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Everything posted by Aboodie

  1. Thanks for noticing, too much going on there ^^ Edited.
  2. There is something that triggers the item to appear there, but unfortunately I don't know the event for it. If either of you want the pendant, I can't put in your game, so just post in your save file. And make sure you are updated to V11 Patch 3.
  3. Are you in the latest version and patch for the game? And I don't think your save file works on my end at least.
  4. If you are already have access to the Valor Mountain then you just need to navigate it to get to the top. You have to interact with crystals inside the mountain to change its mood and go through it. The next step for that quest is meeting up with Ana in front of Hospital of Hope, she will be there at a later point after getting the 12th gym badge.
  5. Andrew stops selling them once you finish Mosely Turnabout side quest. The only advisable option is to stock yourself with the berries beforehand and if you almost run out of it to start planting it. It most likely gets a show back at later versions.
  6. Berries have 4 stages when planted, and an Occa Berry has an 18h per stage, and you have to at least water it once per stage to have the max yield. So 4 times watering it at least in your 72h planting time. Which is a lot of time ^^ if you have done it correctly you should have 5 Berries per 1 planted Occa Berry.
  7. 1 in Goldenleaf Town 1 in Xen Battleship 1 in Krisitaline Town
  8. Once you reach GDC you can have it at the Police Department if you did miss it.
  9. Finding all 9 missing children and direct them back to Maman's camp, then upgrade the camp fully till Maman falls ill and be bedded in her bedroom, it is then when Mosely leave the camp to find a cure for her which starts that part for you. In front of the Manor to the right side, take the tall grass hidden passage to get to it. Also this could prove useful to you.
  10. That is not possible, the egg is fixed at random the moment you created your save. So pray for Rngesus.
  11. The same list got updated I think. Also you can find the sprites in the Graphics folder within the game directory under Battlers.
  12. Just go down from the Rose Theater in Route 9 to the Scholar District. It is easily missed, you can only do it once during Chapter 4 when you have first access to Goldenleaf Town and the Wispy Path, leaving the story aside you take your path from Wispy Path to Route 1/Goldenwood Forest and you will meet up with Crawli at the Gate Plaza there and start the quest to battle the rift Gyarados again and then by defeating it you will be able to get the Buginium-Z at a later time in game. It is in the Inn at Sashila Village,
  13. There is an Item Guide pinned, you may be interested in checking that ^^
  14. Not a bug, the key is for another door. The other door access is not available on V11 because we can't get in the factory again after completion.
  15. 1 in Krisitaline Town 1 in Xen Battleship 1 in Goldenleaf Town As far as I remember. Also have you patched your game? as far as I'm aware, the event triggers patch1+ and not on the main V11 game.
  16. It is not a bug, you need 3 workers for the 1st stage, the bridge builder is for the 2nd stage.
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