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Everything posted by Aboodie

  1. It got moved to the Amethyst Depths, the part where you have to use rock climb to access.
  2. If these are the only 2 back-up save files then yes. Probably it is better then to have your topic posted in the save file troubleshooting thread, probably others with more exp than me can handle this situation better.
  3. I checked the Tangela, when I re-loaded the area the ones you you have on the top are stuck completely because they were moved correctly the first time, while the other 2 bottom can move normally. I suggest that you use a back-up file to go back before you get inside the rift so you can put all the Tangela normally by talking to them once only, since you need all 4 to be lined up on top of the stage.
  4. You can also evolve your Pikachu to A.Raichu, you have access to the item this far in the story, It will be very useful in many battles, considering you have Nasty Plot already.
  5. Post in your save file and will see if I can manage to make you proceed froward.
  6. oh my bad, forgot to change my pc file. Here is the correct one. Game.rxdata
  7. It's a common issue, the fix is pretty simple. Once you have the person stuck in the elevator, return to the area where you make the Darchlight Mirror and you'll have the scene trigger again, then get back to the elevator again and you will be able to proceed forward.
  8. Game.rxdata Alright, this should do it.
  9. @Alex Decided today to search for the 3rd Key Shard, checked every single currently accessible tile for both the light and dark versions of the cave but the item is not there.
  10. Rare Candy then Reverse Candy works wonders.
  11. If you can evolve your Pichu to A.Richu w/ Nasty Plot should be an easy game. Also, Banette is a strong Pokemon but not very useful in this battle type wise. If I remember correctly Psychic types get an advantage in this field, Gothitelle might be useful too. Don't remember much of the shadow Pokemon, but I guess Salazzle and Vivillion are good too.
  12. @Alex just wondering if the Beldum is still obtainable in the current version 10, if so would start hunting the 3rd key to add it to the item guide since its location been changed for the 3rd time (unless it's hindered by HMs like Waterfall or Dive), and if not then I won't waste time looking for it.
  13. If you have played through Where Love Lies, you will understand a bit the mechanics of how it works.
  14. Go back to the room where you make the mirror, use it there to change the area and should trigger the scene again. Then go back to this location and should use the lift properly.
  15. You can find them at the Darchlight Woods and Cave surfing and fishing, and I believe also in the Evergreen Forest and Caves. Edit: Btw, there are rivers in the Wispy Chasm if you get the access area from the Wispy Tower if you haven't been there yet.
  16. Catch a Meditite can find them in the Amethyst Cave, should prove useful in the whole battle. Another good Pokemon to add to your team is Pichu, it's a gift Pokemon you get completing one of the Help Plaza side quests, once it learns Nasty Plot you can level it up to Pikachu and Raichu/A.Raichu of your choice later in-game.
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