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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Anstane

  1. Oh hey, most overrated/overhyped Mon is now available. Can't *wait* for it to start showing up everywhere... In seriousness, the only Mon I really cared for was Breloom and I'm glad it's finally a thing, a few episodes later than I feel like it should have showed up >_>
  2. Not gonna lie. As time advances, I am legitimately starting to feel more and more that I am not really welcome in this community, at least when it comes to Discord.

    1. Wolfox


      can;t say much about reborn discord, as I'm never there, but I can say that the community would take a great hit if we lost you

    2. Commander


      It's not really that you aren't welcomed, but more like you are getting older and perhaps wiser. The surface of Reborn stays relatively the same to the point you will eventually become bored of it. I've been around 5 years and a good majority of game discussions are just the same thing week after week. Slowly it's certain aspects that are becoming daily and if you aren't a fan of it...you feel like an outsider.


      I'm not bashing on the community as this is just the surface. To really keep enjoying the site you eventually have to find people with similar tastes or willing to explore different things to talk about. You end up getting to know people better and you don't give a damn what people think....well people you don't talk to. I'm sure there are people who'd love for me to leave or work on my "attitude." Those people are just gonna have to learn to...Deal with it :P!


      Most people don't really last more than a year around here so don't feel bad if it's just not fun anymore and you want to go on a hiatus or just leave. It happens and it's understandable. Forums are so much better than Discord though as I really only like using discord to keep up and chat with certain people. I begrudgingly use it more due to it being more active.

  3. As of V10, Banettite and Heracrossite are the only two Mega Stones that one can get, and even then, you only get one or the other. And either way, the Mega Ring is unobtainable, so it's a moot point regardless.
  4. "Indeed. Let us see if I can more tightly control the magic this time to only incapacitate." Darius nodded before stepping forward and, after equipping his Flux tome, taking aim at the fencer that Idei had already targeted. He conjures up his magic, but holds back to only incapitate. Move to W18, equip Flux, attack Fencer 3.
  5. Well...I said I don't want to participate in anything too serious/competitive, but this is all the rage now, so...I guess I might as well join in as well, though I might end up regretting it in regards to my mental health. Forum name: Anstane Showdown alt(s): Anstane Discord: Anstane#6534 Availability*: Honestly, I genuinely don't know what my availability will be. As for timezone, GMT+3. Favourite type(s): Ice, Dark, Water Least favourite type(s): Poison, Steel.
  6. In both cases, my guess is that they are not getting axed so much as they are getting delayed. Magnemite, as ShadowStar explained. X items, probably getting moved to a higher floor in the department store because they give +2 to a stat now.
  7. I'm not Noobly, but yeah. It's been really long since I last posted here. Guess Discord took over for the place where I just chat. Come on back, Noobly.
  8. Darius opened his mouth to answer, but only silence escaped him. The question was almost too accurate and to the point. He looked on, mouth open for a second or so before closing it. He then turned away from him, looking forward once more and letting out a deep sigh. "...I honestly don't know. I never really put much thought into it. When Helena and I got a chance to visit the...I don't remember exactly now, but it was on Z'ark, I believe. We got a chance to help with an experiment. At that point, I actually felt like I was actually doing something meaningful, contributing. Maybe...maybe that is all I want. To be someone relevant to the world."
  9. "...normally it's not like that. Occasionally the spirits actually do almost forcefully take over and...almost give a demonstration of the true power I could have if I fully submitted themselves to them. Almost like...they are trying to tempt me into it with showcases of raw power. The thing is...all these shows actually are actively turning me away from wanting to do anything of the sort. The experience might be initially exhilarating, but the aftermath..." the shaman shook his head and sighed. Clearly, he's still a bit disturbed by what happened. Why did this only start recently and not back when he was just randomly wandering the lands, that is a different matter that he has no answer for.
  10. Idei's question left Darius in a bit of a surprise. He thought for a few moments before giving out an answer. "It...was a combination of things. First of all, for the first time, I saw just how fierce and aggressive the dark spirits can be, trying to "convince" me to fully commit to their cause. While I admit that, part of me did feel some degree of satisfaction from witnessing such gruesome deaths, a larger part felt...almost like fear. But that's not the main one. The main one was that I was shown a way I could use my magic for...good purposes. For productive purposes. I was shown that, despite it all, I can still leave this path of mine that...has not really granted me much satisfaction, in all honesty. Mostly just temporary reprieve from the loathing of my past."
  11. Darius looked at Idei, a little confused by the question. "Could you clarify the question? Do you mean who's or what path I am following, or something else? If it's the former, then...well, I want to say my old mentor's, but I'm trying to carve my own path, especially after he abandoned me one day..." he sighs out before muttering quietly. "Though I am really beginning to see why...maybe this path I took, the path of inducing pain and agony on those that deserve such might not have been the wisest decision I have ever made, wrought of raw emotion than of any real sense."
  12. "Hm? Sure, go ahead." Darius responded to Idei's inquiry, shuffling over to give him space to sit in the shade as well. "It's been a while since we've been back here, even if we're only here for until we get new orders to move out." he sighed out. Even the journey the group had so far was enough to really make him rethink his old path of life. Maybe a conversation like this would help him get more clarity? Or maybe just distract his mind, that works too.
  13. Darius took in a large breath and exhaled it right afterwards. It has been a while since he, as well as the others, have been back in Versidia. Granted, most of his time has been spent either in the spell training rooms or the equivalent of a library (even if the amount of knowledge on dark magic was rather...limited.) Regardless, it feels somewhat nice to be in remotely familiar areas once again. He observed Emilee, Myrdwyn and Belros' actions and simply rolled his eyes a bit before heading over to the shade of a nearby tree and sitting down in the cool shadow of the tall timber. He is still fairly attentive, though, and can still be conversed with, though.
  14. Except most of the nerfs aren't too massive. Gengar? Turns out Cursed Body is just as good of a move. Sure, weakness to Ground, but disrupting important moves with Cursed Body is just as valuable. Talonflame not having Gale Wings anymore being permanent sounds like a major nerf...until you realize Talonflame is already fast as hell, outspeeding damn near everything. I'm not going into the Megas/Legendaries (Though, uh, how was Parental Bond nerfed? Pretty sure it's just as busted, especially now that we got Power-up Punch.) As for the issue of Scizor specifically, well, that's the thing. Not all Pokemon are going to have Fire moves. All it needs is to go in on one of those Pokemon, use Swords Dance (that it learns naturally) three times, then use Technician-boosted Bullet Punch until everything is KO'd, and Scizor is powerful enough to more or less OHKO everything when fully set-up. Sure, that's no different than many other Mons, but Scizor is special because it's very high bulk and extremely good defensive typing means it gets a very easy time setting up compared to literally everything else.
  15. How are the two problems actually, well, problems? The most powerful TM's are, naturally, going to be pushed to the very end of the game specifically so you get a feeling of progression or, if you really want those moves, to use Mons you'd otherwise not use because they get the moves naturally. As for the Mega Stones, again, a feeling of progression. As for the issue of the Mega Z-Ring being too late...I don't necessarily agree with that. Besides a few Pokemon-specific Z-stones, we only start obtaining them in the Desert, one Gym Leader before one can obtain the ring itself. Plus, we get it three Gym Leaders after the first leader gets a Mega Evolution, which I think is a fair amount of time delay. As someone who straight up doesn't care about Mega Evolution and not a huge fan of Z-Stones, I don't think them being pushed back so long is a huge problem, honestly. Also, I have a feeling that we'll get all the remaining non-obtainable non-Legendary/Mythical Mons to become obtainable in E18...except for Scyther/Scizor, because I feel like it's still too powerful even for end-of-E18 stuff.
  16. I have no regrets. I need some time to cool off and let my existence fade away somewhat. Might be back in a few weeks to the Discord, who knows...either way, for now, I am just gone.

  17. As soon as the fighting was over and he helped Helena patch up her wounds, Darius noticed a shaman among the no-longer-hostile enemy forces and, seeing this opportunity to speak to another practitioner, moved over to him. "Hm. Not often do you see Dark Magic users anywhere nowadays. Where did you achieve this knowledge?"
  18. I was doing the Darchlight Puzzle in Darchlight Cave when I talked to a wandering Erin. The thing is, I talked to her as she was right in front of the Red button. Now she just stands there, unmoving, blocking the Red button and preventing me from being able to complete the puzzle and, presumably, advancing the plot. Game.rxdata
  19. I don't know if this is a bug, per se, but Alolan Raichu cannot learn Surf. I know technically only Pikachu can get it, and through an event, but I was told to report this because it might be unintended. And if it intended, then I'd like to request Erick's A-Raichu to lose Surf because that is just a little unfair, maybe?
  20. Quick Guard is the best and simplest way of dealing with it. You'll still need a revive or three because even Struggle OHKO's, but at least you won't need 13+ of them.
  21. The text for taking to the woman here for hints on the Love Letter sidequest has not been updated. The client was moved to the upper area of the gateway to Oceana Pier, yet she still tells you to go to Leaflet Park.
  22. As all the chaos around Randel was going on, Darius simply observed it all from a distance, unable to quite reach the enemy in time. He simply starts moving forward, thinking that, if he is needed, he might be able to contribute after another round of combat. [Move to G10]
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