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Sapphire Mahala

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Sapphire Mahala last won the day on August 24 2017

Sapphire Mahala had the most liked content!


63 Samaritan

About Sapphire Mahala

  • Birthday 07/07/1997

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  • Location
    Eclipse Island
  • Interests
    Pokemon, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, Food, Video games, Sleep, Friends, Rwby, Youtube, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Code Lyoko, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle, Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations, Ouran HSHC, Shokugeki No Souma, Winx Club, Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill, Akame ga kill, Dragon Ball gt kai super, Kingdoms Hearts, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Korra, Avatar The Last Airbender, Shameless us/uk ,Dog Days, SAO, The Last of Us, Kenichi Mightiest Disciple, Shugo Chara, Heaven's Lost Property, Sousei no Onmyouji, Ao No exocists, Black Clover, Your Lie in April, No Game No Life, Haganai, Haganai Next, Your Name , 91 days, Needless, Life is Strange!

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. yes i can and all moves ( breeding tutoring and a good amount of tms) sorry for late reply i got busy
  3. what gender, ability, nature, level, and moveset do you want it and shiny or no
  4. Happy Birthday Ame queen of the fairies hope you get many hugs today  

  5. pm me please and i only get the notification when you mention or quote me not just a regular post
  6. sorry i didn't get the notification for this but i'm ready now
  7. ok already and done what's your username i'll request you
  8. i can get you one what level, ability and moveset, also shiny or regular
  9. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  10. i officially want to give you a great big ol hug for 25 minutes and 58 seconds ame also mine would be drawing the graphics and creating the side quests for my fan game it brings me great joy to know that i am one step closer to making you all *bleep* with my game.
  11. Assassin's creed Baten kaitos eternal wings and the lost ocean Call of duty Dragon ball xenoverse 2 Eternal Sonata Final Fantasy God of war Just Dance Kingdom Hearts Life is Strange Megaman Naruto Uzumaki chronicles 2 Obscure Pokemon leafgreen Quantum Break RWBY: Grimm Eclipse Star wars: battlefront The last of us Undertale Vaccine Walking dead Xenoblade chronicles Ys Zoids: Legacy
  12. shugo chara, heaven's lost property, kill la kill, your lie in april, rwby, xxxholic, akame ga kill, sousei no onmyouji, no game no life, shokugeki no souma, dog days, 91 days, ao no exocists, needless, and ouran hshc also kimi no na wa its a really good anime movie
  13. Name/Known as: Sapphire Mahala real name Andrew Age: 20 Gender: male Birthday: July 7th Location: southern california Height: 5'8 Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Lives with: 2 bros and 1 sis Pets: a dead fish Relationship status: a bi single Dream job: teacher Currently playing: armed with wings 3 Favourite Food: enchiladas Favourite Drink: arizona Favourite Color: indigo Favourite kind of Music: edm Favourite Band: linkin park Favourite Album: badlands Favourite Song: young gods halsey Favourite Game: baten kaitos eternal wings and the lost ocean Favourite Genre of Game: rpg, role pay Favourite Hobbies: drawing, video games Favourite Movies: we bought a zoo, and your name Favourite Shows: oh god please refer to my interests if you're that curious
  14. happy birthday to the cool cat alistair that came FROM SHADOWS (hehehe) no drinking and driving we need more of you in volume 6

    1. Alistair


      thanks! I agree we need more of me hehe

      I remember when you kindly wished me a happy bday 1 year ago

      time flies doesn't it?

    2. Sapphire Mahala

      Sapphire Mahala

      yes indeed it does 

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