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  1. so if this is true the only way to complete the quest is to go back to version 7?
  2. Did someone managed to find the last one? the one that is supposedly in Terajima jungle/shore somewhere? i looked all over the jungle and the shore and i still didn't find him
  3. I don't thinks so... unless you have a turtwig in rejuvenations too
  4. you can buy link heart for 10.000$ during the day at market between sheridan and golden leaf town I think now we need to upload both ours saves files and PM someone for the trade...? Game.rxdata
  5. so these are 2 the best axews from the ones i have scrapped: OT Name: salas OT Gender: male OT ID: 45171 Name: Axew Species: Axew Gender: female Shininess: normal Level: 1 Nature: naughty Ability: Rivalry Moves: scratch/leer/assurance/dragon rage EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0 IVs: 18/25/18/28/22/27 OT Name: salas OT Gender: male OT ID: 45171 Name: Axew Species: Axew Gender: male Shininess: normal Level: 1 Nature: impish Ability: Rivalry Moves: leer/assurance/dragon rage/dualchop EVs: 0/0/0/0/0/0 IVs: 31/25/30/24/0/24 I have others with better nature/ability but they don't have good IVS in attack and speed
  6. i think eevee evolve into sylveon only if he has a fairy move at level 14, so if you want your eevee to evolve into umbreon just delete the fairy type move and you should be okay
  7. if you want i can give you a ralts/axew for one of your turtwigs i could use a ground pokemon that can learn earthquake
  8. I have some discarded ralts and axews to trade for any of the kalos starters. There are some good ones but most of them are all bad nature/badiV pokemon, so i think this is just for people that didn't want to waste time with the jackpot starter or they didn't get anything good from the mystery egg
  9. is destiny knot in the game? if yes where do i find it? also where do i find other rock to mine? I already mined the 3 that were in amethyst cave, but i didn't find anything useful out of them (btw i have 6 badge right now)
  10. but i'm alredy at gearen and i didn't find crawli, i arrived at the secret shore and I talked to agustus and he told me i could go back to either oceania pier or terajuma, but now that i'm back to gearen i can't go back because i can't find the boat or agustus
  11. So I decided I needed to go back to Gearen before finding Crawli but I can't seem to find my way back to the secret shore or to Terajuma, i looked all over the pier and the city but i didn't find nor the ship nor agustus. Do i need to find crawli before i can go back to the mainland?
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