said, "donut believe everything quoted on the internet, cause chances are it's BS"

      Idk where I'm going with this but maybe have some candy and forgib me smol brain 🍭

    3. Anstane


      I dunno, guess part of me just wants to share my experiences. And...not sure what the second comment was about.

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