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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingCoin

  1. Exams went well. Thanks for asking! I'd like to announce an opportunity for people to help me accelerate development! Like other pokemon games, it will be possible to find NPC's who offer to trade pokemon not otherwise available nearby throughout the game. I need 3 unique possible nicknames for every species/evolutionary variant of pokemon that already has been added to pokemon safari (ID 1-273 in the National Pokedex). I was going to do this myself and I still can if necessary however I think that this is a good opportunity for future players to contribute something of their own to the game. If people help me with creative tasks like this which don't require my level of programming experience it frees up my time to work on other more critical game mechanics and as a result will help get the game released earlier. IMPORTANT: The names you come up with need to be the sort of names you would expect to see in an official game and not break immersion. A Charmander named Torch is fine, naming him 420blazeit is not fine and names like this won't be added to the game. The general format I'd like you to provide this information in is like this: ID: name1, name2, name3 ID: name1, name2, name3 ID: name1, name2, name3 ... This is also a bit of an experiment for me. If I get a decent amount of participation from people then I'll be posting more opportunities like this in the future and you can expect to see an earlier release date for beta If nobody offers any help then I'll be a bit disappointed and probably won't be offering things like this again. I'd also appreciate if any of you could tell me if you think it would be better to post things like this as seperate forum posts or keep them as burried thread replies like this post? Any help with this will be extremely appreciated because it will save me countless hours and allow me to work on other cool stuff like interesting terrain generation or possibly multiplayer, etc Also: Incase anyone's curious. I've written 23,493 lines of code for the game and it is using 2,726 different texture files so far, Not bad for a single developer!
  2. I think it should work. I haven't tried it on a mac myself but java is normally very good about cross platform compatibility.
  3. I still fully intend to finish this project however I have an actual job that pays me to code now for the summer so unfortunately I don't have as much time to work on it as I would like. I feel bad about the lack of recent updates and I wish I had less other responsibilities. I'd like to make it up to those of you who've been waiting all this time but I haven't thought of a good way to do it yet. All I can really do ATM is assure you that I will not abandon this game and I'll try to make time to work on it ASAP. If I felt the current version was playable I'd let you try it out however I don't want people to try it when it's still really buggy, decide they don't like it, and never give it a chance when it's actually finished.
  4. Hello again everybody! I've finally updated the texture pack to match the latest version of pokemon reborn. You can get it off the first page of this post. The version I uploaded uses a detail preservation threshold of 5 and has diagonal edge blending. If you'd like different settings then you can download the program and customize the textures to your liking or you can ask someone else that is comfortable with using the program to help you out and do it for you. Enjoy! In response to this: I've also updated the program to allow you to pass the paramaters directly to the program. It can be done in the command prompt like so: java -jar KingsTextureSmoother.jar <Path to texture folder> <Path to output folder (results)> <enable diagonal blending (y/n)> <detail preservation threshold> The <> characters are not part of what you should type in, that's just to seperate the paramaters visually so you know what I mean. There is a space between each parameter.
  5. I can make some modifications to it to allow for that. It will be a few days before I have time though since it's final exam week at my university and I need to deal with those first.
  6. Fixed a bug that allowed the player to walk through trees without collision. Wandering pokemon now despawn from the overworld when you enter a battle with them. Improved the game's FPS.
  7. Thanks for the advice! I'll look into it when I get a chance. Final exams are coming up at university so unfortunately I can't accomplish much else in the near future. (Next couple weeks) I'm looking forward to having more time to work on this after this semester ends.
  8. By default it will be generic pokemon music. I don't have any talent for creating custom music so unless someone volunteers or gives permission to use their custom music we're stuck with the generic stuff. I'd like to add functionality for custom "Sound packs" eventually if I get time to implement it.
  9. It actually made testing a lot faster I've started the process of adding sound to the game. I've never worked with sound before so I'm sure there will be a bit of a learning curve involved.
  10. Fixed a bug which allowed the player to move 9x faster than intended. Fixed a bug that caused the player's view distance to improperly scale with the size of the game window allowing them to see tiles being generated at the edges of the screen while moving.
  11. Interacting with wandering pokemon now causes you to enter a battle with them.
  12. I've been quite busy with classes and career related stuff lately so I wasn't able to make much progress unfortunately. I like to keep things rolling though so here's a little progress at least: Added the ability to interact with NPCs and Wandering Pokemon, this currently does nothing but will eventually cause them to talk to you or attack you. Added Seedot to the game. Added Nuzleaf to the game.
  13. Added the following: Added 16 types of pokeballs to the game. Added(created) basic animations for some of the pokeballs in the game (spinning when thrown, opening when it reaches the pokemon, sucking up the pokemon, closing, falling to the ground, shaking). It is now possible to open your inventory in a battle and use a pokeball if you have one available. Temporarily changed the default catch rate for all pokemon to 100 instead of 0. This prevents all types of pokeballs from behaving like a masterball when used on any pokemon regardless of species or status conditions. It is now possible to catch the wild pokemon you encounter. Pokemon safari uses the exact same mechanics for determining if you catch a pokemon as the official games use.
  14. I made some more progress on it today however it is still incomplete.
  15. I've been working on a very important game mechanic. It probably won't sound very impressive when I announce what it is but it has been a lot of work to perfect. Hopefully I can get it mostly finished tomorrow and move on to something more exciting.
  16. Added the following pokemon to the game: Wurmple Silcoon Beautifly Cascoon Dustox Lotad Lombre Ludicolo
  17. Removed a double post. It's looking like I'll have no homework today so there might be another update in the near future.
  18. It will be a bit of a balancing act to try to give people what they want but also keep the game balanced and rewarding. I'm sure that some people would like me to boost the shiny encounter rate for example however I won't because I think that makes it less rewarding and less memorable when you finally do encounter a shiny.
  19. Don't worry, you're having the opposite effect(I like it when people post a lot). People posting shows that their is interest in this project which helps motivate me to work on it. I also appreciate the feedback and opinions you provide because it helps me get a better idea of the features people want or don't want me to include. Keep it up!
  20. As of right now those aren't a priority. If they are added to the game it will probably be in a patch after release(after closed and open beta have ended) and I will only add them if a lot of interest is expressed by players. My personal favorite games were generation III and earlier so content from those games will probably be implemented first. I hope people won't be disappointed by this news. Unfortunately this game is a lot of work to do by myself and at the moment my schedule is very busy so I can usually only work on it on Friday afternoons and sometimes on weekends and I'm trying to get the essential mechanics in first. So far I've written about 33,830 lines of code and modified about 500 textures(counting all 6 of a pokemon's front and back sprites as one texture) for use in the game! Here's an example of the texture file for one pokemon's front/back sprites and a screenshot of some of the pokemon's associated code incase anyone is curious:
  21. There's a few things I want to say about the closed beta: The closed beta will probably not be available for at least a couple months. There are a lot of key game mechanics which I still need to add and some glaringly obvious bugs I need to fix. I haven't developed a method for determining who gets into the closed beta yet. This is something I'll need to figure out when the time for closed beta comes. People who participate in the closed beta should expect there to be game breaking bugs. The game could crash, your pokemon could be randomly deleted, your save could be corrupted, items might not work properly, etc. People that participate in closed beta should provide feedback about the game, report bugs, and recommend improvements as often as possible. People who could do/tolerate the things I listed above would be good candidates for closed beta. I'd like it to be fun for those involved and I hope that when it become available people will know to expect bugs won't be disappointed.
  22. I appreciate your idea however I personally don't think people would like that mechanic. It's similar to the HM debate, people don't want to be forced to have random pokemon in their team to progress or risk missing out on items.
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