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Everything posted by Anstane

  1. Completing the Castle Zygara sidequest via letting Karrina do her thing and then not pushing her off doesn't reward you with the Mega Stone. It could be because it might not detect the Mega Stone obtained from Hidden Library 3 if you completed it in V11, but regardless, it means you don't get a reward.
  2. Pretty sure you are not supposed to step here. Furthermore, I believe it was already reported, but the key is missing to advance forward.
  3. Darius looks around the immediate area. By the looks of things, they have managed to - mostly - secure the immediate area, at the very least. If nothing else, this does give them a chance to regroup and recover before the next stage of the battle. The shaman notices one of the few enemies still in range and rushes in for the attack. Darius moves to O15 and attacks Knight 8.
  4. "Step right up, step right up, and be amazed by the most dazzling light show in the world!"
  5. So, thought I'd take a look on how things are going here while still avoiding the Discord.

  6. Alright, might as well see what I can think of... Golurk Crest: +10 attack, Phantom Force becomes a 1-turn move. Crabominable Crest: Gives it Contrary as an ability. Tropius Crest: Changes it's resistances to as if it were pure Flying-type (AKA remove it's Grass-based weaknesses). I'd think of more, but I can't really be bothered to be creative at this moment.
  7. I admit I am not a fan of Poison and Steel as types at all. However, I do still hold quite a liking to a few specific Pokemon: Crobat for Poison and Skarmory (And Scizor, but purely not in single-player) for Steel.
  8. Alright. Couldn't double-check it, but I think it could be recreated: Apparently Dream Eater will work and damage target/heal self even if the target is awake - if you switch out the sleeping Mon for an awake Mon. In my case, what happened was that sleeping Eelektross switched out, sent in awake Heliolisk, one of the Ralts in the Rift Gardevoir fight used Dream Eater and it did damage/healed Heliolisk. And it wasn't a case of targeting other Mon, as my other Mon, Jolteon, was fully awake.
  9. I can't be the only one that wants a (Non-PMD or PMD-like) Pokemon game that focuses more on Pokemon rather than the humans. Often the Pokemon just feel like an afterthought with the exception of the region's requisite Legendary.

  10. I just triggered this event even though I already completed the main story of V11. This is on a save file that started in V9. I arrived in the residential district via the train from 2'nd avenue junction, if that matters.
  11. Okay, this is something that happened on the roue where you rat out Flora to Erin. Basically, what happened was that, after making out of the Voidal chasm, I was looking around the desert. While there, I blacked out... ...and respawned in GDC's Scholar District, AKA the last place I visited a Pokemon Center. Furthermore, the Claydol in the National Park doesn't work, meaning one becomes stuck in GDC.
  12. Tell that to the not insignificant parts of the community that hate Ice-type Pokemon that are not named Mamoswine or Weavile with an almost fervent passion. Hasn't diminished my love for the type, in fact it made me feel like one of the few beacons of loyalty to it, but still. As for the Grass-type, the main issue is that it has a lot of bad early matchups. As soon as you get past Aya and Serra, Grass really starts to come into it's own. You get plenty of options for the type as well as solid Mons overall. You just have to get past early-game hell.
  13. Random thought: What if Lin is simply the personification of Elitism in various games, especially competitive settings? Those only care for raw power and statistics and forego everything else, like design, fun and other such stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anstane


      I wasn't putting words into anyone's mouths with this. This was just an observation I made. But if it'll be for the best for everyone if I went quiet, then sure, I can do that. Just say the word. Besides, I was not even remarking about Pokemon in general. I can name more franchises where this can apply: Smash Bros, League of Legends and other highly competitive franchises.


      As for Solaris, I never truly considered him being a better image for it. Like I said, this was just a random thought that came onto me.

    3. Candy


      I'm bamboozled as to what Azery said. I think it's an interesting observation on Anstane's part. I think Lin did choose hydreigon as her ace with a thought to aesthetics, but if it's a hydreigon that can survive a fairy type attack from an A-ninetales, then it must be hax hydreigon. She only cares for power, which does mirror elitism in games, but for some reason I'm reminded me of people who hack mons with illegal EV spreads or movesets only to win definitely lol

    4. Commander


      I thought he was talking to IntSys, but I honestly have no idea what Az was saying. As for Lin being a cheater, definitely the equivalence of that. She bent the rules of time and logic to her knee.

  14. I have done three Monotypes and am on my fourth now. The ones I have done are Ice, Water, Dark and am currently on Psychic. One thing I can honestly say, purely to break the misconception: an Ice Mono is not as hard as people often make it out to be. Sure, I strongly recommend adding in a starter (my preference is on Swinub, would be a good idea to give it a physical Ice attack for Oricorio), but, honestly, once you defeat Shelly, the difficulty drops massively. You get so many options that, if you play it right, you should not have many issues. I have a thread of this run, written back in E15. As for the other runs, they are similar. Some harsh hiccups (Like Blake on my Water Mono, or Noel on my Dark Mono), but otherwise they are not that hard. I've even started to use fewer and fewer items on the runs (Down to no in-battle items used on my Psychic Mono). So, honestly, yeah. As for good starting Mono runs, Poison and Dark are likely going to be the best ones purely for the sheer number of options you start with. As for the hardest monotypes, I think the general consensus that the hardest ones are Dragon, Fairy, Electric and Rock.
  15. unknown.pngWhen RNG'sus wants you to lose, it makes damn sure you lose.

    1. Wolfox
    2. Alistair


      rip in pepperoni sad reacts only 😔

  16. Except the vast majority of my suggestions are not to push strong stuff back. They're to pull weaker stuff forward, so they're not completely outclassed by stronger stuff you get earlier. Specifically to allow the second point to be addressed.
  17. Some time and discussion passed and I would now like to add one more Mon that I think could do with being pushed forward a little bit.
  18. Indeed you can. However, that is still at least two gyms later - Serra and Noel - than when you get Eevee and gain the ability to evolve to any of the other Eeveelutions. Glaceon is the only one you still need to explicitly wait on before you can evolve it. (Technically Leafeon too, but the Moss Stone is literally in the same forest, so you are at most a few minutes from being able to access it, unlike Glaceon.) Fair point, especially with the Electric-types compared to Electivire. I did want to have some examples of Electrics that you can have and use by that point, but because they are not as varied as Fire-types are, I did have to stretch it. Mayhaps, but with Samson at least, you do gain access to both Alakazam and Reuniclus beforehand, which do similarly great work against the Strongman. The idea was to move Gardevoir/Gallade to a point where they have actual competition for the Psychic-slot beyond just Espeon. As for the Fairy portion, that is the niche that sets it apart from Alakazam. I will admit that I mostly added Sandile in because I wanted a Mon that needed to be pushed back on the list. I will admit that it doesn't need that much of a pushback. Mostly I'd consider moving it from Tanzan Mountain to Tanzan Depths, delaying it's acquiration by one gym, to before Noel rather than before Serra. Such a move would also give players a genuinely legitimate option to capture when dealing with the giant Steelix. As for Gardevoir, as I alluded to before, the problem before E17 was that it had almost no competition where it was before, whereas now it's irrelevant without it's Mega stone. My proposed suggestion, to make it available with Alakazam, would make it an alternative to Alakazam, trading raw power for the Fairy typing. And very good point with Trapinch/Flygon. It would be nice to see Gligar moved to an earlier point.
  19. I've written my feelings on what might need to moved about in Reborn. For those interested, the thread is in the Reborn City subforum.

    1. Dreamy


      For anyone else seeing this:


  20. Heya. It's been a while since I've posted on the forums. I've been active on Discord, though been slowly disassociating myself with it. Well, either way, the reason I am making this thread is so I, and possibly other folks, can share their ideas and suggestions as to where various items and Pokemon should be relocated. Because, as it is right now, there are plenty of Pokemon that are available too early that should be pushed back, or Pokemon that are available so late that they are very difficult to justify for their position in the game. That being said, I shall start off with a few suggestions. Pokemon: TM's: These are merely my own suggestions. Feel free to suggest more Pokemon, TM or other location changes as well as giving your thoughts and opinions on the ones that have been currently mentioned and suggested.
  21. So, we get Poipole/Naganadel and not Guzzlord or Nihilego. Sounds balanced. Even Blacephalon I would have expected more because that's basically just Chandelure 2.0.
  22. Such a disappointment...unless Scizor is somehow delayed to after Hardy (Which would require him to be the leader fought in E18), that means that his team will now be literally forced to warp around the fact that there will be people using Scizor. Meaning basically every single one of his Mons will be forced to run some sort of Fire coverage, both limiting his options and punishing anyone who might want to use Mons that are weak to Fire, even moreso than normal. Well, those of you who are excited for it, sure, go for it, not going to talk you out of it or anything. But as someone who actively avoids using Steel-types unless I have to because they, as well as the type itself, are so blatantly overpowered, I'll pass on it.
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