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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aboodie

  1. Literally as it is written, once you go up on the first staircase within the mountain where the Bunearys are, there should be a very visible pokeball for you to pick up. Unless you have already did pick that up yourself beforehand and didn't notice the text.
  2. Interacting with this NPC for the first time triggers the dialog in these positions, the MC facing up and the NPC facing down. Then it is normal on the other interactions. Interacting with the statue from this side shifts the light a tile down then goes back up to normal after the dialog is over.
  3. In Addenfall Woods when you Surf then get off surfing, the music revert from regular to the fox invasion part one.
  4. It was one of few items that was deleted when I was recovering my guide (due to some unknown saving error, sadly) should be swapped wit the miracle seed. The guide will be fixed in v14 (or 13.5 if I feel like it), but thanks for your notification
  5. Yes, he is located in Chrysolia Forest and leaves the ares when you start Post Game. Though, the same item is left behind in a pokeball at the ground at the same place by then. So the item remains at the same location.
  6. If you have started with the 'invisible' Kecleon around the city, you'll need the Silvon Scope.
  7. Grats, one legend down and many more to come in the future
  8. Pokemon Reborn's Items and Services Guide is fully complete with the Public Release.
    Have fun playing the game everyone!


  9. The Guide is fully updated and complete along the public release of the game! have fun playing and hunting everyone!
  10. You can check the guide progress on the Main tab, currently it is one Tier 8 Post Game. If an item is not found by searching the guide, then it will be added in later chapters, if applicable.
  11. Checked in the data, there mod probably applied the 'early itemfinder switch' which prevents this npc from giving the itemfinder for you. Since it's the same as getting it earlier from Sigmund in the slums. I applied a fix, the item should be in your bag. (that's why I don't like others using mods on beta test releases) Save file should be attached.Game.rxdata
  12. Currently everything is locked because the guide is not fully finished, the copy option will be available when it is done in the few next days!
  13. Nope, it means you only get it after either winning the battle or when you are defeated and going back for a re-battle. So either ways, you are able to get it after battling it once. In your case, just go over to the building lower right the LCCC building and you should find the item on the ground.
  14. I should probably note he only appears if you give him a home before restoration. Might write that down in a comment.
  15. Flyinium-Z is late game, you get it as a reward from the spirit hunt quest in the path to victory road
  16. As stated in the guide, he only appears after you get the 2nd badge end of ep2 till before you enter the orphanage at the beginning of ep4. The moment you set foot inside the orphanage that early access to the itemfinder is no long available to you.
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