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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Anstane

  1. "Who knows...guess we'll just have to see where fate takes us and what we'll end up encountering..."
  2. What's wrong with this place being alive? Want to answer, bibs?
  3. Let's make this thread active again! Right, Spine?
  4. Everyone has moved on to Discord or otherwise moved on, Spine. It's sad, I know. Right, Spine?
  5. Darius thought about it for a bit before releasing a large sigh. "At this point? I don't even know. Part of me wants to keep it up, inflict pain unto those that did so to me and to those that would inflict it to others. And yet...I don't think I want to do it like this...I don't want to lose myself to the elder spirits. I've been given a chance to see that I can have a future...I am at a crossroads right now, so to say..."
  6. Darius sighed out, quietly. "It was to get back at a world that would hurt and otherwise cause me trouble...ever since youth, I'd get bullied and abused, even beaten for the mark on my face and my figure...by kids in my youth and then shunned and attacked after I escaped an abusive orphanage...back then, all I knew was pain and it was what I wanted to inflict back to those that hurt me..."
  7. Um, would it be better if Hurt and Heals got their own club like Mafia games did?

    1. seki108


      Honestly sounds like a solid idea

  8. ...I legitimately don't know if I even want to participate in this because this is just something I can't really do. While I have an obvious to heal, I really don't want to hurt any. So yeah. Don't ping me for this, I am staying out of this one. I legit can't participate here as all the Eeveelutions rank in my top 20 favorite Pokemon.
  9. It's not as effective because Mamo is a fair bit faster, plus you don't get Sand Stream, but if it can outslow Charlotte's team, then EQ spam should still work well in TR.
  10. "Guess you were abandoned too, huh? I guess he left me because...I might have been a tad too extreme in my actions and why I was learning magic in the first place..." Darius sighed out, closing his eyes for a moment and shaking his head.
  11. Do you have a Pokemon that can possibly survive an attack or two and can use Trick Room? If you do, then get a Boldore from Route 3 and evolve it into a Gigalith. It, in Trick Room, literally solo's Charlotte. Heck, even without Trick Room, it should carve a huge hole in her team.
  12. Darius turned his head to Idei after he stepped close to him. "Peace? Heh...at times I do wish for peace. I haven't truly experienced that in a long time...not since I was abandoned by my old mentor..." he sighed out, reminiscing on his past, watching the ocean waves.
  13. Anstane

    Choice Scarf?

    Basically, yeah. The only way to obtain a Choice Scarf is to abuse an exploit with Thief, Fling and Recycle. Legally, you're not supposed to have a Choice Scarf yet, so...yeah.
  14. To be more specific, the only Mons that are considered floating/flying for the sake of fields are those Mons that have Flying subtyping, have the Levitate ability, are holding an Air Balloon or are under the effects of Telekinesis. Just them visually looking like they are floating is not enough, they need to have one of those four things in-game.
  15. Starly is long gone from there. Such an early Staraptor would break game balance wide open. You still have a 1/18 chance of getting a Starly from the Mystery Egg, though, but otherwise, it's now far later in the game.
  16. That's not exactly a good comparison, considering Ice gets Walrein which is a pretty solid Fire counter. A better comparison would be Ice vs Steel (More specifically, Ice vs Scizor.) And yeah, I kind of consider Steel the "Fun Police" type as it's basically "If you don't run a number of Steel answers, you will lose to Steel over, over and over again."
  17. The difference being that Ground - and EQ - is basically the most common coverage in the entire game while you'll struggle to see Mons run Poison/Steel moves outside of STAB.
  18. I am disappointed in the outcome. While I am glad that my favorite type made top three, I am genuinely annoyed that my least favorite type ended up top two. Like, I still don't understand why Poison is so popular. Aesthetically ugly, annoying to fight due to being so stall-centered...and no, stuff like Salazzle and Toxicroak don't anywhere near make up for it. At least Bug is a type I can somewhat tolerate being the winner, so whatever.
  19. So, of the three types left, Ice is my absolute favorite type, Poison is my absolute least favorite type and Bug is...eh, somewhere in the bottom half, but not at the bottom. (Bottom three being Poison, then Steel, then Fighting). I am okay with this, though I wish it could rise to the top.
  20. Grass: 8 Ice: 8 Bug: 11 Poison: 9 Quick reminder that I've never even touched Ghost. In fact, I've only ever healed Ice and only ever hurt Steel and Poison, so I've basically stayed out of all conflicts. Still wondering how did Poison get to the top 4...
  21. Grass: 7 Steel: 1 Ice: 10 Ghost: 14 Bug: 19 Poison: 13 Aw come on, leave Ice alone! what has it ever done to you? :c It's also the only type left here I actually care for, I don't really care about the other 5 types much.
  22. Grass: 10 Steel: 10 Ground: 8 Ice: 15 Ghost: 16 Bug: 22 Poison: 12 Heal Ice, which I'll keep doing constantly, hurt Steel. Frankly, I'm surprised it's still alive... (Steel, I mean.)
  23. Grass: 17 Steel: 11 Ground: 11 Ice: 17 Ghost: 19 Dark: 8 Bug: 19 Poison: 11 Funny that you're doing the exact thing you're complaining about, Hycrox. Surely you can't say that Ice is bad aesthetically? While leaving Poison alive, imo the least aesthetically pleasing type.
  24. Man, I really need to come here more often. Spine?
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